Chapter 58 – teleportation Success –

Nick faced an exciting challenge when he decided on teleportation as the route for his movement spell. After much analysis, he focused on three different ways in which he could try and do this — Portal Creation, Locking Teleportation and Simple Deconstruction.

He first began with Deconstruction.

Deconstruction essentially meant destroying himself in one location and then re-assembling in another to complete the teleportation.

Should the principle work, this would be effective in most situations. However, Deconstruction was not ‘Assembling’. He could destroy his body easily but how would he create himself again without suffering any losses.

This was asking for a fundamental change in how things worked. Realizing that this needed much more of his mind-space, Nick stepped back from thinking about Deconstruction for the time being.

This was not worth risking his life over. Nick saw much that could go fatally wrong with teleportation. Of course, he did not directly see any of these, but he had years of experience gathered from watching movies and reading fantasy novels on Earth.

Nick was not about to kill himself over this. He cleared his mind and evaluated Locking Teleporting next. In theory, this was not a bad idea. At least, Nick had some thoughts of what he could do to create a spell based on this idea.

Locking Teleportation required locking on a place or something to teleport. Most of the time, in this teleportation, the user who wanted to teleport, locked in some kind of energy. The energy locked in could be decided, based on the spell caster’s preference, ability and at the same time, the caster’s knowledge in this context.

There will be people who chose plantations as their locked targets so they can teleport to trees and other things.

But Nick was not too keen on Locking Teleportation. The more he thought about it, the more he found the idea limited in its application.

Given his requirements, this was not good at all. After this process of elimination, the only remaining way left now was Portal Creation.

Portal Creation appeared exhaustive but in reality, that was not the case.

“I should start with creating a portal for myself.”

Nick said these words and happily busied himself in creating the spell.

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‘Portal Teleportation’


‘Imagine a circle-portal appear where the user looks at. It then envelops the user to be transported to the second portal created.’

‘Imagine the second portal appear, and cover the user, teleporting user from the first portal created.’

‘The imagined portal is blue-colored and is two meters in dimension.’

‘The imagined portal is intangible and cannot be touched by others.’

‘The portal will directly envelop the user after being created.’

‘If there is no target portal created, the portal created to teleport the user, will not work”

‘Knowledge 1’ ( Portal Creation)

‘The power to create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations. Sub-power of Dimensional Manipulation, Portal Manipulation, and Spatial Manipulation. Variation of Teleportation. Opposite to Portal Negation.’

The user can open a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations. This may be done in a neat manner, such as connecting two doorways in the universe, or a very sloppily manner, like breaking a rift in the space-time continuum.

They may use Dimensional Manipulation to tear a tiny hole through two universes, use Spatial Manipulation to overlap two points in the universe or a wormhole connecting those two points. This was another form of teleportation. The user can create a portal that also allowed them to teleport alongside people.

This ability may come in the form of a ‘Portable Portal’, which allowed users to make instant holes in anything the circle can be stuck to. As an offense mechanism, the user can also create vortexes to suck in objects.

‘Knowledge 2 (General Space Information)’

‘The temperature in the void of space is about -270.45 C.’

‘The space is a hard vacuum, meaning it is a void containing very little matter.’

‘There is no sound in space because molecules are too far apart to transmit sound.’

‘In the observable universe, there is an estimated 2 trillion galaxies.’

‘Knowledge 3 (Dimension Knowledge)’

‘In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a mathematical space (or object) is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it. For example, the point at five on a number line.’

‘A surface such as a plane or the surface of a cylinder or sphere has a dimension of two (2D) because two coordinates are needed to specify a point on it. For example, both latitude and longitude are required to locate a point on the surface of a sphere. The inside of a cube, a cylinder or a sphere is three-dimensional (3D) because three coordinates are needed to locate a point within these spaces.’


‘Target portal needs to be created before user creates a portal to transport himself to target portal.’

‘The portal created needs to use magical energy as consumable energy. It can use one Ether Stone if needed.’

‘The target portal can be created if the user wants to teleport to a place that he has seen before and remembers the area with enough details. If the user wants to create a target-portal, the user needs to spend at least one Ether Stone.”

“There is no time delay between teleportation and it will be instant teleportation. But if magical energy or Ether Stone was not enough, the Portal can suck energy from the user’s body, costing his longevity (age). Thereby, if magical energy was not sufficient, the user will be spending his remaining life to use the portal teleportation ability.”

Nick spent about four hours creating the template of the Portal Teleporting spell. After adding the things he needed to, and setting the rules, he finished creating the spell.

All that remained now, was to try the spell. For teleporting location, he first chose a convenient, nearby location. For his first attempt, Nick would be teleporting to the end of his room.

He took a deep breath and whispered with great expectations.

“Portal Teleporting.”

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As he whispered, in less than a second, a circle-shaped portal manifested at the end of the room. At the same time, a circle-shaped blue portal appeared and covered Nick’s body.

Then, Nick vanished and appeared at end of his room.

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