A New World 2

I stirred in my bed as the sunlight shined through my eyelids. “…I’m going to paint my window black.”

As I was getting to begin my morning ritual of staring at the ceiling and wishing that I didn’t have to get up, something in my peripheral vision caught my attention. “…What the hell? What the hell?”

A luscious green forest stretched out in front of me. The birds were merrily chirping away, and the butterflies danced to their gentle rhythm. While the sun hung in the sky, as if to shine a light on it’s beauty. Far different from the bleak and dreary Minnesota.  

“Finally awake.” 

I turned my head to see who was the owner of the unfamiliar voice, only to be met by a pair of piercing blue eyes. “Huh?!”  

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The owner of the piercing blue eyes was a drop dead gorgeous woman. Silky azure colored hair in a bob cut with bangs. Peerless white skin, cherry blossom lips, soft and gentle face, voluptuous chest, curvaceous figure, plump thighs with slender legs to accentuate them. A full 10! No! A 20! 

While I was gawking at the beauty in front of me, her face contorted into a deep frown. “Wha… Disgusting…” As her frown continued to deepen, a vague memory began to resurface in my head. 

I waved my hands around as if I was trying to swat a fly away. “W-wait!” There was nowhere left to run, as my back struck the window seal behind me. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

I was a FOOL! She’s not a beauty, she’s a f****** DEMON! 

Gradually the demon’s expression started to soften, and her mouth slightly opened, but she was having a hard time saying anything. “…Adela?”

“Wha.. what the..” Where is the dresser? My closet? My desk? It’s.. “Gone..” A bookshelf right above a desk, an old wooden chair, and the walls… they’re logs. This-this isn’t my house. “..Where am I?” 

I heard the door slam, and I turned to see the demon had left. “I.. I..” 

I jumped off the bed, and stumbled before falling down. “..What the hell?” 

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What- what the f*** happened to my legs? They’re so small! 

My heart was pounding and it was getting tougher to breathe. As I inspected my body, I realized that my whole body was smaller! “I-I need a mirror!”

 As I frantically searched the room, I finally managed to find one inside of the desk.

F***! My hands are shaking too bad! Deep breaths, deep breaths. 

Without hesitation, I opened the mirror. “Here…we…go???”

When I opened the handheld mirror, a preteen boy was reflected inside of the mirror. “What the f***?!” 

I dropped the mirror by accident and fell on my ass. 

As I rubbed my swollen bottom, I couldn’t help but to laugh. “There’s no way.”

I crawled over to the mirror and picked it back up, checking my appearance again. Despite my disbelief, the same preteen boy was reflected in the mirror. He had wavy golden blond hair, sky blue eyes, a little beauty mark underneath his left eye, two tiny dimples on each side of his cheek. Despite him being a boy, he had a delicate, almost feminine appearance. A true pretty boy.

I looked around to make sure that I was the only one in the room. Once I confirmed this, I touched the mirror, then I moved my hand to my face. Only to find myself touching the pretty boy’s face. Just for confirmation, I pinched his cheek and felt the stinging pain in the exact same spot that I pinched him. “This… is me?” 

This… Am I dreaming? I must be.. 

Due to the shock from this new revelation I dropped the mirror on the floor. I glanced over to the books on the shelf, and found an undeniable urge to read them. I ran over to the shelf, and pulled out a random book. “The Legacy Of The Demon Lord…” 

“How.. how can I read this?!” I’ve never seen these letters before. “Where am I?!” I was heading home “I…I was..”  

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