
I woke up to the sounds of jingle bells and eggnog and apple cider smells. I checked my clock and my calendar, it was Christmas! It was still early and only 6:30 AM but I didn’t care. I ran down the stairs, dashed through the hallway and saw lots of presents for my sister and me! But there was one thing I wanted for every occasion, a cat. I’ve always wanted a cat, I would do anything to get one, and I begged and begged and might even wake up my mom in the middle of the night! I dashed up the stairs and woke up my sister, Willow.

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“Willow, WAKE UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” I shouted. “I KNOW IT’S CHRISTMAS! Just.. ten.. more.. minutes..”, she said annoyed. She didn’t like winter, she felt sad, groggy, and grumpy, with the cold, damp, and lifeless life outside and trees lost their leaves, and animals hibernated to keep warm. It was 10ºF outside and school was canceled.

“Fine, you stay there and I’ll prepare the wonderful aura of Christmas by making eggnog!” Jackson ran down the stairs and grabbed sugar, milk, eggs, you name it. Jackson heard scratching at the door and thought it was just a raccoon at his door. Just as he was done making eggnog, he sat down in his living room and the scratching turned into screeching. Jackson walked to the door and opened it. 

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— New chapter is coming soon —
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