A New World 13

“Ha!” I swung my practice sword with all of my might.

My arms hurt, my lungs burn, but…it feels kind of good? 

The more you do something, the easier it becomes.

“Pfft!” I sound just like Marcus! That was damn near his motto! “Hopefully they’re doing okay..”  

I quickly dismissed the thought and took a swig of my water as I took in the surroundings. 

The forest was no longer white and covered in snow, most of it melted after a couple of weeks. But… 

It was hard to ignore the patches of black charred spots that littered the forest. It was so bad that Greg had to replace some parts of the cabin.  

I got lucky… 

I didn’t realize how bad it was until we were finally able to come back outside, and found dead animals littering the forest. 

The thought of what could have happened to me caused my entire body to shiver.

Vomit ran up my throat, but luckily I was able to force it back down in time. “Damnit!” 

Every time I think about dying it makes me f****** sick! When am I going to get over this?! 

“Ahh…” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Juliette walking towards the cabin. 

Her long flowing azure hair was wrapped into a cute ponytail that accentuated her beautiful nape. She wore the same tight grey sports as always, it hugged her body in all of the right spots, beautifully complimenting her womanly figure. 

Damn, that never gets old! 

I wiped my mouth as I watched her drawing closer. She had a sword in her hand that she was swinging around carelessly, as if she was a child playing with a toy. But, each swing of her sword was swift and elegant. As if she had been doing this her entire life. Even though she was drenched in sweat, she wore a slight smile on her face. Each one of her steps were merry and cheerful. If I didn’t know any better, I would believe that she was dancing to music that only she could hear. 

Juliette finally looked my way and noticed me. 

There was a moment of silence between us, before I gathered the courage to speak. “Hey.” 

Before I finished speaking, Juliette slightly shifted her course and walked right past me. 

I’m… not even surprised. 

My chest tightened, and my eyes watered “Sorry for bothering you…” I muttered underneath my breath before walking away. 

After what happened in my room, she’s been avoiding way more than before. It feels even worse now because I thought we were getting closer. But, I guess f***** that up. 

I mentally beat myself up some more before sighing and pushing the thoughts to the back of mind. 

I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t feel like training any more. I began to wander aimlessly until I ran into Greg. 

Greg was soaked in sweat and had a training sword strapped to his waist. It looked like he had just got done training as well.

Seeing Greg with his shirt off made me even more aware that he was a badass. His body was littered with bulging muscles, and covered with scars. 

If I didn’t know him and saw him walking on the street I would do my best to avoid him. 

“Hey.” I said as I walked past Greg. 

Wait!” Greg placed his hand on my shoulder, right as I passed him. “You still have training to do.” 

I saw it coming, but still sighed. 

I gave Greg a mock salute. “Yes sir!”

Greg gave me a weird look but acted like nothing was bothering him. 

I followed his lead and he began to train me. 

“Swing!” Greg’s voice was loud and booming, and filled to the brim with authority. 

“Ha!” I followed Greg’s instruction, and swung the wooden blade with all my might. 

I hit his training sword and a loud *clang* echoed throughout the forest. Then, I stepped back into position to repeat the process.

Greg wanted me to actually practice hitting something for a change. At first, I didn’t think it would be so bad. But, I was quickly proven wrong. 

Every time I struck his sword, my arms went numb and it hurt my hands. Each swing took a lot more effort and I was struggling to catch my breath. 

After repeating this training for what seemed like hours without any breaks. I collapsed to my knees, breathing heavily. I looked up at Greg and he still had an expectant look on his face. 

“Hehe..” It hurt to even laugh, and the urge to vomit was almost unbearable. 

Greg’s face twisted and he proceeded to punch me in the top of the head. 

 “Ow!” I rubbed my sore head, tears welling up in my eyes. “You asshole!”  

“There it is..” Greg exclaimed with a broad smile. 

“Wh-” I stopped myself as I was almost on the verge of exploding. “Whatever…” 

I felt an incoming sense of danger and ducked to the side. My sixth sense was proven right when Greg’s fist glided past my face. 

