Vol. 1: Chapter 10: Supreme Elder Azzad

A pair of huge claws clung over the edges of the space crack. The figure slowly emerged.

Its whole body was covered by ghastly dark clothes and its face was non-existent. A pair of purple-colored fire lit up where his eye-sockets should have been. It exuded an aura of horror.

“Is that – a void creature?”

The students pointed at the terrifying figure that came out of nowhere. Even the high-leveled officials at the grandstand had their eyes widened in shock due to how terrifying this figure’s power level was.

`A space crack? Only divined beings have such power and knowledge to control space!`

William was shocked inside. He was unable to gather any strength against a being of such power. Fear consumed him from within.

`Is he an enemy?`

Many of them thought they were going to die. Some even knelt on the ground, despair shown in their faces. They had forgotten the fact that the void creatures were their allies.

Somebody hurriedly went in front of the grand stage.

“Supreme Elder Azzad, what are you doing here?”

The people were shocked again when they heard the words ‘Supreme Elder’. Only the Circle had a hierarchy of Supreme Elders and they were the strongest beings within the Alliance.

It was rumored that their power level was at least of the Divine Providence and they would only make a move when the supreme divine beasts orchestrated a beast tide or rampaged all over the land.

Azzad ignored Odixx’s inquiry.

“You are Zachariel Strom?”

Azzad’s monotonous voice resonated within the square. Zachariel looked at Azzad and was inwardly shocked about their actual appearance.

`A void creature, huh.`

“Yeah, so what?!”

Zachariel was already sick of being asked who he was and wanted to finish his test already. Was it that hard to remember people?

“You brat! How dare you talk to the Supreme Elder like that?!”

Odixx could not accept that a brat like him was disrespectful to Supreme Elder Azzad. He was ready to bring him under control when the Supreme Elder interfered.

“Odixx.” Odixx backed down. He did not want to displease the Supreme Elder.

Azzad looked back at Zachariel. Its ‘eyes’ gleaming brighter, an indication that he was curious and interested in him.

“I’ll keep it short. Zachariel Strom, you are… interesting.”

Zachariel could not believe that someone was interested in him, and a ghost-like being at that. His eyes widened in shock.

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“I’m interesting?!”

Emperor Marcus narrowed his eyes. He felt like something was wrong when the Supreme Elder appeared.

`Zachariel Strom, just who and what exactly are you?`

“Before that.”

Azzad pointed his ‘hand’ to the west where the Medullan Forward Camp was located.

Medullan Forward Camp.

“Damn it, they’re endless. Hey, where’re the mages?”

A force warrior desperately shouted while covered in wounds. His face was already painted from the blood pouring out from his forehead.

`Why is nobody responding?!`

He looked around and saw his friends being devoured by the demon beasts. Shadow wolves, scythe mantises, ground worms, and a lot of other demon beasts swarmed around.

`Is this the end?!`

He clenched his fists while tears streamed down his face. He thought about his family, and his child to be born.

“You bastards, I will drag you all with me!”

He charged out. He gathered his qi and punched out.

The head of a scythe mantis was blown apart with one punch. It dropped to the ground shortly after its death.

The other demon beasts followed suit and some attacked the warrior. He was relentless, and even as he had sustained injuries and wounds over time, his determination to kill did not waver.

Unfortunately, his luck ran out.

A big shadow wolf looked at him with its red eyes. It was 10 meters high and 15 meters long. It was so big that it almost fully blocked his line of sight.

`A commander-level shadow wolf.`

The shadow wolf lifted its paw. The warrior already closed his eyes and no longer resisted. He was already tired from the previous fight and he could no longer muster any strength.

He laid on the ground and closed his eyes.

`In the end, I…`

A gentle breeze came through.

He noticed that something was wrong. The attack that he had expected did not come. He opened his eyes and he was shocked by what he saw.

`What’s going on?`

The shadow wolf that was just in front of him was nowhere to be found.

`Was it a dream?`. He looked around. There were dead demon beasts and humans alike. `No, it must be real. If that is so, then where are the demon beasts? Did they retreat?`

He stood up while staggering. He searched around and found a man lying on the ground, breathing hard.

“Jean!” He recognized the man and approached him. He checked his breathing and pulse. `Thankfully, he’s still alive.`

A world-shattering roar echoed throughout the outskirts of the Medullan Forest. The warrior covered his ears. Jean’s face also contorted due to the pain. His ears bled terribly.

`What now? Is it going to be another beast tide?` He was already tired. If another beast tide came, he would no longer be able to put up a fight.

A strong wind flew from where the roar came from. The roar stopped.

Nothing happened after that. The force warrior was flabbergasted and could not understand what was going on. `What the hell is going on, really?!`

Back at the Imperium Capital City.

A large red dragon was hanging in the sky. Something invisible was restricting its movements. It was at least 50 meters long with its wingspans at least 100 meters in length.

Everyone was shocked by what just happened. They saw the Supreme Elder simply grasping something in the air, then pulled his hand and the red dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

`So this is what a Supreme Elder could do?!`

Grandmaster Silver could not believe what he had just seen. `Isn’t this Valryx, the red dragon? To grab him out from at least 7500 km from the Medullan Forest to here, what godly powers!`

“This is my gift for you.”

