chapter 9


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We decided to go see Jungkook. It felt weird, that he had just arrived at the label company and he felt sick. It felt as if there was something wrong with his heart? Well he clutched his chest so hard and even said he couldn’t breathe. Whatever it is, we all 6, did feel he seemed very familiar. As if one of our own. But nobody could point out what it was. Anyways this all could wait for sometime later. His health mattered now. 

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We went out and saw our CEO and the doctor talking outside the room. We approached them.

“Hi doc, is Jungkook alright? What exactly happened?” Jin hyung asked the doctor.

“Umm, it’s nothing to worry about. Actually he had some gastric issue. Probably he didn’t rest well after all it was a long flight and it’s a new place so must be finding it difficult to adjust. But he should be fine soon.” the doctor said and we felt relieved, because I even assumed him having heart problems Bish!!!

“Can we see him?” Namjoon hyung asked and the doctor said yes.

We went in to see Yugyeom helping him with the water. They turned to us immediately as we entered. He looked very weak. 

“Hi, I am Jin, the eldest member of BTS.” Jin hyung said and shook hands with Yugyeom first and then turned to Jungkook.

“Hyung…” Jungkook said and hugged Jin, and we were all taken aback by this gesture.

“I am sorry about earlier. I just didn’t rest well I guess which led to this problem. And on top we ordered a takeaway from outside. So it caused me some gastric problem. But I should be fine soon.” Jungkook said further taking a step back from Jin hyung, but  still holding his hand.

“Ah, then it’s fine. But, I have a restaurant on the way to HYBE here. And I cook personally. So you can come there for lunch or dinner maybe. You get home food and I get a dongsaeng. I am tired of these brats actually.” Jin hyung said to Jungkook looking at all of us.

“I know. I will come for sure.” Jungkook replied.

“Hyung, you still  are a member of BTS, remember that.” We told Jin hyung who acted as if he was scared.

“Hyung, we have to leave now. Actually Jungkook was tired yesterday, so we couldn’t settle things at home. We still have to buy some groceries at home. So if you don’t mind…” Yugyeom asked politely to Jin hyung and he agreed. 

All this while, my eyes were fixed on the person who was continuously trying to avoid my eyes. And if I am right, earlier too, he did look at me before he fell sick. What are you? And what are you trying to hide so hard? I know it’s not some gastric problem. It’s something else. Also I am not sure, if anybody noticed earlier. He called Jin hyung “hyung” and even explained the problem as if he was close with hyung and he knew he would be worried. And how did he know where Jin hyung’s restaurant was, if he had just arrived from America and had never been to Korea before?

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