“What’s your problem!” I tried to stand back up, but I quickly fell back down to my knees.

“You’re my problem!” Greg screamed. “Why are you acting weird?!” 

“What? How am I being weird?! I’ve been doing everything that you’ve told me to do!” I yelled. 

“That’s the problem!” Greg screamed. “What did your heart go?!” 

“..What are you talking about?!” Is he senile or something?!

“For the last two weeks you have been acting really weird. Being really nice and compliant!” Greg said as he pointed at me. “That’s weird! That’s not who you are! You’re a pain in the ass! What happened to you?!”

I was speechless for a second before Greg coked his hand back to punch me again. “You.. you don’t think it’s better this way?”

“Ow!” I yelled as Greg struck me in the head again. 

“No!” Greg screamed, spit hitting me in the face. “Be yourself!”

I could feel my cheeks being stained with tears. “Okay…” 

“Good!” Greg screamed with a smile on his face.  

“Hey..” I’m not sure what I’m thinking right now, but maybe he might know. “Can I ask you a question?” 

Greg looked confused but nodded his head.

“I…um… let’s say someone did something stupid to someone. Like.. really weird and stupid to them! And kind of… always seem to be doing stupid stuff to them. And then they get really upset with you. How would you fix it?” 

“Just say sorry.” Greg said matter of factly. 

“What?!” I involuntarily screamed. “But you’ve done it so many times and apologized, but still managed to keep doing it.” 

“So apologize and don’t do it again.” Greg rebutted.

Maybe this was the wrong person to ask.. “But.. what if they don’t forgive you?” 

Greg shrugged his shoulders. “Then apologize until they do.” 

Greg bent down on one knee and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Your sister is a woman. They’ll forgive you for anything.” 

“Um…” I’m really doubting why I asked him for advice.

“Trust me, it’s been a few times where your mother has caught me at whorehouses.” Greg had a broad smile on his face, with a misty look in his eyes as if he was recalling fond memories. “Ha, there was this one time where one of my old buddies took me to a whorehouse. But, he didn’t tell me that it was a femboy house!” Greg laughed heartily. “I was livid, but since I was there-“ 

Nope. Nope. I don’t want to hear anymore. “Alright thanks for the advice!” I screamed as I stood up and began to run away. Where I found the sudden rush of energy I don’t know. 

“Go find your sister!” Greg screamed. 

I’m not sure if I should be taking advce from Greg anymore, but if there’s even a chance that he’s right I’ll take it! 

I took off sprinting towards the cabin with a clear purpose in my head.

I burst through the door, knowing where I needed to go. 

I rushed towards the bathhouse, as soon as I arrived at the door I began to *bang* on the door! “Hey!” 

I waited a few moments for a response, but nothing. “Maybe she’s not in here?” 

I’m completely faking. I know that she’s in there. I can smell the soap. 

I stomped my feet a little as I walked away, But, I quickly turned back around and tip-toed back to the door.   

I put my ear up to the door to listen for any sounds.

My intuition was right, and a short while later I heard a scuffle.

Got you, Bitch! 

I burst open the door. “BAHA!!!” The smile on my face immediately fell, as the bare and bodacious figure of Andrea came into view. 

Andrea had a blank look on her face, as if she had been shocked so badly that her brain short circuited. 

There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air, and neither one of us knew what to do. 

My legs refused to move, but my eyes didn’t. 

Despite my objections, my eyes naturally devoured Andrea’s naked figure. 

Her hair was wet and clung to her face, giving off a sensual vibe. Her skin was slick and sparkled marvelously. She had beautiful pink nipples and areolas, and her breasts were HUGE! I don’t know how she hides them!

My eyes travelled past her cute belly button and arrived at her womanly garden. There was a little bit of black peach fuzz that covered her private area. 

“It doesn’t match…” I meant to think that, but it came out of my mouth anyway. 

Oh, s***.

