A New World 7


“F****** b*******!” I can’t believe I have to do this! 

“Stop your whining.” Greg took another sip from his drink as he watched me chopping wood. 

This f****** guy! “It’s not whining! It’s the truth! This is all your fault! You broke the table!”

Since Greg broke the table last night, we have to build another one! You might ask, how did I end up helping with this? 

‘Oh, chopping wood is what men are supposed to do. Your father always wanted to teach you how. It would make him so happy. You’re supposed to learn how anyway.’ F****** gender role b*******! I’d much rather be washing dishes and s***!

“We broke it. It was a bonding moment.” Is he serious?? 

“We didn’t break s***! And it was not a ‘bonding moment’. You almost killed me!” My ribs still hurt! F****** child abuser! 

“You’re fine.” Greg waved his hands dismissively as he took another sip from his cup.

I should hit him with this axe! “I almost passed out and you had to stop!” 

“Why did you stop chopping?” Because I’m about to hit you with this axe Greg! 

“Why aren’t you helping?!” He’s been standing there this whole time! Lazy f****** bastard!  

“I am! I’m making sure that you don’t hurt yourself…” He doesn’t even believe in what he’s saying. He couldn’t even look me in the eyes when he said that. 

“Lazy piece of s***..” I need to hit something! 

I didn’t get anywhere with Andrea, and I won’t get anywhere with him. 



Ugh! My arms are killing me! I’m not finishing the rest of this! That lazy piece of s*** can!  “Gre-” 

I looked over my shoulder only to find Greg passed out asleep underneath a tree with his cup still in his hand. “This m*********** is really asleep..” 

After seeing Greg, I looked at the enormous pile of wood I still had left to chop. “F*** this.” I threw down my axe and went back to the cabin. 

I walked through the door to find Andrea chopping vegetables. She briefly stopped after she noticed me coming in. 

“Hello, Adela! How did it go?!” Is that sarcasm, woman? 

“Terrible!” I tried to ignore her, but it didn’t work out.  

“Where’s your father?” Oh… you just  asked the golden question! 

“Asleep, underneath a tree!” I looked Andrea dead in her eyes when I said this, and she quickly averted her eyes.

“I see…” Andrea continued chopping vegetables while avoiding eye contact with me.  

“Yeah.” Man, I’m so pissed right now!  

Andrea stopped chopping vegetables and snapped her finger. “Oh! Could you get your sister for me?” 

“Why?” I didn’t try to hide my irritation, at this point I don’t care. 

Andrea’s lips curved into a coy smile. “~To cook for our little man~” 

There’s so much Kentucky fried Alabama hillbilly energy in this family. “Fine.”    

I walked around the cabin, taking a nice little detour as I made way up the stairs to Juliette’s room. 

I finally made it to her room. “Why is there only one room up here?” Now that I think about it, that’s sounds like a dumb question coming from a recluse. 

I knocked on the fire a few times, but no answer. “Juliette.” Still no answer. 

I looked through the keyhole and I couldn’t see anything. “Hmm? Maybe..” 

“STOP!” Juliette slid in front of the door, causing me to retract my hand. 

“Oh! W-wha…” I was made speechless by Juliette’s appearance. 

Her cheeks were flushed a cute flowery pink, and her hair sensually clung to her face. She was drenched, causing her womanly scent to fill the air. Now more than ever, I could see how voluptuous her body truly was. Her heavy breathing caused her chest to rise and fall seductively, and I could see her two budding nipples through her thin grey sports bra. 

Holy s***.. She has a perfect hourglass figure! Her muscles are well toned, and her stomach is flat and packed with tight muscles. I could’ve mistaken her for an olympian! Just look at those thick… thighs… I can see the muscles flexing through her shorts. 

“……” My mouth hung open, but no words came out. 

Juliette’s eyes danced about before wandering to my lower half. Her eyes shot open as soon as they landed on my Johnson. Her ears turned red, and she quickly averted her eyes. 

“Huh?” I looked down to see a bulge of shame protruding from my pants. “T-This!!” 

How am I going to explain this?! Can I even explain this?! No, I can’t! She’s going to think I’m a pervert! God who am I kidding?! I am a pervert!  

“I’m sorry! You’re just really sexy!!” Why did you say that you f****** idiot?! Now she thinks you’re creepy and weird!

There was an awkward silence between us as she stared at me dumbfounded.

Oh, God just kill me now! 

My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and my palms were getting sweaty. 

I looked down at the ground and closed my eyes, beginning a silent prayer. 

Please, end?! Please, end?! Please, end?! 

I heard the door close, and I pathetically released a sigh of relief. 

I rested my forehead on her door, and took a deep breath. “You go Chad…” 

It took me a few minutes to process everything, and I finally stepped away from her door. 

I picked up what little self respect I had left, and went down stairs. 

This sucks so bad.. Ugh, no more self pity! Silver lining! I got some great mental pictures today! “Wait, is that bad? Aren’t we related?” 

Well… technically no? Adela is related to her, not me! So… “Oh, God..” I’m coming down with Alabama fever. I can damn near hear the guitar riff.  

I made it back downstairs, to only be stopped by Andrea. “Where’s your sister?” 

“Oh…” I completely forgot… 

“How did you forget so fast?” If only she knew what just happened.. No, what? Nevermind! Hopefully she never finds out!

“I don’t know..” It’s best to say as little as possible. I don’t want her prying too much.  

Andrea wore a mischievous smile as she rested her chin on her fist. “Oh… maybe you had a lover’s rendezvous?” 

Yes, but no.

Now that I think about it… “For someone who got mad when she saw me on top of her daughter, it’s kind of weird that you’re encouraging me now.” 

Andrea’s eyes shot open, and her mouth kept flapping open but no words were coming out. “I-I… I was just surprised. You were supposed to ask for permission.” 

Am I missing anything?? “So.. what changed???”

“Your sister.” Andrea said that as a matter of factly before sighing to herself.  “She already likes you, so there’s no turning back.” 

“Huh?” I’m not good with women, but there has been nothing to indicate that Juliette has feelings for me. Quite the opposite actually. 

Andrea rolled her eyes before she put her knife down. “Don’t worry about your sister. I’ll go get her. No go get cleaned up, you stink!” 

I did a quick sniff test, and she was absolutely right. “Yes, ma’am!” 

I listened to Andrea and headed back to my room to grab a change of clothes to take a bath. 

“Hmm.. it smells pretty nice in here.” It smelled heavily like flowers and honey. I eventually found the source of the smell. “Oh, it’s my sheets. Andrea must have changed them.” 

I went to grab some of my clothes and noticed that Andrea had forgotten some again. “Eventually they’ll pop up.”  

I desperately needed a bath, and rushed to the bathhouse.


While I was in the tub, I… I revisited the mental pictures I had taken earlier and tried to do things to myself that I am not proud of. But, unfortunately I was unable to. A lot of complicated feelings arose within me once I thought about how this isn’t my body. That and the whole Alabama thing. 

God, I feel so gross… 

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