CH:14 Out In The Streets

Venessa and I walked out to the skeletons which are thankfully still alive, took everything we could, and rolled it up into tarps to carry and drag back into the city.

“We can’t sell this just anywhere. Too much armor brings too many questions. It’s always best to avoid bringing attention to ourselves. In this city, there is one place where this type of business gets done. Black street. Stay close and don’t ask any questions ok?”

“Got it.”

We then dragged the loot through block after block until the streets narrowed and the people on them with us became less colorful and noticeably less friendly looking. We passed many shops. Some specialize in sales and others in purchasing goods. All of them looking suspicious in their own way.

Soon after arriving, we came to our destination. An unmarked shady looking building with a few people walking in or out at any given time.

Soon we were inside and it looked unlike anything I had ever laid eyes on. Like a cross between a pub and a bank. The inside was brightly light and everything was made of wood and metal. Lines were formed leading to windows like you would see tellers standing in a bank, people bring armor to the counters, the employee then sorts through it and soon the items disappear behind the counter and a bag replaces them. The bag is quickly picked up and the process immediately begins again with the next customer.

The strange thing is that there isn’t anything being sold here. Just things being bought. Where do they get their money from? What do they do with the things they buy?

Venessa answers these when I ask her.

“People that come to this place to sell something don’t want people knowing where they got it. This business buys things at lower prices than if you were to sell them to a store directly, and then sells them to the shops in place of you. They make money from the difference and you keep another layer of anonymity between you and what you do.”

This is just money laundering. But as a business? I guess if the government doesn’t crack down on these places then it’s a decent option. Soon I’m the one behind the counter and the man takes all of the stuff that I have amassed over my time in this world barring a few hides, and soon gives me a small bag.

Soon I am back in the street and walking back towards the main street of the town, bag in hand. I reached down to my belt and pulled out the small bag that contained the boar jerky from when I was in the forest and started chewing on it as we walked.

“Your SILL eating that garbage?!” “What else am I supposed to eat? Up till’ two minutes ago I didn’t have any money to buy anything. How was I supposed to get food?” “Okay, that settles it. After we get you something to wear we’re going to a café or something.”

The foul jerky in my mouth immediately stopped being consumed and went back to my waist.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Even as I say this I know how dumb I sound. I’m wearing unwashed tattered robes, covered in dirt and grime.

“You look like a pig. We’re getting you washed up before we do anything else. But to do that we need clean clothes to change you into. Speaking of,  wait here.”

I waited by the side of the busy street as she dipped into a store and came out with a bag.

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Next, it was off to the public baths. They are for people who can’t afford heated water in their homes and allow everyone to be clean for only a small fee. It was a great experience.

But after changing into the light blue shirt and dark pants that Venessa got me we finally got to a restaurant.

The smell of food! We sit down and order and soon I’m tearing into a sandwich and gulping down some clean water while Venessa looks at me bemused.

I haven’t tasted a sandwich this good in my life. Might just be because I haven’t eaten anything but rancid tasting jerky for days though. But none of that matters. This thing tastes divine.

A small time later we head over to a shop for weapons and I’m astonished by the selection. Swords, axes, clubs, daggers and even things that looked like staffs and wands lined the walls and displays around the store, ranging in quality from sticks of sharpened metal to beautifully carved and maintained weapons with jewels and engravings.

Eventually, I decided on a medium length straight thin dagger with a black handle and crossguard.  I don’t want to spend all of my money here and this will work well for all of the situations I have encountered so far.

Only allowed on

On to the next!

- my thoughts:
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