Arc 11 Chapter 230: Driber

The 200 plus Draconian warriors followed Alhants as he charged through the narrow opening of the two large stone doors.

Scales covered Alpants head once again creating the ancient-looking howling beast helmet.

“Follow me!” said Alpants, his voice sounding deeper and echoed loudly off the stone walls.

Akira and Fluffball led the charge forward with Alpants, while Mileena, the two girls, and Pii-per followed behind them cautiously.

Passing through the doors they entered a dimly lit cavernous room. It was wide enough that it could house several large cities inside and there seemed to be no visible ceiling.

Although Akira could not see the center of the cavern he could feel the intense heat and see the walls and stalactites reflecting the golden flickering light.

The flickering torches of the Draconians coasted long shadows on the walls and large mountains of glittering treasure.

The Draconians warriors weaved their way through the dark wandering paths surrounded by mountains of junk as they searched for the culprits.

“Young ladies, this is not time to play around, so stay fully armored. You need to stay back here with your friends while I help take care of the problem,” said Alpants.

Both Borra and Fleur’s heads were slowly covered with scaly helmets.

Fleur’s helmet was red and in the shape of a roaring beast similar to Alpants helmet but it had the feeling and look of a younger beast.

Borra’s blue scaled helmet looked like the beast was smiling a toothy grin. To Akira, it felt like the beast wanted to play with its food before eating it.

Alpants seeing that were fully armored launched himself into the air and headed towards his brother and the draconian warriors.

“Let’s go to the top of that hill,” said Fleur pointing to the nearby treasure mountain.

“OH HO HO HO! I’ll beat you there!” shouted Borra.

The two girls launched themselves halfway up the mountain of junk in one go. With another quick jump, they reached the top and began pushing and shoving each other as they argued over who had reached the top first.

Akira and Fluffball were stuck climbing the tricky mountain of junk while Mileena was picked up by Pii’per and dropped off at the top.

When Akira and Fluffball reached the top of the junk pile, the three girls were talking amongst themselves as they watched the fights happening deeper into the cave.

Akira caught his breath and looked out towards the action.

The gray-scaled Draconian warriors had split up into several groups and were chasing after and surrounding large bear-sized monsters that had thick gray and black fur. These monsters had spinning bone drills where their noses were supposed to be and their legs were extremely thick.

[Driber lvl 122]

“What are they?” asked Mileena.

“Food? I think,” said Fleur, not sure.

“Yep, food,” said Borra.

“They’re Dribers,” said Akira.

“You’ve dealt with them before?” asked Mileena.

“No, I just remember seeing them in one of the monster encyclopedias,” said Akira.

As they watched the fight Mileena turned to Fleur and asked, “Fluer, I have been wondering for a while and wanted to ask you, What Demon Race are you and Borra from?”

“|Demon race? I don’t know,” said Fleur with a shrug of her scaled shoulders.

“OH HO HO HO! My meathead rival doesn’t know!”

“Then you tell me what we are!”

“It’s easy, just think of the traits me, you, and our parents have!”

“Hmm… sleep a lot, like to eat, wings, tail, and scales…”

“When you put it all together… we’re the ancient scary demons known as…” Borra paused to give Fleur a chance to answer.

“…” Fleur just stared at Borra silently.

“…Humans! But we are the special kind that has wings,” said Borra, sticking out her scaly chest proudly.

“Oh! So that’s it,” said Fleur, nodding her scaled head.

“Um, Borra… I don’t think that’s right…” said Mileena.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

“Ah!” they all let out cries of shock as the mountain of junk they were standing on started to shake violently.


The junk below their feet exploded outwards with two spinning bone drills poking through the junk treasure followed by two [Dribers] who shot out from inside the mountain of junk.

The explosion of junk treasure sent Borra and Fleur tumbling down the front of the junk pile while Mileena was thrown down the side right. Akira and Fluffball were knocked back and rolled down the rear of the junk pile.

A black mist covered Akira as he transformed while tumbling down the mountain of junk.

His sharp claws stabbed into the junk pile and abruptly stopped his fall.

Akira reached out with his other claw and grabbed onto Fluffball as he was tumbling past him, also stopping his fall.

They quickly regained their footing as they stood back up and watched the two [Dribers] land on top of the Junkpile.

The [Dribers] had their backs to Akira and Fluffball as they looked down the front of the junk pile towards Borra and Fleur. Their thick legs tensed up as they ready themselves to charge down the junk pile.

Thinking quickly Akira used his skill [Potty-mouth].

“Hey, you $%^& horny nosed ^&%# bear like things! Come fight me you @$#$#%!”

The [Dribers] turned around and looked at Akira who was stumbling up the treacherous junk pile towards them.

