chapter 28



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Jungkook was still unconscious. I was feeling so bad for him. After Uncle and Aunt said their final goodbyes to hyung, I asked them if I could too and they quickly agreed. I was thankful to them. I stayed back in the room and after they left, I went and sat besides hyung. I held his hand and pressed it slightly as if giving assurance.

“Hyung, I am Yugy. I don’t know what to say actually. I am feeling sad and hurt. But I have to be strong right now. Jungkook is still unconscious, but he is stable. The pain was too much too handle for him, the doctor said. But he will wake up soon.” I lied to him, knowing that wasn’t the case.

“Also hyung, I told Uncle Aunt about the donation, they are really strong which shows why you had such courage. It comes from them. They have agreed to it. Also, uncle has let got the man who was driving the truck that hit your car. They say he is serious too. He was drunk driving. Uncle is so great. But I know he must be breaking inside. He is showing he is strong, because of aunty. I am doing the same, because both of you brothers are such, somebody has to be there for uncle aunty. At least I am lucky, they are like my second parents. Jungkook is like my brother. And I also got a hyung because of him. I know we are same age, but still felt nice to call you hyung.” I said further.

I wiped my tears and I saw the monitor. Hyung’s heart was slowing down.

“Hyung. I promise you. I will be with Jungkook until he finds someone who takes care of him and loves him just like us. I will always support him. I will make sure to let him meet those 2 friends of yours and tell them that you missed them too. Also don’t worry about uncle and aunty. I won’t be able to take your place, but I will never let them feel your absence. I promise. You can have a good sleep now. And you can without worries leave Jungkook, aunty and uncle, and your friends and hyungs to me. I promise I will take care of everything. I will miss you hyung.” I said and let my head rest on his head. 

The monitor made a long beep sound and it was a flat line. I realized he was waiting for this. And now he left in peace, feeling relieved. I lost control as my feet gave up and I was sitting on the floor now. I cried hard. I heard doctors and uncle aunty rushing in.

“I am sorry, Mr. & Mrs. Jeon. He’s left us. My heartfelt condolences.” The doctor said and left giving us the room to ourselves. 

I heard hyung’s mom crying loudly, he cries pierced my heart like a double sided sword. It hut. I dare not look up. I was still holding hyung’s hand and sobbing on it. Uncle held hyung’s mom and he sobbed badly too. But the real trouble wasn’t this. It was when Jungkook would wake up and know that his hyung has not only left, but also given him his heart.

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I wasn’t prepared to face him. I had to gather myself up so that I can stand strong again for Jungkook. I had promised hyung, after all……….

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