chapter 31



Just after I gained my conscious, I saw my doctor standing with a chart in his hand and instructing the nurse. Also I heard the nurse saying that she had informed my family. What did she mean my informed? Weren’t they in the hospital? Oh wait.. And it struck me.. Hyung…

“Um, Argh..” I tried to get up but I found it difficult.

“Wait Jungkook, let me help you.” The doctor said and he helped me sit up, adjusting a pillow behind my back.

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“How is hyung? Is he awake yet? How long have I been unconscious?” I asked the doctor whose facial expressions changed very quickly.

“Um, Jungkook. Your parents and friend are on their way here. Relax. And you have been sleeping for last 2 days. But that’s normal after the big surgery you had. Your surgery was successful, no complications at all while on the operating table, but we still have to watch out for the next 6 to 12 months. You gonna have to take extra special care of yourself.” The doctor said and I nodded.

About 15 minutes later, my mom, dad and Yugyeom came in running. They all had cried and a lot to be exact. Their eyes were evidences. Their faces smiled, but their smiles held a huge amount of pain.

“Mom, Dad, how is hyung? Weren’t you with hyung? Why’d you come running? Yugy, is hyung alright?” I asked them.

I was holding back my tears. I knew given his condition, he wouldn’t…. But I was expecting foolishly, that they could say he was okay? Why was I even expecting? Why was I making it hard for them? My heart refused to accept. After I realised I wasn’t getting any replies from them. I turned and faced to the other side and let my tears flow. 

“Okay, I won’t make it hard for you. Fine, I understand he’s left us. Can I have a look at him for one last time? ” I asked them hoping  to say yes.

“Kookie,” Yugyeom said coming forward to me and hugging me very carefully.

“Yugy, just once. One last time you know.” I begged him.

“I know. But, we couldn’t keep him for long. We had to.. Trust me.” Yugyeom said patting my back slowly.

Starting with muffled cries, I let myself empty my heart on my best friend’s shoulder. Yugyeom held me more tight. I clenched his shirt and cried hard. He never stopping patting my back. My parents stood at a distance. I know it was hard for them too. Dad hugged Mom who was crying just like me.

“Cry as much as you want. I won’t ask you to stop. I can understand your pain. I am feeling it too. but I can’t cry. Who’s gonna take care of you then?” Yugyeom said still hugging me.

“I.. just.. (breathes) wanted to see.. (breathes) hyung. Just one time.” I said in between crying.

I cried for nearly an hour hugging Yugyeom, when he slowly pulled out and looked straight in my eyes.

“Kookie, there’s one more thing we have to tell you.” Yugyeom said and looked at my parents who nodded.

“Hold on, Jungkook. First, how are you feeling? I mean your heart?” The doctor asked me and I looked at my parents and Yugyeom.

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“I.. I am fine. Feeling.. much better than before. My heart? It feels very familiar, it feels warm.” I said holding my hand across my heart.

The doctor smiled and nodded at my parents. My Mom Dad came besides me on the other side. My Dad held my hand standing besides me and my mom sat on my bed facing me. Yugyeom was holding my other hand. I found this very weird. I looked up to everyone and then at the doctor who was going back and forth in between deciding to tell me or not.

“What is it?”

- my thoughts:
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Get ready for the heart-wrenching revelation.. How would you feel, if you come to that your loved one is no more, but has left you something very precious??? Come on... Let's see how Jungkook feels about this?
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