I will handle

As the doctor handed Evan a prescription for medicine, he delivered a solemn message, his voice filled with concern. “There is a wound that will take time to heal. Until then, please take care of her,” the doctor advised, emphasizing the importance of caring for Aubrey’s well-being. Evan accepted the prescription with gratitude, his eyes reflecting his worry as he glanced at Aubrey, who lay pale and fragile on the bed. Slowly, he approached her and tenderly brushed her hair from her forehead with his finger.

“I am sorry,” Evan whispered softly, a tinge of sadness evident in his voice. His face bore the weight of his regrets as he realized the impact of recent events. Just then, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, and without uttering a word, a maid entered the room.

“Sir, the old madam is requesting your presence,” the maid informed Evan, her voice respectful and cautious. Evan understood the reason behind his grandmother’s summons, and he assured the maid that he would attend to her immediately.

In Grandma’s Room

Evan entered his grandmother’s room, where she stood by the window, her gaze fixed on the outside world. There was a notable anger in her voice as she confronted him. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, her frustration apparent. Evan stood his ground, his determination unwavering.

“I will never engage in anything that brings shame upon the Cooper name. I promise you that,” Evan declared, his voice carrying conviction and resolve. But his grandmother responded with a hint of sarcasm, doubting his intentions.

“I am not so old that I fail to comprehend what my grandson is attempting to achieve,” she retorted sharply. Evan attempted to explain himself, but his grandmother cut him off, refusing to hear his reasoning.

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“I did not intervene when you publicly accepted her in front of your father because I believed you had your reasons. I did not object when you stood by her side because I trusted you had a plan. But what transpired is beyond acceptable. I will not tolerate this,” his grandmother asserted, her anger evident. Evan nodded, understanding the gravity of her disappointment.

“Do not disappoint me, Evan. I have faith in you,” his grandmother warned, her words laden with a clear message. Evan absorbed her warning, his expression betraying a mix of determination and responsibility.

“Do not worry, Grandma. I will handle everything. I promise,” Evan assured her, his face an unreadable mask. With that, he left the room, leaving his grandmother to contemplate her decision. She called for Mrs. Jane, summoning her into her presence.

“Mother, did you summon me?” Mrs. Jane inquired as she entered the room, curiosity in her voice.

“Remove her from this house and from Evan’s life,” Grandma instructed Mrs. Jane, her voice filled with anger and resentment.

“Who?” Mrs. Jane knew exactly to whom her mother was referring, but she wanted to hear the words from Grandma’s mouth.

“Aubrey. I want her gone. Cast her out,” Grandma commanded, her words dripping with animosity. Mrs. Jane attempted to conceal her joy, but her delighted giggling voice betrayed her true feelings.


In Evan’s Room

Aubrey slowly opened her eyes, a soft hiss escaping her lips as she attempted to move her injured finger. The touch of her clothes against her wounds elicited pain, causing her to sit up and rest her head against the bed. Thoughts of how she ended up in this condition flooded her mind, and she lamented her lack of self-control. However, her train of thought was interrupted when she heard the door creak open. Evan entered, carrying a tray of food in his hands, which he placed on the nearby nightstand. Taking a seat on the bed beside Aubrey, he gazed at her intently. Aubrey, fearful of his potential anger, simply stared back at him, confusion evident on her face.

“How are you feeling?” Evan’s voice was tender and filled with genuine concern, surprising Aubrey. She swallowed, moistening her dry throat in an attempt to find her voice.

“I am sorry. I should not have said those words,” she finally managed to speak, her voice laced with remorse. Aubrey understood the immense pressure Evan was under from the media and the difficulties he faced. A warm touch on her cheek startled her, causing her to look up at Evan, who wore a faint smile. That smile warmed Aubrey’s heart, and she couldn’t help but let tears well up in her eyes, expressing the overflow of emotions within her.

“Let us not dwell on that. First, you need to eat,” Evan said, wiping away Aubrey’s tears gently.

“I don’t have the strength in my body,” Aubrey confessed, feeling weak and vulnerable. Evan chuckled, helping her sit up and proceeding to feed her with his own hands. Aubrey took each bite, savoring the flavors while cherishing the beautiful moments they shared. Time seemed to stand still, and Aubrey wished fervently that they could remain in this idyllic bubble of love forever, shielded from the outside world.

“Grandma is still angry,” Aubrey asked, her concern for Evan apparent in her words.

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“Do not worry; I will handle it,” Evan assured her, wiping her mouth delicately.

“How will you cope with this situation?” Aubrey voiced her worries, her gaze fixed on Evan. He smiled, radiating confidence and reassurance.

“I have my ways. Do not stress,” Evan replied, his smile offering a comforting presence.

“Did Grandma speak with you?” Aubrey inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her. Evan nodded in confirmation.

“She scolded you as well,” Aubrey probed further, seeking to understand the extent of Grandma’s anger. Again, Evan nodded, causing Aubrey’s expression to darken. However, before her sadness could consume her, Evan approached her with a spoonful of food. Aubrey hesitated for a moment but then accepted it, realizing Evan’s forgiveness.

“I am sorry,” Aubrey apologized once again, her gloomy demeanor reflecting her remorse. Evan cupped her face, lifting her gaze to meet his own. Leaning in, he gently kissed her forehead.

“I told you, I am not angry with you. In fact, I am amazed to have a fearless tigress as my wife, someone who is unafraid to fight for her husband,” Evan expressed, his words bringing a smile to Aubrey’s lips.

“I will take care of everything. Do not worry,” Evan assured Aubrey, enveloping her in a warm embrace. In his arms, Aubrey felt safe, protected, and loved. She wished she could stay in this embrace forever, shielded from the challenges that lay ahead.

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