Chapter 001

[You are welcome to use our products, scanning has started, please wait.] [Scan has been completed, confirm citizen ID: SH13***313, name: Feng Bu Jue; access device: NL2055 standard single player game pod, no abnormal external hardware detected; cardiorespiratory function is at normal value; neural connection program is ready, please select your access type.] [Access type is non-sleep mode, adjustment in progress …… adjustment completed, please confirm loading game or return to upper level option.] [The program starts, ten seconds to load the game ……]

After listening to the countdown, Feng Bujue quickly entered the world of the game. He was in an environment very similar to an elevator, but there was no floor button next to the door. On the right hand wall was a thirty-two inch touch screen. The whole wall directly opposite the door was a complete mirror that could illuminate the player from head to toe.

Only allowed on

Feng Bujue looked at his own image in the mirror, and at this moment he became a super high pixel 3D CG character. The clothing on his body turned into a black-sleeved long-sleeved T-shirt and pants, nothing special. The game character’s face is almost the same as his own look in reality, less than one meter eight, – messy hair, facial lines slightly feminine and tender.

With the support of the fourth generation of light brain technology, players in the neural connection game can get enough to mess with the real five senses experience, but the game screen is still limited to CG images, and can not let the player load to the environment similar to the real life shooting effect.

[Welcome to the game login space, the following are all the game items provided by Dream, please choose to login.]

Once again, the system beep sounded in his ears, and the icons available for selection appeared on the touch screen beside him.

“There is only one option, and there is such a login space. …… Is this company hinting that many games will be launched in the future ……” Feng Bujue thought in his heart, and his finger tapped the only game item on the screen. The only game item on the screen – Thrillerland.

[The age of the player must be at least sixteen years old to access this game, and the company does not recommend that users with heart or mental illnesses, or a history of related medical conditions, be exposed to this program.

This sentence was displayed on the screen, and the system voice reiterated it again, then three icons appeared on the screen, one was “Confirm Login”, another was “Cancel”, and there was a very eye-catching link option next to it “Related disclaimer”.

“Mental illness? ……” Feng Bujue said to himself, “It’s better to look at it.” He selected the third one, and a dense text clause immediately popped up on the screen, and a glance at the scroll bar on the right side told him that this disclaimer was incredibly lengthy.

Generally, when people see a similar agreement or description when playing a game, they will either turn it off, or just scan it, pull it to the bottom and click agree.

But Feng Bujue, not the average person ……

He is twenty-four years old, a Speculative Fiction Writer, and his hobby is to shamelessly call himself an “artist” or “great writer” when asked about his profession, but these are not the main points, let’s talk about his anomalies first.

First of all, the reason he played this game in the first place was to “cure” his disease, which, of course, is definitely not an Internet addiction, but a real disease.

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

About two months ago, Feng Bujue suddenly found himself some kind of abnormality, he spent about three days to finally confirm that he had lost the emotion of “fear”.

No matter how scary sounds and images, can not stimulate him, he watched horror movies and horror novels day and night, and tried to use his imagination to scare himself, but it did not work. As if there is a certain door closed in the brain, he clearly knows which are the elements of terror, but also fully understand where the scary point in the horror film, but he just can not feel scared.

So, he went to the nearby hospital. This does not go just, a go really found a big problem. The magnetic resonance showed a fuzzy shadow in his brain, near the amygdala, not excluding the possibility of a tumor.

Later, Feng Bujue went to three or four of the country’s top hospitals, but none of them could confirm the diagnosis, and the proposed treatments were varied. After doing countless tests and going through N consultations with N famous doctors, Feng Bujue basically understood that …… this disease is expected to go down in history. The second is whether to donate the brain to medical experiments after death, so as to make some contribution to the scientific field.

Two months passed, and the shadow in Feng Bujue’s brain did not change, did not deteriorate, did not shrink or disappear, and all other aspects of his body were completely normal, even healthy. After some consideration, he simply refused the treatment and was discharged directly from the hospital.

Since loss of fear was the only symptom and no one could say whether he would die or not, or how long it would take for him to die, let’s leave it to fate.

One day, Feng Bujue happened to see an advertisement for the internal test of Thrillerland, and the wording of the advertisement was “Breakthrough the traditional game mode, let you feel the unprecedented game experience in the midst of despair, shock and horror.” Then he looked at the game’s settings, and watched a well-made promo that claimed to have scared children, and noticed the link to “buy a new game pod and get a free insider test account”.

