Prologue: The Tale Introduced

The room could best be described as strange. It felt large, but how large one could not say, there presumably were walls and a ceiling but it was difficult to gauge how far away they were. It felt as if the walls and ceiling went on forever, and the room could be as large as it needed. The room itself was dark, no, black is more appropriate word. The entire room seemed to be painted completely black, but there was still plenty of light inside the room, though there didn’t appear to be a source of light for this vision.

What could be considered as the center of this room was littered with chairs and tables scattered rather randomly around the area. Surrounding the furniture were several spheres of varying sizes. The spheres felt as if they were just beyond an arms reach away, yet at the same time the spheres also felt as if they reached all the way to the ends of the room.

Within this area, the majority of the chairs and tables were empty, however some of these seats were filled with figures of various shapes and sizes.

“So, why have we been gathered here? Not simply to catch up I hope.”

Suddenly one of the figures spoke, his back leaning on his chair head, with his hands behind his head, sounding rather bored.

A long-haired lady resting her head on her left hand opened her mouth, “That bard has something to show us.”

“Well then where is he?” snapped a larger broader figure, getting more and more agitated.

“I am here!”

All the figures suddenly turn to the source of the noise. Seemingly out of nowhere a long, thin figure appears out of nowhere holding a large sheaf of paper. Grinning broadly from ear to ear, waving to all as he walks into the center.

“Why have you gathered us?” A figure with glasses asked, “Have you finally come up with a halfway decent tale to regal us?”

“Rude, and yes, just not quite my story.”

Another more portly figure looked over, “Then who’s?”

His.” The thin man whispered out. Suddenly everyone all in the room gave the thin man their complete attention. The figure with glasses prodded, “Go on.”

“Well, he decided to make things a bit more entertaining, and decided to cause a few things to occur in a certain world.” The thin man sang out, “A whole, new complete adventure, with heroes fighting the forces of evil, and so many fun little twists and turns. With his own personal flair!”

“Which planet?” The long-haired figure asked before turning over to peer and the various spheres floating around them.


Upon hearing that an older looking figure suddenly stood up and extended his hand. One of the many spheres then proceeded to float over and hover above the palm of his hand.

“Ah, this one, nothing exciting has happened here for a little while now, has it?” The old man stated, “Should be rather interesting.”

“Well, are you all interested?” The thin man asked as he twirled around the center.

“Of course, what’s it about?” Asked the broad man.

“See for yourself.” The thin man then proceeds to throw the sheaf of papers he was holding into air. Pages scatter around, yet they all manage to fall neatly onto each of the occupied tables. Each sheet of paper contained on them photos of people, along with names and information of them.

“So, these are our adventurers?” A short female figure asked.

“Who should we pay attention to? There’s quite a few people here” The portly figure asked.

“Look for the one with dark black hair and those eyes you’ll find it.” A regal figure said.

“And who would that? There a few with that hair and none with those eyes.” The portly figure asked again this time directing his attention to the thin man.

“Uh-uh. No spoilers. Now it’s time for our story to begin, sit down and enjoy the show!” With an exclamation, the thin man plopped himself on to an empty chair and gazed the table intently. Suddenly appearing on every occupied table was what looked to be map of an unknown land with hills, mountains, prairies and bodies of water scattered around. But more importantly small figures appeared and were moving around the map.

All the figures present have all gone silent, simply staring at their tables and watching. Watching as a new story unfolds, and as new players enter the world. A voice rings out.

This is a story, a simple story. A story about world of adventure. In which

adventures try and achieve glory and fortune, to be heroes in their very

own stories. Here we will witness the stories of a few of these adventurers.

There backgrounds might be different, but they will follow the same story,

no matter how it may look, none of their fates are set, they will make their

own. But what happens around them all will be inevitable, and will shape

their decisions. Will they have any lasting effect the course on their world?

Only time will tell. Now, let the adventure begin.


- my thoughts:
Hope you enjoy and support me!

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5 years ago

First. I really love Karma streamer. It’s an awesome novel and I hope to read more of your stories in the future. ☺

So to my question. This have been bugging me now and again through the novel but some times it feels like the end of the chapters are missing. Here you end the chapter with Astrid taking of, and then there is a leap forward, (over what in this case seems to be an interesting action scene). Is thir international or are the ending missing?

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