The two [Dribers] looked at each other and gave a visible human-like shrug before they started to charge down the junk mountain straight at Akira.

Akira stopped trying to climb up the junk mountain and tried to get into a more stable stance…

…and at the last moment, he gave up and rolled to the side while slashing out with his Ultra Rare [Poo’s Midget sword].

“Uragggggh!” a loud pained growl came from one of the [Dribers] as they stampeded past.

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Fluffball’s small size quickly expanded back to his full size with his ice armor gleaming as it covered his entire body.


Fluffball shot off an ice attack at one of the passing [Dribers]. The attack pierced the thick Gray-black fur and froze the butt of the [Driber] much to its anger.

“Nice one Fluffball!” shouted Akira as he ran down the junk mountain towards the [Dribers].

“GRAWR!” said Fluffball, happy to receive the complement.

Mileena reached the [Dribers] first when she used her skill [Blink] to appear at the frosty rear of the [Driber]. Her two daggers rained down on the frozen rump several times before she had to jump away.

“Uragggggh!” the [Dribers] were now thoroughly enraged.

“You damn food! Who said you could push me off my spot!” shouted Fleur. She had managed to climb back to the top of the mountain of junk, and her body was now covered in red flickering flames that matched her fiery anger.

“Let’s fight together like real rivals and show them who the real boss is!” said Borra who appeared next to Fluer, covered in a blue snowy wind.

The two girls launched themselves at the second [Driber] who had only received a cut on its side.

The [Driber’s] attention quickly moved away from Mileena and Akira, towards the two scaled girls dropping down from the sky towards it.

The [Driber] stabilized itself with its four thick legs and stabbed its drill nose into the air… directly hitting Borra in her scalded stomach abruptly stopping her fall and flinging her back into the junk mountain.

“You damn food!” shouted Fleur as she landed on the [Driber’s] head and smashed into it with her fiery feet.

The [Driber] fell to its knees dazed. It shook its head to try and clear its vision and in doing so sent Fleur flying off into the junk mountain.

Standing back up the [Driber] looked at the two girls who were also trying to stand back up. The dizzy [Driber] launched itself in a full charge ready to pierce one of the girls with its spinning drill nose.

“[SHADOW CHAINS!]” shouted Akira.

Four shadow wolf heads leaped out of the shadows and bit into the charging [Driber’s] sturdy legs.

Fluffball slammed into its head and knocked the spinning bone drill off course where it slammed into the mountain of junk a short distance away from Borra.

The shadow chains would only be a temporary hold, but it saved the two girls from the charge and allowed them to get back onto their feet.

“You damn food! You’re stuck now with nowhere to go!” said Fleur. She stood back up and launched herself at the [Driber] landing several punches with her fiery fists.

“Uragggggh!” the [Driber] weathered the punches with several patches of its thick fur catching fire. Its thick body was able to dull the impacts meaning Fleur’s attacks were doing very little damage.

“That hurt you damn food!” shouted Borra as she managed to stand back up with help from Fluffball who had dragged her away.

In her anger, she spat out a smokey mist towards the side of the trapped [Driber] creating a layer of frost over its fur.

Fluffball gathered his energy and created a blue ice shard that shot towards the [Driber] piercing the frosty section sending blood spurting out all over Fleur who was still wildly punching it.

Akira and Mileena could not help them as they were still fighting the first [Driber] which was now covered in hundreds of cuts, some deep and some shallow. Blood was flowing from its many wounds.

“Uragggggh!” shouted the enraged second [Driber] as it broke free of the shadow chains.

It swung its head to the side and knocked Fleur away with its spinning drill. It ignored Fleur and charged towards Fluffball and Borra who were redying more ice attacks.


A dark blur slammed into the second [Driber] shattering its head before it could reach Borra.

Alpants, covered in blood, stood in front of the decapitated [Driber] for only a second before launching himself at the first [Driber].

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FWOOOSH! A Long black flame exited out of his helmet and engulfed the [Driber] burning it into a large chunk of charcoal in mere seconds.

With the two [Dribers] dead he turned around and leaped back to Fleur and Borra who were sitting down at the base of the mountain of junk.

“You two, that was a dangerous thing to do! Those beasts are not like the dumb trolls you guys play with. Are you hurt?” asked Alpants.

He made sure to thoroughly look over the girls for any wounds.

“Look what it did to my scales! It scratched them!” said Borra pointing to a large white scratch across her stomach.

“Hmm… it’s not anything serious, it should heal within a month or two,” said Alpants as he looked at the scratch.

“Fleur did you see! I was able to let out a bit of my flames!” said Borra.

“Yea I saw…” said Fleur, a bit disheartened at being beaten by Borra.

“See, this is why you should team up with me, your rival, more often. I can teach you how to do it.”

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