Arc 9 Chapter 168: 3rd tier town

“Can my men and I camp near the edge of the lake until the runners from my clan return with the items we have for trade? You have my word of honor that I nor my men will cause any problems,” said Crulak.

“Akira?” asked Carl.

“I have no problem with it,” said Akira.

“Then I think we have finished our meeting with you,” said Seoc.

“Ah, I have one last thing that I just remembered. One of my own scouts who were watching the Auga tribe said they saw the demigods getting really friendly with them after we told them to shove off.

The Auga tribe has been our rival/enemy over many generations. This might mean more trouble for both of us in the future. This threat is part of the reason I as leader of the Kamen need to create a village that is able to defend against the increasing enemy attacks unlike the wandering camps we currently live in,” said Crulak.

“Thank you we’ll keep that information in mind. If you can wait outside the room for a few minutes I can personally escort you back to your men and make sure you don’t encounter any problems,” said Akira as he stood up and held out a hand for Crulak to shake.

When the door closed behind Akira he turned to the Grand elders with a raised eyebrow.

“He seems honest enough for now,” said Carl.

“The information about the demigods and the Auga tribe was very helpful,” said Hegir.

“I believe that there may be a possibility that our cold relationship in the future can thaw out and turn into one of friendship if they stick to what Crulak has said they will do,” said Seoc.

“How is the army’s training coming along?” asked Àaron.

“They have been thoroughly trained in the tactics of fighting and defending in the local terrain. Their strength is far above the average person and well above the normal warrior. With their continued fighting of nearby monsters they will only get stronger,” said Akira.

“Are we done here then?” asked Carl.

“Just one last question. Did the four of you already take care of the tariff and other sales taxes for the new merchants that have been traveling to the town?”

“Already taken care of. It was set at a reasonable price so that we don’t scare them away. The town’s income for the month will be quite nice,” said Seoc.


Akira exited the castle keep with Crulak walking next to him. Both of their guards were eyeing each other making sure that their leader was not under any threat.

“You know, you look a lot smaller, skinnier, and less hairy than when we first met. It is quite the shocking change of body you have,” said Crulak as he looked at Akira.

Akira did not know how to respond to that so he changed the subject.

“I noticed that you and a large portion of your warriors do not wear any hats on your heads, Aren’t you cold? The weather is too cold for something like that.”

“Not at all! Our Kamen race is resistant to all but the harshest cold weather of the deep south where the ice races and other insane demon races live,” said Crulak.

“Ice races?”

“The demon races that have a high affinity and control over ice. Like the Yuki-onna. Some of them are even partially or fully ice-based like the Killer Ice bears.”

“Ah, I have met a person of the Yuki-onna race before but she was living in the swamplands a very hot and humid place,” said Akira remembering Yuki who had departed from the group when they had arrived on the shores of Foradverold.

“That is indeed very strange. From what I remember they’ll contract a very nasty sickness if they live in a warm climate for too long. Our race has something similar but not as bad. We call it the ‘Summer flu’ as it only comes during the warm months if we travel to the far north.”

The two continued to walk silently for a few seconds and as they neared the blacksmith Akira stopped.

“Crulak, you mentioned that the Auga tribe is constantly attacking you and now they are receiving help or information from the demigods. Is this correct?”

“Yes, is there something wrong?”

“Seeing your warriors’ current weapons and armor. It is all quite shabby. My village has the means to produce armor and weapons. If you would be willing to pay for said items Kodria would be willing to supply you with enough to protect yourself from the Auga and any small band of demigods.”

“Are you allowed to make such a decision like this?”

“It has to do with the military and security of Kodria so it falls under my command. Although we are not allies for now we are not enemies. It would not be to Kodria’s benefit if your tribe was wiped out by a hostile demon race and demigod alliance,” said Akira.

“I understand what you are saying. This would fit both of our interests since we would both receive something out of a deal like that. My Kamen tribe can defend itself with the new armor and weapons while you don’t have to worry too much about the Auga tribe overrunning the area.

This would be a great help as it is almost impossible to get any good weapons in the south.”

“Maybe when everyone’s tempers simmer down and they warm up to you after trading for a while we can join together in an alliance but right now it would not work out.”

“I understand.”

“Allow me to introduce you to the gentlemen and their apprentices that will be working on everything for you. You can describe to them what you would like them to make,” said Akira as he entered the blacksmith.



Requirements for 3rd tier Town have been met! Upgrade completed!