So, although it seems unbelievable, but the purpose of Feng Bujue into this game is not only “play”, but mainly want to be “scared”. There was nothing he could do,perhaps in this immersive baptism of terror, can stimulate himself to find the feeling of fear.

Of course, just having this odd spiritual issue only means that Feng Bujue is a patient. It is not just because of his brain tumor that he is not an “average person”. Because before he got this disease, he was different, in the dialect of a certain place – a weirdo.

Feng Bujue has many eccentricities, not to the extent of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but most of them are very puzzling, so let’s start with one: reading addiction ……

His desire to read is incomprehensible to ordinary people, for example, he will read through the words on the shampoo box; another example, the instructions for household appliances, he can see the end word for word; there is an even more amazing …… even the tags cut out of new clothes he does not let go.

As long as something or someone will have a stake in Feng Bujue, he will instinctively collect all the information related to it. And he didn’t just read it over at random, he also had amazing reading and memory skills, although not as good as the ancient Zhang Song’s level of unforgettable, backwards, but as long as he had read something, even after a long time, he could still remember at least 60% of it.

“Well …… is pretty much the same as the protocols of other games.” Feng Bujue spent two minutes to finish reading the several thousand words of terms: “The only thing that is more special is the ones in the sixth paragraph,……” He slightly lowered his head, using his left hand to hold the elbow of his right hand, the index and middle fingers of his right hand on his forehead, and then followed the The bridge of his nose gently slide down, this is his habitual action when thinking: “That is to say …… game players died because of heart attack or Mental illness was induced or something, has nothing to do with their company.” He seemed to be summarizing the general reading..

The most important selling point of the game is the concept of “scare value”, which can be achieved through the function of light brain and game pods to instantly monitor the player’s heartbeat, pulse rate, blood pressure, brain nerve reaction, etc., so as to measure the degree of fear. If the player’s fright value in the game instantly exceeds the threshold, it will be forced to disconnect the neural connection and immediately offline. And if the player’s physical condition has serious abnormalities, such as after the line cardiac arrest, suffocation and so on, the game cabin will be the first time to notify the ambulance. Anyway, all neural connection networks are connected to the police and emergency departments, according to this design, the possibility of scaring people to death should not be too big.

After tapping Continue, Feng Bujue heard the system beep again: [You are logging into the game for the first time, please enter the nickname used in the game.

The input area appeared on the screen, and some restrictions were written next to it, such as the nickname should be above four bytes, and no swear words or sensitive words could be used. In the era of light brain, such restrictions are more thorough, the system’s intelligence and algorithmic ability is so high that it is creepy, “it” only needs a harmonious thesaurus, or even a general category, it can play its own reasoning ability to limit any erratic behavior. For example, such as the name of the big stem deep, or in the FUC followed by a symbol, and then add a K, these anti-harmonization means to the fourth generation of light brain is useless. More than a decade ago there were concerns that the AI of such computers might turn around and attack and enslave humans, but so far there is still no reliable factual basis to support such claims.

In short, the intelligence of the light brain is very strong, to what extent, The document will be supplemented later
[The detection is complete, nickname “crazy not jue”, can be used, please confirm.

The name of Feng Bujue is not popular, it should also be able to use, but he used “crazy” instead of “Feng”, because he did not want to use his real name directly, and also some self-deprecating meaning.

After clicking on the confirmation, the system voice said: [Next will be the novice tutorial, the tutorial is limited to complete once, the script is randomly generated, after completion will get the corresponding initial rewards. Please note that the results of the novice tutorial will not affect the initial attributes of your character, but only the rewards are different. If you interrupt the tutorial due to high shock value, active disconnection, leaving the game pod, etc., the next time you enter the game, you will not be able to continue the original script, and the system will generate a new tutorial for you.

After listening to the prompt, Feng Bujue reached out to press the confirmation option again, but his finger had just touched the icon on the touch screen when the whole elevator room suddenly became pitch black.

The next second, a voice sounded, and just now the mechanized system voice is very different, at this moment speaks like an old witch: “Welcome to the Thrillerland ……”

The words just fell, the elevator room without warning a violent shock. Subsequently, the out-of-sight black box moved and slowly sank to the bottom.

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