Chapter 002

Just now that change in a few seconds, this game is considered the beginning of the new tutorial to say hello to the player.

The normal person will be shocked when the surroundings suddenly turn black without warning, followed by the creepy voice, the heart must have been scared, at this time, the elevator and then sink down, although only a short moment of falling feeling, but also enough to make people’s heart beat faster, scared on a jump.

But Feng Bujue, calm and collected, no reaction ……

After the elevator shook, it started to move down at a normal speed. At this time, Feng Bujue’s eyes, the game menu automatically emerged.

The game menu will only appear in the player’s vision, is unable to illuminate the surrounding environment, and the act of reading the menu is non-public, browsing the menu, even if there is a other player standing next to you, the other party does not know whether you are looking at the options or in a daze.

At this moment, there was no system voice, but Feng Bujue saw a text prompt in the menu: [You can open this menu at any time, your character attributes, status, equipment, items, etc. can be checked here.

Feng Bujue saw that most of the areas in the menu were covered with  shadows. It was not until the line disappeared that an area in the upper left corner of the menu became brighter, where three rectangular, bloodstain-like shapes appeared.

An arrow appears, pointing first to the first bar, which is a green  energy slot in a full state. A new caption appeared: [This is your survival value, displayed as a percentage, the exact value is not visible. When the survival value is 0%, your character is considered to be dead. Current Survival Value: 100%, Abnormal Status: None.]

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The arrow moved to the second energy slot, the same green  energy slot, but instead of percentages, numbers are displayed on it: [This is your physical energy value, the specific value is visible. Actions such as running, walking for long periods of time, carrying heavy objects, fighting, and using skills will reduce this value. It can be regained through rest or items. Current physical energy value: 100/100.]

The third energy slot is empty, and this is the one that Feng Bujue needs to focus on the most: [This is your Scare value, displayed as a percentage, with no specific value. If the shock value is higher than 100% and exceeds three seconds, your connection to the game will be forcibly disconnected and your character will be considered dead. Current Scare Value: 0%]

Because I had read the basic settings on the Internet, I finished reading these contents with just a quick glance. I thought the other areas in the menu would be unlocked next, but the menu closed automatically after about ten seconds. He took the initiative to call up the menu again, and the area that was shaded just now remained unchanged.

Obviously, the newbie tutorial is not just to look at the text and familiarize yourself with the interface in a dark elevator, otherwise the system would not have given the assumption of “too high a Scare value to interrupt the tutorial” before entering.

Sure enough, the elevator soon stopped, the darkness around it remained, and Feng Bujue could only hear his own breathing.

Suddenly, the lights came on for a second, just for a second, and then immediately returned to darkness.

During this second, Feng Bujue’s retina was left with a sight that was enough to make people jump up and scream.

You should remember that one of the walls of this elevator was a mirror, and in the second when the light was restored just now, Feng Bujue saw that two figures were actually reflected in the mirror.

One was obviously himself, and the other …… although only glimpsed, but Feng Bujue could basically determine that it was an upright creature covered in blood.

It is just as well to simply stay black, so that deliberately let people look at a glance, it is better not to look.

If someone else had just screamed out, they would have either retreated to the corner of the elevator or frantically swung their fists or kicked the spot where the bloody shadow was standing in their memory.

Feng Bujue is expressionless standing in place, muttering to himself: “Well …… since it is a tutorial, it is unlikely that the player will be put into a situation of certain death at the beginning, the most is to lose some survival value or scare me again, then there should be some kind of change to let the game go on. “

Only allowed on

The thought of this, there is really a ray of light shining into the elevator, and quickly expanded. It turned out that the door of the elevator opened on its own, and the smell that came to the nose was a corpse moldy smell. Outside is a straight corridor, the ceiling is wooden, the walls on both sides are covered with wallpaper, wallpaper pattern is quite bizarre, like a human eye; the floor is covered with green carpet, the corridor on both sides of a window, there is no door, but every other distance, there is a dim light wall lamp.

The corridor seems to be very long, those wall lamps in the distance seems to be the yellow light of the size of a grain of rice, visible distance of less than twenty meters, and then farther in the shadows, only forward to see.

I am afraid that normal people have not waited for the elevator door to open completely, and then turn sideways and rush out and run away. But Feng Bujue is not in a hurry, for him, this dark way in front of him, may not be safer than this elevator. Since it was no longer pitch black, he wanted to turn his head to see what the shadows around him were.

As a result, when Feng Bujue turned around, he saw a bloody claw with ten fingers like hooks coming towards his face. He retracted his neck and avoided it, half crouched, scampered out of the elevator, looked back and finally saw the full face of the shadow.

It was a skinless bloody corpse, similar to the human muscle model in the health room, but this one was alive and still bleeding all over.

The door of the elevator is slowly closing, the blood corpse crooked head grin, seemingly smiling, eyes fixed on Feng Bujue, when the door is about to close, it poked out a hand, squeezed out from inside.

“According to the general thinking, here I should escape ……” Feng Bujue thought: “But this guy also does not look like super strong, should we try to fight it… …”

At this time, the blood corpse happened to come out of the elevator, and immediately roared with great vigor, waved his hand and hammered at a wall in the corridor, and the thick wooden board behind the wallpaper was instantly shattered, and a tidal wave of cockroaches “flowed” out of it, about a sack.

“You’re tough.” The first time I saw this scene, I turned my head and ran.

The newbie tutorials, naturally to guide the player to continue, kill the player is not the primary purpose. This action of the blood corpse was actually a waste of time, obviously to allow the fleeing player to escape a little more distance. But the system also considered other possibilities, such as players scared paralyzed on the ground did not go, or a player after a clear look at the blood corpse attempted to fight with it in a place with light. In that case, the blood corpse’s action can make the scared person roll up and run for his life, and dispel the desire of those tough people to fight.

