chapter 15


Jin hyung insisted that I talk to him about my problems, but how do I tell him, that I am worried for my brother and I am scared to lose him. How do I tell him, that the kid he loved, might leave this world very soon??? I was scared to get attached to all of them. But, I did. I fell in love with Taehyung like crazy that I almost showed it sometimes, but was lucky and quick enough to hide. Jimin became my very closest friend. Jin hyung became my most favourite hyung.

Our end of school and exams were approaching very soon. I was busy studying after I came meeting Jin hyung for the last time. Well, even I didn’t expect it to be the last time. It was around midnight and I heard my mom’s phone ringing. She received the call and it wasn’t even minutes and she started crying. The first thing to come to my mind was Jungkook… I threw my books and pen and ran out of my room.

“Mom, is it Jungkook? What happened to him? Tell me.. Mom??” I held her by shoulders ad shook her.

I saw the call was ongoing still. So I took it and spoke.

“Jungkook?” I said shakily.

“Jeongukk, it’s me Appa.” Appa said from the other side.

“Appa, tell me Jungkook is fine.” I said trying not to cry.

“Gukk, Jungkook fainted and is in coma. But he might…. anytime.. the doctors have asked us to prepare ourselves for the worst.” Appa said and I was loss at words.

“Gukk, I have already asked my friend to book tickets for you and mom. It’s early morning, the first flight to America. Pack your things and help mom to pack things and be ready. A driver will be coming over to take you guys to the airport. Alright? I am leaving this responsibility to you. Get your mom and yourself safely here.” Appa said and I quickly wiped my tears and nodded as if Appa was in front of me.

“Yes, yes.. Appa take care of him. Tell him I am coming. I am coming for real.”  I told Appa and he agreed. 

Jungkook was very close to me for a brother. Anybody who didn’t know we were biological twins, would mistake us for lovers. Because of illness, I decided not to have anyone in my life. Because I didn’t want to share the time and happiness with someone else which was only meant for my brother.

I quickly hung up and ran upto my room. I packed only a  few things. We were rich enough to buy clothes so I didn’t bother packing a lot of clothes. Only my private collection of books and paintings, which Jungkook loved. I opened my drawer and took the picture of me, Jimin and Taehyung. I quickly grabbed it and shoved it into my bag pack and and ran out.

“Mom, get up, let’s pack your things. I am ready with mine.” I told her.

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“Jeongukk, I am sorry, my son. I don’t know when we will be back. I know you got friends here and you have become close with him in very less time. But it’s you brother.” Mom said crying, but I hugged her and patted her head.

“Mom, nothing and nobody is important than Jungkook right now. So gather yourself and be strong. Look at me. He is your son, he is my brother. Let’s get ready soon. We have less time.” I comforted her.

5 hours later, there was a knock on the door. I opened and it was the driver.

“Son, are you and Mrs. Jeon ready? We should leave now.” he said and I nodded in response.

“Can you help with these bags?” I asked him and he quickly agreed taking our bags out and putting them in the back of the car.

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“Mom, let’s go.” I told mom and she nodded.

On our way if I didn’t notice, I would never know that we drove past Jin hyung’s hotel. My eyes teared up. I lost control and hugged mom and cried. But this time I cried was for these 3 people who became an inseparable part of my life. And at this moment I had various thoughts in my mind.

If I knew, it was the last time I would get to hug Jin hyung, I would hug him for a while more. 

If I knew it was the last time I would see Jimin, I would spend little more time with him and would listen to more of  his sweet nonsense talks.

If I knew it was the last time I would see Taehyung, I would want to hug him and tell him how much I loved him, but I could not… I just could not!!!!!!!!!!!

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