chapter 38


My hyungs brought me home. While we were leaving, I saw Yugyeom holding Jungkook as he was crying very badly. I felt bad for him. But my heart was breaking too. Jeongukk.. He.. Argghhhh!!!!! I don’t know why, I hated myself for pushing him so hard. I was in shock myself. 

“Tae, speak something. You’ve been like that for an hour now.” Namjoon hyung said.

“Yes, Tae, you have to speak. WE all know you loved Jeongukk. Now that he’s no more, how do you feel? I mean you can’t say he’s no more, he’s still around. You know.” Jin hyung said further.

“Hyung, I am feeling very bad. But not that bad, maybe because it’s been so many years. He wasn’t there and I got used to it, maybe because of that I can’t  get myself to feel bad now that he’s gone for real.” I said and Jin hyung gave me a very angry look.

“Are you out of your mind? What are you even saying? Listen to yourself please Taehyung.” Jin hyung was angry.

“I am fully aware of hyung. I am.” I replied. 

Another hour passed and we heard a car stop in front of our house. All our heads turned to the door. And in came, no other than, the person himself. Jungkook. Gosh his resemblance to Jeongukk was so….

“Kookie, stop!!!” Came Yugyeom behind him.

“Hyung..” Jungkook said standing in front of Jin hyung.

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“Yes, say.. Are you okay? I am sorry for Taehyung’s stupidity. Will you forgive him?” Jin hyung asked him but he said nothing, but he hugged Jin hyung, which shocked us all.

“Jungkook-ah, you call me hyung and then you don’t even tell me anything. What’s going on?” Jin hyung asked patting his back.

There was a reason why Jeongukk was close to Jin hyung than us all.

“I really wished I could say bye properly last time, hyung. I never thought I would…” He stopped and stepped back.

“What did you say?????” Jin hyung asked.

“Kookie, what is going on?” Yugyeom turned his around and held his face in both hands and asked him. I somewhat felt very jealous.

“Yugy.. I.. ” Jungkook said and started crying.

“Jungkook-ah, you’re back now right? Why would you want to say bye?” Ji hyung asked him. 

“Because I left without even telling you guys. The day I left, I passed by the restaurant and it pained to leave like that?” Jungkook replied. 

Why was he speaking like Jeongukk? He was Jungkook. What is happening?

“Is it just me, or is everyone feeling the same thing? Jungkook is not himself. Why is he talking as if he is Jeongukk?” I stood up and asked.

“Weren’t you waiting for me?” Jungkook asked me making me speechless.

“Didn’t you miss me at all? I knew you were suppose to confess that day.. Didn’t you feel anything?” He asked again.

This wasn’t right. I got closer to him and then slapped him real hard.

“Taehyung!!!!” Jin hyung yelled. 

Jungkook held his face with his palm. Yugyeom was stunned to speak anything. Jungkook stood straight and looked at me. I held him by his arms and shook him hard.

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“Wake up, Jungkook-ah.” I yelled at him.

“Tae…” He said.


“I missed you. I really did.” Jungkook said which made my tears flow.

“Hyung, please.. is this what happens when people get their hearts transplanted. Do they get all the memories, and behaviour of the donor?” I asked Jin hyung who shocked as me.

As I was talking to Jin hyung, Yugyeom hit Jungkook’s back of the neck and knocked him out. 

“What???” I asked holding Jungkook from falling down.

“I will call the doctor. He needs rest. Well, thanks to you. I am taking him home. Are you coming along?” Yugyeom asked me and I quickly nodded.

“Hyung, I am sorry for the trouble. I too have nobody other than him. I couldn’t help losing hyung. I can’t lose this dummy. I promised hyung to take care of him till someone takes care of him and loves him like Me and hyung. So…” Yugyeom said and wiped his tears.

“It’s okay. You’re doing great. I can see that. Take him home.” Jin hyung said patting his back.

“Taehyung, call me if there’s anything. And remember, don’t overdo anything.” Hyung warned me.

“I won’t, I promise.” I assured hyung and then we left with Jungkook. 

I sat with him in my arms while Yugyeom drove. I realised at a closer look, he was very cute. Just like Jeongukk. So what if the person is different. His got my Jeongukk’s heart. I will take care of him. I promise Jeongukk. I will take care of your heart and your brother. I will give him all the love that I couldn’t give you. I will cherish your heart as well as him. I promise. I love you. And I missed you, Gukk.

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