Angry Grandma

Aubrey’s heart pounded as she struggled to stand up, her eyes fixated on the television screen. The news that flashed before her eyes sent a wave of shock through her body. Slowly, she turned her gaze towards Grandma, who sat on the couch, engulfed in anger, her grip tight on the TV remote.

“Gran-Grandma,” Aubrey managed to utter, her voice barely a whisper. But before she could complete her plea, the TV remote flew through the air, striking her forehead with a resounding thud.

“Ahh!” Aubrey winced, her hand instinctively reaching for her throbbing forehead. As she touched her skin, her fingertips came away stained with blood, a stark reminder of the pain she was enduring.

“How dare you do this!” Grandma growled, her anger seething. But instead of recoiling, Aubrey took a hesitant step forward, mustering her courage to approach her grandmother. She knelt down in front of Grandma, closing her hands in a supplicating gesture.

“I am sorry… I didn’t…” Aubrey’s words trailed off as Grandma barked an order to Jennifer, her loyal servant.

“Jenny, fetch my rod,” Grandma commanded, a twisted satisfaction evident in her voice. Jenny, dutifully accepting the task, scurried over to Grandma and retrieved the rod.

Fear gripped Aubrey as her eyes fell upon the menacing object. Trembling uncontrollably, she continued to beg for forgiveness. “I’m sorry… Please, Grandma, I promise I won’t do it again,” she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. But her pleas fell on deaf ears as Grandma showed no mercy, striking Aubrey without hesitation.

“Ahhhh!” Aubrey cried out in pain, her screams falling on unfeeling ears. Grandma’s relentless assault continued, each blow adding to Aubrey’s anguish. The room spun around her, dizziness clouding her comprehension. Amidst the physical torment, Aubrey could only offer apologies, unable to grasp the meaning behind Grandma’s furious tirade.

“Grandma,” a voice rang out, cutting through the chaos. Aubrey’s heart skipped a beat as she recognized Evan’s voice. Relief washed over her, knowing that he had come to her aid.

Evan hurried towards Aubrey, ignoring the words exchanged between his mother and grandmother. With gentle strength, he enveloped her in his arms, carrying her to a nearby room and gently placing her on a soft surface. He wasted no time in calling for a doctor, his eyes filled with concern as he looked upon Aubrey’s unconscious form. Memories of the morning’s events flooded his mind, juxtaposing the tender moments they had shared with the sudden turmoil that now consumed their lives.


As Evan awakened, his gaze fell upon the sight of Aubrey lying naked beside him. A smile played on his lips as he reminisced about the passionate night they had shared. However, his reverie was abruptly shattered by the incessant ringing of his phone. He noticed Aubrey’s brows furrow in response to the disruptive sound. Hastily rising from the bed, Evan made his way to the balcony to answer the call. The news he received cast a shadow over his previous bliss. Last night’s events had made their way into the public eye.

Quickly preparing himself, Evan left for the office, only to be greeted by a swarm of reporters congregating outside the building. His vigilant bodyguards maintained a strict perimeter, shielding him from the prying eyes of the media.

Once inside, a retinue of bodyguards accompanied Evan, their presence reflecting the gravity of the situation. His secretary walked alongside him, while other members of the entourage trailed behind, escorting him to the meeting room. A palpable fear hung in the air as Evan’s piercing gaze swept over his subordinates. He turned his attention to his secretary.

“I explicitly instructed you to ensure that not a whisper of last night’s events escaped the party. How, in the world, did this footage find its way into the public eye?” Evan’s voice dripped with annoyance, the furrow on his forehead deepening. The secretary nervously wiped the sweat from his brow, struggling to find a response.

“I… I did my best, sir, but I cannot fathom how this footage was leaked,” the secretary stammered, his voice trembling. Evan’s irritation grew, and he directed his gaze towards the heads of each department, demanding answers.

“What is our next course of action?” he inquired, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and determination. The chief of the public relations department, responsible for media affairs, took a step forward, attempting to offer a solution.

“Mr. President, we have already released a press statement denouncing the news reporter who first published and broadcasted the footage. We are prepared to take legal action if necessary. However, if the situation persists, we may need to hold a media conference where you would address the public alongside your wife,” the chief proposed, fully aware of Evan’s concerns.

Evan recoiled at the mention of involving Aubrey, his primary worry being her safety. He viewed her as a delicate soul, unaccustomed to the scrutiny and probing questions of the media. The thought of subjecting her to such an ordeal filled him with apprehension.

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“I cannot allow her to be dragged into this,” Evan retorted, his tone firm and resolute. His main objective was to shield Aubrey from the prying eyes and potential harm that awaited her if her identity became public knowledge.

“I understand your concerns, sir, but at this juncture, it appears to be our best course of action,” the chief responded, his voice tinged with sympathy. Evan stood up from his seat, adjusting his suit with precision, before retrieving his phone. Without a second glance, he addressed the chief of the public relations department in an authoritative tone.

“Mr. Smith, find another solution. And ensure that none of your proposed alternatives include my wife,” Evan commanded, his voice leaving no room for negotiation. With that, he abruptly left the meeting room, leaving behind a collective sigh of relief from those present.

Within the confines of his office, Evan pushed open the gate and discarded his jacket, his mind consumed with thoughts of Aubrey. His secretary cautiously approached him, seeking to break the tension.

“Mr. Wilson, are you married?” Evan’s question hung in the air, laden with an underlying message. He settled himself in his chair, resting his elbows on the table, his chin cradled in his hands.

“Y-yes, sir,” the secretary responded, his voice trembling. Evan’s gaze intensified, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“Good. Then perhaps you can understand. How does it feel to leave your wife alone after sharing an intimate moment?” Evan’s question, though direct, carried a heavy weight of frustration and disappointment.

“N-no, sir… It feels terrible, just as I’m feeling right now. All because of your mistake,” Evan’s anger seethed as he locked eyes with his secretary, his disappointment palpable.

“I apologize, sir. This will not happen again,” the secretary replied, his voice filled with a mix of fear and regret.

“If it does, don’t wait for me to intervene. Tender your resignation before I take action. Do you understand?” Evan’s tone brooked no argument, leaving the secretary with no choice but to offer his assurance.

“Yes, sir,” the secretary acquiesced, his voice tinged with a newfound resolve.

“Now, ensure that I am not disturbed. I need time alone,” Evan declared, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. The secretary respectfully bowed and exited the room, leaving Evan to grapple with his tumultuous thoughts.

A rush of memories flooded his mind as he sat there, memories of Aubrey and the love they shared. Just as he began to settle into a contemplative state, the intrusive ringing of his phone pierced the silence. His eyes snapped open, and a sense of urgency gripped him as he reached for the device.

“Yes, John,” Evan answered, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience. But as he listened to the response on the other end, a surge of alarm coursed through his veins. Without a moment’s hesitation, he grabbed his car keys and dashed towards the exit, his mind filled with a single purpose.

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