Requirements for 2nd tier town added!

-Population 15k, 200 gold in tax, 2000 gold saved, multiple new buildings, enough food to support the population for a month.

-500 soldiers, 100 guards, wooden walls, or other similar material to surround the town for protection. 70% security needed.

New buildings have been added to the Town blueprint planner.

Akira looked at the new message as he sat at one of the desks in the grand elders’ office.

“With the increased population and the rent, sales tax, and tariff funds Kodria has surpassed that of a small village and is now on the scale of a small town.

With news of Kodria spreading out far and wide we must take security more seriously. With the fold we now have we can work on projects that were out of our budget just a few weeks ago,” said Samuel as he gave Akira and the grand elders a quick summary of Kodria’s growth.

“A town you say? So would it be more proper to start calling Akira the town’s lord instead of village chief?” asked Hegir.

“A lord? That sounds like he’s some rich noble or something,” said Seoc.

“Who cares about titles and names. What are we going to do about the demigods doing their usual crap stirring up conflict with others? With the increasing number of merchants entering the town every day the security of Kodria is not as strong as I would like,” said Àaron.

“I have already thought of a solution for that problem, I will be building a trade post plaza on the opposite side of the lake so that it is separated from the town. It will be a place to allow the unknown merchants and tribes to trade without risking our safety. This way only trusted merchants such as Burkin and a few others will be allowed to do business in the city,” said Akira.

“That does take care of the random unknown person wandering the streets but what about the security for such a place?” asked Seoc.

“I think I mentioned this before but I have plans of placing forts on either side of the unfreezing river at the edge of the lake. Later I’ll be asking Burkin and the others to make a large chain long enough to connect one fort to the other. The chain will be able to be raised or lowered as a barrier allowing for the better protection of the lake against enemy invading ships that try to use the river.”

“I suggest that you take it a bit further and not only focus on building forts on the river. There are other dangers to the south and it would be best if there was a fort built on the south shore of the lake,” said Hegir.

“That can be done. As for concerns for the town’s security and defending against the demigods’ plots, there is no need to worry. I have already finished training the first batch of soldiers and guards for the town. With the increased flow of gold the army will start training 300 new soldiers as well as an additional 50 more town guards, and 50 more naval marines.”

“Hmm, 500 soldiers, 100 guards, and 110 naval marines do we have enough gold to support this?”

“We just received a massive order of weapons and armor for the Kamen tribe. What they are paying will cover the cost of equipping and maintaining the army for a while. And that does not include all of our other income,” said Akira.

“I do remember you mentioning something about that,” said Carl.

“The warm months will be here in a few months. I suggest that you start planning and preparing for building the stone wall around the village. Movement will be far easier during the short warm months so there is a higher chance of trouble finding its way onto our doorsteps,” said Samuel.

“I’ll let the miners at the quarry know that they need to start stockpiling the stone,” said Seoc.

“I’ll make sure to work on the full design and placement of the wall to properly protect the city according to the three-layer plan.”


“Akira! There you are all you have been doing is fighting and training with the army and not spending any time with me!” said Mileena as she jumped at Akira who was walking to the docks so he could oversee the building of the trading post and river forts.

“Yap!” Fluffball grabbed onto Mileena’s pant leg and pulled on it to get her off of Akira.

“I won’t let go Fluffball no matter how hard you pull,” said Mileena.

“Yap!” This only made Fluffball more determined.

Akira scooped Fluffball up from the snow with his free arm.

“Just ignore the crazy person,” said Akira talking to Fluffball as he held Mileena off with his other hand.

A wolfish smile appeared on Fluffball’s face and he licked Akira’s nose to show his agreement and affection for him.

Mileena wanted to say something but Akira spoke before she could.

“Mileena, you can follow me if you want, but I have a lot of work I still need to do so I can’t be playing around.”

“Fine, I’ll follow you and I won’t get in your way.”

“Wait, I want to come!” shouted Azura as she ran up to them along with Maya and Chack.

“Me too!… I lie! I was dragged here by your sister. I want to go take a nap in the warm corner!” said Chack.


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5 years ago

First. I really love Karma streamer. It’s an awesome novel and I hope to read more of your stories in the future. ☺

So to my question. This have been bugging me now and again through the novel but some times it feels like the end of the chapters are missing. Here you end the chapter with Astrid taking of, and then there is a leap forward, (over what in this case seems to be an interesting action scene). Is thir international or are the ending missing?

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