Chapter 57 – Ways Of Teleportation

Leader Warin’s decision to issue an execution order for Wailin shook up Wariv but the person in question, Nick himself, was already aware of these developments. After he left the Werfur Anderium Magic School Main Testing Grounds, realizing that the Werfur race was not very different from humans, at least in some matters, some maids showed up and said that the leader of the Werfur Race – Anderium Base wanted to speak to him.

Nick had no reason to doubt the reason for this invitation and accepted.

However, after speaking with leader Warin, he came to understand that Warin had watched his entire interaction with the Werfur students in the courtyard, including the exchange of blows.

Warin then, on his own accord, informed Nick about what would happen in the next few hours and sent him back to his room. Now, Nick learned that Wailin, a Werfur woman who wanted to create problems for him, was executed due to her devious behavior.

The leader of the Werfur Race – Anderium Base, Warin, deserved his title because this move alone reinstated Nick’s faith in the Werfur race.

Nick was in his room, absorbing energy from Ether Stones, trying to upgrade his power and magical energy capabilities.

His mind was bustling with several ideas, but he was painfully aware that his magical energy was not nearly enough. At his current level, he had no chance to execute these ideas and convert them into real spells that could be used against enemies.

“I completed the summoning spell. Now, I must create a movement spell and an area-damage spell.”

Nick needed an area-damage spell to kill and destroy as many enemies as possible, at one go. He wanted the movement spell for nimbleness, agility and to make a getaway, should he encounter an enemy stronger than him, or face a larger group that he could not take on alone.

Without a movement spell, he would be entering missions and battlefields blindly trusting his luck.

A single strong enemy was all it would take to be the end of him and his tale.

He believed that the ‘Tale Of Epsilon’ should not be this short-lived; he still had many things to do, much to achieve.

“What kind of movement spell should I create for myself?”

Nick was wondering to himself about this. He was a mage, so he did not want a spell that specialized in running, jumping or bodily movement spells such as these, where he needed to rely on his physical body to escape.

He needed an instant movement spell, like teleporting but he did not think that he had enough magical energy to create a pure teleportation spell.

After tossing the problem over and over in his mind for some time, Nick excitedly jumped up from his chair as he understood directionally what we wanted to do.

“I may not have enough power to create a pure teleportation spell but I can use different things, rules and even Ether Stones if needed, to conjure a spell that lets me transport or teleport myself.”

Nick knew that his strongest power was creating spells with complex knowledge and imagination. This was his advantage, compared to other mages.

He sat down again, took some paper and pencil and started writing down his ideas.

‘Elemental Teleportation’ (Using elemental power to teleport)

‘Knowledge Teleportation’ (Using knowledge to teleport)

‘Spatial Teleportation’ (Using space to teleport)

‘Dimensional Teleportation’ (Using dimensions to teleport)

There were many areas and rules that Nick could try and enter to find himself a way to create a teleportation spell.

Nick believed that with his ideas, he would have his chance to create a teleportation spell.

Some things were needed to be taken into consideration when a person talked about teleportation.

Teleportation may seem easy from the outside, but it was too complex. Not to mention, the risks that came with it.

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There were cases where people died while trying teleportation spells. In some cases, they only teleported their head but the body stayed at the same place; some met with even worse-off ends.

There were indeed numerous ways in which one could teleport. But there was only one that was the most commonly used and the easiest to remember.


As the spell suggested, the body ‘deconstructed’ itself into different kinds of substances (i.e. dust, ice, crystals, flower petals, etc…) and then reconstructed elsewhere; possibly moving along space as these materials. In some cases, the user’s limbs and body simply separated and rejoined in another location.

This was the easiest to understand for Nick.

There were many more ideas though, like Instant Transmission (energy reading/transportation). This kind of teleportation was to teleport to any location as long as the teleporter can find an energy source to lock onto.

Or Portal Creation which was to teleport by opening a spatial portal, instantly shifting locations, or even keeping portals open to allow others to use it for later.

These were some of the first ones to come to Nick’s mind. There were still many ideas such as Quantum Teleportation, Reforming Teleportation, Molecular Teleportation and Subspace Teleportation.

But Nick believed that all of these things were hard to achieve at his current power. The logic behind this was simple.

Quantum Teleportation, Molecular Teleportation or Subspace Teleportation needed to achieve an effect that was impossible for ordinary magic.

What it meant was to break the space open and enter subspace to teleport oneself. If Nick was capable of doing this right now, then it was clear that his level of magical control and other matters was at a level that no other mage in the continent could reach.

Even breaking down to quantum and destructing himself to sub-atomic level to enter the quantum field and then reassemble in another place to achieve teleportation was not easy. If for Nick, these things were possible to do right now, then it meant he was at a level that did not need any kind of escape or movement ability. A mage capable of doing Quantum Teleportation, Subspace Teleportation or Molecular Teleportation had no reason to fear anyone in the continent of mages.

These were not measly spell abilities, where when once a mage reached a certain level, he or she could destroy other mages with just a flick of the hand.

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Nick believed that the best thing he could do was Portal Creation, Simple Deconstruction, and Locking Teleportation.

These were the plausible ways to teleport himself, at least for now.

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