chapter 32


“What is it?” I asked finally not being able to stand this silence and weird feeling. 

“Jungkook, first I will read a short note which was left by your brother. I am sorry Mr. & Mrs. Jeon, Jeongukk wanted me to read this to him after he was awake form the surgery. All are his words which he told me after he was brought here. He was unconscious at first, but when he regained his consciousness for a few minutes, he tried his best to tell, and I tried my best to listen and jot it down.” The doctor said with a sigh.

“It’s okay. We understand. Please read it..” My Dad replied to him and he nodded.

Dear Jungkookie, 

I am sorry. I am not sure if you will hate me after this.. But trust me, I never meant to leave you all alone and go away like this. Even though I am not with you physically, I have found a way to be with you forever. Touch your heart…” The doctor said and looked up at me and unconsciously my hand went up to my heart.

I felt the beating of my heart comfortable, I felt at home, I smiled. But suddenly it all came rushing to me. I looked up at everyone, my vision becoming blurry with tears welling up in my eyes.

“Touch… my.. HEART??????” I said emphasizing on the word Heart.

The doctor looked at me and nodded. I looked at my parents. I felt Yugyeom’s and my Dad’s grip on my hand tighten slightly and tears flowed down their eyes. My Mom didn’t even look at me, her head was down and crying. I was loss at words. I wasn’t ready to accept. My brain was still  processing the fact.

“Yes, you guessed it right. I prayed to God daily that this day won’t ever come. But as I was rolling in that car, my head and my heart was clear and I decided that atleast one of us should stay alive and healthy. When I regained my conscious, I knew and I had already accepted the fact that it was time for me to say goodbye. So I gave this few words to doctor uncle. By the time you receive this, I would be long gone. Cherish your life. Stay healthy. Look after Mom Appa for me. When you get well, I have your contract ready with HYBE ready in my room. If you miss me, you know where to find me. I love you, Jungkook-ah. Mom, Appa, I am sorry. Please forgive me and give double love to Jungkook. Thank you Yugy, I could not leave here in peace, if you weren’t there. Keep your promise to me. Hate to say, but… Goodbye and Love you all.”  With that the doctor stopped reading and gave the note to me.

“Yugy, Mom, Appa… I.. Hyung…” I clenched my heart and cried.

My heart hurt, but it still felt comfortable. I was in pain, but I was still at peace. My heart was still unbelievably beating very calmly, even though my head was in a mess. It was like my hyung trying to calm me whenever I panicked, or got more anxious. I wanted to hit my chest, but knowing that would hurt my heart, sorry my hyung’s heart, I just caressed it. I still wasn’t ready for all of this.

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“Jungkook, you have to be careful. Don’t stress yourself. You will experience a lot of changes in you. So gear yourself up and get ready for a new life. Whatever happened was cruel enough, but only God knows, that your hyung was an angel and it was time for him to go back, but it was a blessing for you too. Separated, but still together. If you understand. Now if you excuse me.” The doctor then left us all.

I hugged Mom and Dad, I never left Yugyeom’s hand. We took our time, cried together, comforted each other. It was only us for each other now. Yugyeom lost his parents when he was small and he stayed with his grandma who expired 2 years back. So ever since, he sold his house and deposited all the money and other assets in the bank and came to stay with us. My parents and hyung were more than happy. We were more like brothers than friends. 

What had Yugyeom promised hyung? And hyung even made sure to remind him in his note. 

Only allowed on

I.. felt very sleepy. Maybe because I had cried a lot and I was tired. My health was weak still. Slowly I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I lost control over my body and I felt some strong arms, probably my Dad, laying me carefully down. I felt a soft hand caressing my head and putting my hairs back, Mom. And that one strong presence, a feel of safety, beside me, Yugyeom. After hyung, Yugyeom was the only one I dared to trust, get close and rely on. 

- my thoughts:
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