Andrea’s face quickly morphed into a scowl and her eyes set ablaze. “What the-”

My sixth sense kicked in and I slammed the door before running away. “Sorry!”  

I’m not going to hear the end of this! F***! Just when my lessons were getting easier! This is turning into a real pain in the ass! 

I ran up stairs to Juliette’s room, I had an inkling that she would be here or pop up like before. 

I ran up to her door and began to *bang* on it. 

No one answered, so I decided to take it up a notch! “You leave me no choice!” 

I reached out and grabbed the handle, but before I could turn the knob a hand grabbed my forearm. Ripping my arm away from the doorknob. 

I looked up to see Juliette’s red face, covered in sweat and breathing roughly.

How does she always seem to pop up when I’m about to go into her room?! Is it a sixth sense or something?! 

The grip she had on my forearm was insanely strong, not matching her physique whatsoever. 

I endured the pain and reached out and grabbed her forearm. “Got you!” 

Juliette’s eyes widened and she quickly tried to snatch her arm away, surprisingly pulling me with her!

“You’re not getting away!” I stumbled a few steps, but I refused to let go! 

Juliette frowned and grabbed my forearm and ripped my hand away from her. 

“Damnit!” I screamed as I watched Juliette grab the doorknob. 

Luckily, I managed to jump in front of her before she was able to enter her room. “AHA! What are you going to do now?!”

Juliettte’s eyes twitched and she grabbed me by the hair before yanking me away. 

Why the f*** is she so strong?! 

I latched into her arm as she began to spin around to get me off of her.

I was locked into a fierce battle with her, me stopping her from fleeing into her room, and her trying to stop me from entering her room.

Why is she so protective of her room?! What the f*** is in there?! 

Arrghh!!” Juliette screamed as her face morphed into extreme rage. “GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!” 

Did I just make things worse?

I was slightly taken aback by her outburst, and that’s all that she needed. 

Juliette flung me away, and I hit the wall behind me with a *thud*. 

“S***!” Seeing Julitte grab her doorknob caused something in me to awaken, and I instantly recovered. 

I got back to my feet and ran at her as fast as my legs would take me. 

As Juliette began to open her her door, I tackled her. Surprisingly, when I hit her back she barely even budged. 

Juliette quickly closed her door and tried to rip me off of her. 

Hell no! I learned my lesson! 

I wrapped my legs around Juliette’s, causing her to trip and fall down with me. 

As soon as we fell, I climbed on top of Juliette and pinned her arms down. 

With ragged breath, I screamed. “I WIN!” 

Juliette’s eyes were wet and her cheeks were painted pink. Her chest heaved up and down sensually and her womanly scent filled my nose. 

“Uhh…” This looks really bad.. 

While I was lamenting my own stupidity and poor decision making skills, Juliette struck.  

Juliette grabbed my arms and pushed me down onto the floor. 

“Ow!” I screamed aloud as my back struck the floor. 

“Stop!!” Juliette pinned my arms to the ground. “What’s wrong with you?!” 

“A lot!” I screamed as I struggled to break free. “Why are you so f****** strong?!” 

“You’re just weak!” Juliette screamed. “Just give up already!” 

“Never!” Damnit, this is seriously hurting my pride as a man! 

As I struggled, Juliette put more of her weight onto me. 

~Ah!~” I was caught off guard by ghe sudden and erotic moan that leaked from Juliette’s mouth. 

Her eyes widened and her face turned crimson red. She quickly covered her mouth as she stared at me in silence. 

At first I was confused, but then it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I had an incredible hard on that was poking Juliette in her private area. 

Why am I turned on right now?! Is it because I’m pinned down?! Am I really that much of an M?! 

My eyes travelled down to Juliette’s chest, and I was shown a sight that I would never forget. 

Somehow or another her sports bra got pulled down at some point. Revealing her bountiful chest. Her two cute pink nipples were fully erect, and her breast shook with every breath that she took. 

Thank you, Jesus!!!!! 