Azzad grasped the air again, and the mana core from the red dragon Valryx was extracted out from him. He used the other hand and firmly clenched his fist, pulverizing the dragon into nothingness.

He then spread his arms, then pulled them back together. His hands were casting something.

The extracted mana cores became pure mana essence. Azzad then directed the mana essences into Zachariel. He also transferred the extracted qi essence from Valryx to Zachariel.

Zachariel could not understand why this Supreme Elder was helping him. He did not reject it, however. Since the other party offered him a sincere gift, it would be rude to refuse.

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He closed his eyes and let the mana essences flow into his body. He was a bit shocked when the mana essences did not overflow nor damaged his mana core or mana nerves. After all, the mana essences stored inside a divine demon beast were too huge for anyone, especially for an unranked student like him.

`Has my body… changed? `

The mana essences within his body started to condense and form into mana cores. He focused on condensing and forming his mana cores.

`How fast.`

Two new mana cores instantly condensed and formed within his body. One contained the fire essence, while another contained the dark essence. Furthermore, the mana cores were extremely huge.

Zachariel observed a familiar sight. `These green lines.` He had seen them once when he looked at his first mana core. They were glowing, as if alive.

The rest of the mana essence was used to expose his muscles to mana for the mana and muscle integration. His dantian was formed too, unexpectedly.

`This dantian. It’s unusual.` It was unusually big. Even a grade 9 dantian could not be compared to this. Furthermore, green lines surrounded his dantian. They contained a mysterious aura.

`What’s with those lines?` For the moment, he was unable to ascertain what those lines implied so he put the matter behind.

On the air, Azzad watched as Zachariel absorbed the mana essences and qi essences. `As expected.`

“Thank you, Supreme Elder Azzad.” Zachariel deeply thanked this person from the bottom of his heart.

“I am expecting great things from you, Zachariel”. Azzad formed a space crack again and slowly entered. “Do not disappoint me.” His eyes flickered, and his voice echoed along with the space around the space crack returning to normal.

The intense pressure was gone, and everybody was able to breathe normally again.

“Your Imperial Majesty, what about the beast tide?”

“Supreme Elder Azzad has already helped you, humans, against the attack in your borders. Be thankful that the Supreme Elder has given you his attention or else.” Odixx said in a threatening voice.

These humans were lucky that their Supreme Elder was interested in their human Prospect candidate or else he would not have batted an eye on whatever has happened in their borders.

“Hmph. Let’s go.” Odixx left with the group of dignitaries and officials from the Void Hive.

Tarron Venvaris also ordered the Eldens to leave the vicinity and return to the Elden Conglomerate Embassy. They were going to report what had happened here today back to their main continent.

Grandmaster Silver breathed a sigh of relief. With Valryx gone, the demon beast tide should recede.

“The school selection event shall end for now. For those who were unable to identify nor complete the tests due to the interruptions, the deans will re-organize another date and venue.”

Emperor Marcus had to abruptly end the event ahead of time because of the recent beast tide at the Medullan Forward Camp.

“Your Imperial Majesty, what about Zachariel?” William inquired about the boy. He was worried that his Imperial Majesty would not distinguish Zachariel as a Prospect candidate because he had yet to identify his grade and complete his test.

“Declare him as a Prospect candidate and immediately enroll him to whatever Great School he wishes to go to. We’ll think more about this matter later.” Emperor Marcus was more worried about the Medullan Forward Camp.

Even though Supreme Elder Azzad had helped them, many fighters have died and the forward camp was in a dire situation right now. If another beast tide commences, they might lose their ground and have to fall back.

The students and the officials left the square.

Some students were happy that they had passed and were very excited to tell it to their families. Others sulked in depression for being unable to pass the tests.

Hal and Amelia could finally approach Zachariel.

“Hey, you okay there? I don’t know what that Supreme Elder was all about but I was worried a bit you know?!”

“He just gave a gift, that’s all.”

Hal expected that response. He just sighed and smacked his forehead.

“Zachariel!” Amelia hugged him. She was really worried about him just now and she had thought he had died. Thankfully, he was still alive and well. She let go of him and scrutinized Zachariel from top to bottom. She wanted to verify whether he was really alright and that there were no hidden wounds or injuries.

This little commotion attracted the envy of nearby male students. Even Victoria looked at Amelia with hostile eyes. However, she immediately snapped out of it. `What the? It’s the same feeling again. What’s wrong with me, and with him?`

Did she really fell in love at first sight? Impossible!

Kane Cromwell did not bat an eye at Zachariel. `Zachariel Strom, huh? I’ll remember you. How dare you steal the spotlight from me, the Child of Destiny!`. He had formed a grudge against him and would find ways to deal with him sooner or later.

“Lina! Let’s go back!” The twin maidens also left the square after the whole event had ended. Luna was very excited in her heart for she had found many people that she could fight soon. `Kehehe, Prospect candidates! I can’t wait to fight you all!`

Back at the square.

“Zachariel Strom,” William called out to him and approached him. Everyone looked over. They were curious as to what Sir William would do to him.

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