
As Lucas had promised Aubrey, he ensured that they arrived home before Evan, successfully keeping Aubrey’s outing a secret. Gradually, the news about Aubrey and Evan began to fade, and a sense of normalcy settled in, bringing a glimmer of happiness to Aubrey’s heart.

*** Evening ***

With the rest of the family members out of the house, Aubrey found herself alone, tidying up the kitchen when the phone suddenly rang. Hastily, she rushed to answer it, her anticipation tinged with concern.

“Hel—” Before she could finish her greeting, a voice on the other end of the line interrupted her with sobs. Worry etched across her face, Aubrey pressed on, determined to understand.

“Hello,” she spoke once more, her voice gentle, coaxing the caller to share their distress.

“Hell… (sob)…” A female voice quivered through the receiver, and Aubrey recognized it immediately.

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“Hello, Jennifer?” Aubrey inquired, seeking confirmation to dispel her doubts.

“Aub… Aubrey… please, help me,” Jennifer implored between sobs. Aubrey’s worry intensified, and she desperately sought to comprehend the situation.

“What happened? Where are you?” Aubrey questioned, her voice laced with genuine concern.

“I’m at The Game Bar,” Jennifer revealed, her words punctuated by tears.

“I’ll be right there,” Aubrey assured her, promptly ending the call and grabbing her purse before dashing out of the house.

*** At The Game Bar ***

Upon entering the bustling bar, where revelers danced and reveled, Aubrey scanned the room in search of Jennifer, but her efforts proved fruitless. A sigh escaped her lips as she approached the bartender, hoping for some information. Presenting Jennifer’s picture, she raised her voice to be heard above the cacophony of music.

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“Have you seen her around?” Aubrey shouted, her words carried by the high volume. The bartender squinted and examined the photo closely.

“Yes, she went upstairs with a man,” the bartender informed Aubrey, recognizing Jennifer’s face. Grateful for the information, Aubrey expressed her gratitude and made her way upstairs. However, there was only one room, and a surge of anxiety coursed through her veins. Summoning her courage, she cautiously opened the door, finding the room shrouded in darkness.

“Je… Jennifer?” Aubrey called out, her voice echoing in the dimly lit space. Instead of Jennifer’s response, she heard the sound of someone sobbing. With her phone’s flashlight illuminating the room, she frantically searched for a light switch. Finally locating it, Aubrey braced herself and flicked it on, only to be confronted by a shocking sight.

Jennifer sat on the floor, her body wracked with sobs, her clothes torn and disheveled. Aubrey hurriedly approached her, settling down in front of her.

“Jennifer, are you okay?” Aubrey asked, her voice filled with genuine concern, as she tried to provide comfort.

As Jennifer locked eyes with Aubrey, she flung herself into Aubrey’s embrace, continuing to weep uncontrollably. Aubrey tenderly stroked Jennifer’s hair, her heart aching for her friend’s pain.

“What happened? Are you safe?” Aubrey probed gently, hoping for answers. Jennifer remained silent, her gaze fixed on something behind Aubrey. Following Jennifer’s line of sight, Aubrey turned slightly and was met with a sight that left her stunned— a man lying motionless, blood pooling around his head.

A gasp escaped Aubrey’s lips, but she quickly covered her mouth to stifle the sound, her fear intensifying at the sight before her. Aubrey’s gaze shifted back to Jennifer, seeking answers in her eyes.

“W-who did this?” she managed to utter, her voice trembling with fear.

“Me,” Jennifer whispered hoarsely, revealing a gun clenched tightly in her hand. Without hesitation, Aubrey gently disarmed her friend, taking the gun from her trembling grasp and placing it on the floor.

“We need to leave before someone finds us here,” Aubrey urged, offering a supportive hand to help Jennifer rise from the floor. Sensing her vulnerability, Aubrey removed her own jacket and draped it around Jennifer’s shoulders, providing a small measure of comfort.

Jennifer clung to Aubrey, her tears unabating. Aubrey continued to offer solace, her touch a reassuring balm.

“Thank you so much,” Jennifer choked out between sobs, her gratitude pouring forth. Aubrey tenderly caressed Jennifer’s back, her words filled with warmth.

“We’re family, Jennifer. You don’t need to thank me. I’m just glad you’re safe,” Aubrey consoled her, emphasizing the bond they shared. Together, they left the bar, returning home to an empty house, save for Lucas, who had not yet arrived.

Upon seeing Jennifer and Aubrey together, Lucas couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation stir within him.

“It’s peculiar to see them together,” he mumbled to himself, an undercurrent of curiosity running through his thoughts.

Jennifer retreated to her room, seeking solace, while Aubrey headed to the kitchen. Instructing another maid, Aubrey requested a warm glass of milk for Jennifer, ensuring she was taken care of. The maid inquired about Aubrey’s own needs.

“Thank you for asking. Could you please make a cup of coffee for me?” Aubrey requested politely, grateful for the assistance. The maid nodded, acknowledging the request.

“Make one for me as well!” Lucas chimed in from behind Aubrey, his voice filled with lighthearted banter.

… The maid prepared a cup of coffee for Aubrey and another for Lucas. As they sat together, Aubrey and Lucas engaged in casual conversation, reflecting on the movie scene they had filmed.

“Look, your face didn’t appear anywhere,” Lucas exclaimed, handing his phone to Aubrey. On the screen, a video played, showcasing Aubrey and Lucas in action.

“Yes, thank goodness! I was terrified at the thought of Grandma seeing me in the movie,” Aubrey exclaimed, a palpable sense of relief washing over her as she watched the footage.

“You’re really afraid of Grandma, aren’t you?” Lucas teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“More than anything,” Aubrey replied with playful exaggeration, widening her eyes for emphasis. Lucas chuckled at her response.

However, after some time, both Aubrey and Lucas began to feel an unexpected dizziness washing over them.

“My vision is becoming blurry,” Aubrey murmured, pressing her fingers to her forehead in an attempt to alleviate the sensation.

“Me too,” Lucas acknowledged, sharing in her discomfort. Unable to resist the mounting exhaustion, they sank into the nearest sofa, succumbing to unconsciousness.

… Footsteps approached, growing nearer to where Aubrey and Lucas lay unconscious on the sofa. The person’s smile revealed a hint of malevolence.

“Now, the game begins,” the person uttered, their voice dripping with sinister intent.

“Take them to the bedroom,” they instructed, their plan set in motion.

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