Of course, if the player is too scared to stand up, or must play hard to get, then I’m afraid it will have to GAMEOVER, to regenerate a random newbie tutorial script.

“First of all, I 80% can not break the wall, secondly, break also no way out, thirdly, with this monster fight will be dead, very good ……” Feng Bujue silently sorted out the confirmed situation in his heart, it seems that in this novice tutorial, he did not have much choice.

After a considerable distance, Feng Bujue saw the end of the corridor, where there was a door, a very thick-looking wooden door!

He turned the door handle, and it opened! He didn’t have time to consider whether there was any danger on the other side of the door, he could only go in, because the blood corpses were chasing him very close and he couldn’t afford to delay. At this moment, Feng Bujue understood that he should have run as soon as the elevator door opened, that was the usual choice, and staying for a moment made his time for action very tight.

Once he dodged into the house and closed the door, he found that there was actually an iron bar on the back of the door to latch it. Feng Bujue did not hesitate to latch the door, almost at the same time, the thing outside began to hit the door.

Feng Bujue ignored it, turned around and started looking around the environment. It was a square room of about 16 square meters, with no furniture inside, only a wall lamp and two doors, one of which was being banged on by a blood corpse, and the other was in the middle of the wall on the opposite side of the room.

He came to the only escape door, pulled the handle and found it was locked. He tried kicking the door at the lock and it seemed to work, but his kick was obviously not strong enough, so he had to try a few more times to get it to work.

The next second, the game menu suddenly popped up in front of his eyes, and another shaded area in the menu was unlocked, showing a number, but at the moment it was 0: [This is your skill value, the exact value can be seen. The skill value can be used as currency and is accumulated according to the actions of the character, and any actions that enhance the efficiency of the game will reward the skill value. Current  skill value: 0]

“Is this time to give a hint of skill value, is it a hint that there is some kind of optional shortcut ……” Feng Bujue then looked at his own scare value in the menu in passing, it was still 0% and hadn’t moved at all.

He sighed and looked back at the door that was being slammed, the iron bars were slightly deformed and didn’t seem to last long. Under the pressure of a monster that could come through the door at any moment and kill someone, no bystander could be as calm as he was.

Feng Bujue took a closer look at the room again. There were hints in the seemingly empty room, and there was a corner of wallpaper turned down high on one wall, which didn’t look very obvious, but careful observation would not miss it. He tore off the wallpaper and found a symbol drawn in blood on the wooden board at the back. The symbol looked like a circle connected to the shape of a “卜”, which should be a key pattern.

At this time, a roar accompanied by the sound of wood being broken sounded from behind, Feng Bujue looked back and found that one of the blood corpse’s claws had pierced the door panel and reached in through a bowl-sized opening and waved haphazardly, not knowing whether its intelligence would be set to lift the door latch after touching it.

The occurrence of such a scene undoubtedly signifies that the blood corpse is about to rush in, whether it is solving the puzzle or kicking in the door, there is not much time left.

Feng Bujue hurriedly used his elbow to slam the wooden board with the symbols painted on it, and the pain could be messed up, but the board was obviously brittle and broke with one elbow. He thought there would be a lot of bugs out, but it did not, just a little dust. Behind the board, there was a small space with a key lying in the middle.

When Feng Bujue picked up the key, the game menu appeared again and another shadow was unlocked: [You have obtained an item, you can only hold it in your hand or discard it because the bag and equipment bar are not yet open.

He then saw the item properties in the new menu display area: [Name: Rusty Iron Key

[Name: Rusty Iron Key

Type: Consumable

Quality: Normal

Function: Open door locks]

Whether you can bring out the script: No

Remarks: I think you know what to do.

Feng Bujue felt that the remarks column of this item was full of malice, but he didn’t have time to think about it, and after scanning the item’s properties, he closed the menu and ran to the locked door. After the door was opened, the key disappeared, at the same time, the long-lost system alert sounded: [You have gained skill value, 30 points, this alert is only once, you can check the change of skill value in the game menu in the future.

Feng Bujue had no time to worry about what he couldn’t use for the time being, and he continued on his way. Behind the door were stone steps going upward, with stone walls on both sides and no ceiling to see the night sky, the moonlight shining brightly on the steps in front of him. But he could not escape from the top because the stone walls were extremely high, with smooth surfaces, and the two walls were more than two meters apart, apparently to prevent him from climbing up.

Picking up the steps and running a distance, Feng Bujue took time to look at his fitness value again in the process and found that it was reduced to 24/100. He silently calculated that he had spent three quarters of his fitness value after running hundreds of meters after leaving the elevator, then kicking in the door, smashing the wall, and now climbing the slope, which was much faster than he expected. And the survival value also became 98%, it seems that the elbow hit the wall just now was judged by the system to have caused damage.

The blood corpse behind him crashed through the door about five seconds after Feng Bujue unlocked it and came after him, and at this moment it began to emit a burst of fierce laughter, the sound was like ringing in the ears, incomparably seeping, but Feng Bujue did not feel this level of disturbance at all.

At the end of the steps, there is a slope, on the slope there is a huge sword, under the moonlight, the blade of the sword reflects the cold aura, when Feng Bujue’s sight touched the sword, the blood corpse seems to have sensed, its speed increased wildly, the original distance of several dozen meters was instantly shortened.

Feng Bujue really rolled and crawled this time, he did not want to be killed at this juncture when he was about to finish. Stumbling to the sword, hands hold the hilt to mention, surprisingly, he easily picked up the weapon, it turns out not as heavy as it looks.

A turn, the blood corpse has killed to close, harsh wailing straight into the eardrums, a pair of blood claws swoop.

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