Juliette’s eyes followed my line of sight and quickly discovered what I was looking at. “Ah…” 

For a split moment she froze, but in the next an adorable yelp escaped her mouth as she covered her chest. 

Juliette put her head down and went completely silent. 

There was a long silence and the tension was almost palpable. I wanted to say something, but nothing would come out of my mouth. 

…I’m such a f****** idiot!!!!  

After what seemed like forever, Juliette looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “Why?”

“I…”  The words got stuck in my throat for a moment, so I took a deep breath and decided to speak from my heart. “Because I wanted to talk to you!” 

“What?!” Juliette screamed as she scowled at me. “That doesn’t make any sense! You didn’t have to do any of this to talk to me!” 

“What else was I supposed to do?!” I screamed as my voice cracked. “You run away every time I try to talk to you!” 

No! No! No! “Why do you keep ignoring me?!” Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Don’t you f****** cry! 

Tried as I might, the tears poured out of my eyes endlessly. My vision grew blurry as I tried to wipe the tears away. 

Why won’t it stop?! What’s wrong with me?! 

Suddenly, a soft embrace wrapped around me. A flowery scent filled my nose and the warmth of a gentle hug was transmitted to me. 

“I’m sorry.” It was a whisper, but it drowned out everything else around me.

- my thoughts:
Hey! I've gotten some complaints about using too may italics. So I decided to try out a different writing style. Please, if it's bad, let me know because otherwise this will be the new writing style going forward. And if it is better, let me know because if so I will go back and change all of the previous chapters from before to this writing style. Stay safe, and have a great one!

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1 year ago

What the hell is this

Basically God
2 years ago

Gonna be honest I don’t like this twist one bit.

3 years ago

Please, start tying things up before tossing even more bad cliches in there… *sigh*

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4 years ago

Author!!! Is it a hobby of yours to throw your audience a long deserved treat after an unending road of frustration, only to punch them even harder in the guts??? WHY JUST WHY ARE YOU REFUSING SO MUCH TO GIVE US AND TIANA ANY FORM OF RELEASE??? This type of person ISN’T needed ANYWHERE in the world!!! She is a racist and a lunatic deaf to reason and has yet not shown even a speck of possibility to have the potential to change for the better!!! If you create strong and hateful antagonists challenging the hero you also have to have the guts to let them get finished off in the end!!! You have not yet let Tiana draw a conclusion with a single one of her many foes!!! That’s like a vent suffering from ever increasing overpressure because you vehemently refuse to air it out even the tiniest of bits!!!

4 years ago
Wow man. Wow!
Poof!!! mind blown.
5 years ago
Big problem for me on this chapter so let me get this straight.
Mara keep on trying to kill Tiana, in the end Tiana inflictict a lethal wound on Mara and all of a sudden come Oranos asking not Tiana for mercy but some past incarnation of Tiana totally ignoring the victim of the problem.
It”s like a guy is trying to kill you but you end up turning the situation around only for you’re cousin (whom you didn’t knew you had) turning up saying he has forgiven the guy, sure he’s related to you but he can very well f*** off with his opinion.
If at least Oranos had been negotating with Tiana it would’nt have been so bad, now i’m worried about the next chapter.
5 years ago

ok… just where is the next chap? how could you stop there !!

5 years ago

I’m less interested in why Tiana should allow Mara to live, and more interested in *HOW* Tiana can allow Mara to live. Healing her up is easy – for Tiana anyway. Stopping her from further attacks that will either get Tiana killed or force her to kill Mara is likely to be more difficult. She is apparently immune to reason, common sense, and public humiliation.

View 2 Replies
5 years ago

How incarnations will be we get a glimpse of till we get to the lifetime he wants her to remember?

5 years ago

Wut… What’s going on?!

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5 years ago

Geez, what a plot twist!

Lovely work as always!
5 years ago

I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I most definitely don’t need it…. I need it! I need to know how things will go.

Sleepy Critical
5 years ago

Uwu goddess reincarnation

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