Husband’s need

Aubrey’s mind spun with a mix of confusion and anger as Cassie innocently feigned ignorance. The whispers from the surrounding guests only intensified her disdain for Cassie’s act. How could she pretend not to understand what Aubrey was implying?

“You don’t know?” Aubrey’s voice quivered with a newfound courage, her eyebrows raised in defiance. She couldn’t fathom how she had summoned such audacity.

“STOP IT, AUBREY!” Evan’s booming voice jolted her. He forcefully grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the party. Aubrey obediently followed, the murmurs of the crowd fading as they reached the quiet of the parking area. In a fit of anger, Evan propelled her forward, causing her to stumble. She managed to regain her balance, though his harsh demeanor unsettled her. He took a step closer, and she instinctively retreated, but he gripped her upper arm with an unyielding force, eliciting a hiss of pain.

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” Evan’s voice echoed with fury, and Aubrey winced, shutting her eyes tightly to shield herself from his anger.

“I AM F****** ASKING YOU SOMETHING!” His words reverberated through her trembling body. She shook her head in denial, unable to find her voice.

“Do you know what you said in front of everyone?” Evan persisted, seeking an answer she couldn’t provide.

“YOU TOLD EVERYONE THAT WE ARE MARRIED!” His words hit her with the force of a blow. In the heat of jealousy, she had blurted out those words without thinking, and now she faced the consequences.

“ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?” Evan shook her fragile frame, desperate for her attention. But Aubrey remained silent, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

Evan released his grip on her and turned away, punching the car window in frustration. The sudden outburst made her flinch, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions.

“If Grandma knows what you did… You know what will happen,” Evan muttered darkly, sending a shiver down Aubrey’s spine. Fear consumed her, and she found herself trembling in its grip.

“I… I am sorry,” she managed to stammer, her voice laced with remorse. Evan’s gaze bore into her, his expression a mix of disappointment and frustration. He retrieved his phone and made a call, instructing someone named John to erase all evidence of the day’s events and ensure no one uttered a word. His commanding tone hinted at the power he wielded, and Aubrey felt a surge of unease.

“Pray to God no one says a word about us. Let’s go home,” Evan declared, his voice tinged with weariness. He began walking, expecting her to follow, but Aubrey remained rooted to the spot. Evan turned, perplexed by her hesitation.

“Let’s go,” he urged her, his impatience evident. Aubrey’s emotions surged forward, fueled by his earlier words.

“Just because I am a maid,” she murmured, her voice barely audible. Evan halted in his tracks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

“You don’t want anyone to know because I am a maid,” she repeated, her words carrying a hint of bitterness. Evan studied her for a moment, assessing her words.

“How much have you drunk?” he inquired, trying to make sense of her sudden outburst. Aubrey shook her head, denying any influence of alcohol.

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“I am not drunk,” she denied vehemently, her voice betraying her insistence.

“What do you want to hear? The truth or a lie? Choose one,” Evan offered, his tone laced with frustration. Aubrey stared at him, confusion etched on her face.

“Why don’t I want anyone to know about our relationship? You asked me. Now tell me, should I tell you the truth or a lie?” he clarified, his hand nonchalantly slipping into his pant pocket.

“The… truth,” Aubrey responded, her gaze drifting downward. Evan fell silent, contemplating her request.

“Hmmm… You know what? You’re right. I don’t want anyone to know about our relationship because you are a maid,” he admitted, his words piercing her heart. Aubrey closed her eyes tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I regret bringing you here. I thought you were a sensible person, but it seems all you possess is a beautiful face. Your behavior today has proven that you are truly illiterate and low-class,” he continued, drawing closer to her. The pain in his words cut deep, and Aubrey’s tears turned into uncontrollable sobs. She longed to scream, to make him stop, yet she craved the truth.

Evan’s hand gently cupped her face, lifting her tear-streaked visage. His thumb brushed away a tear, leaving a trail of warmth on her skin.

“Please don’t cry,” he pleaded, a hint of genuine sadness in his eyes. He kissed her forehead, a tender gesture that contrasted sharply with his earlier insults.

“I am sorry, but I don’t have a choice,” he confessed, his lips suddenly crashing onto hers. Aubrey was overwhelmed, unable to comprehend the swift change in his demeanor. Just moments ago, he had belittled her, and now he was kissing her passionately. She tried to push him away, but her efforts proved futile. His tongue darted into her mouth, exploring every crevice.

“Ev… Evan,” she managed to utter between breaths, pushing against his chest. Yet, as she felt the gentle, reassuring hold of his embrace, her resistance waned. She kissed him back, her fingers tangling in his hair. As she opened her eyes, her heart sank at the sight of Cassie standing before them. Cassie’s disapproving stare spoke volumes, and she turned away, her departure a statement of her disapproval.

Aubrey’s thoughts whirled, realizing that Evan’s actions had been part of an act, a charade. His ability to convincingly play his part astounded her, and she couldn’t deny the pain that gripped her heart. The tears continued to flow as she closed her eyes, summoning her inner strength to push him away. Evan regarded her with a mixture of confusion and concern.

“She is gone,” she whispered, her tears unabated. Evan scanned the surroundings, bewildered by her words.

“Who… who is gone?” he queried, his voice laced with confusion.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend anymore. You’ve already revealed the truth. Let’s go home,” she uttered, her gaze averted. Evan grasped her hand, his touch firm as he pinned her against the car.

“Why is everything an act to you?” he hissed, frustration radiating from his every word.

“Your acting is the only truth in my life,” Aubrey responded, meeting his angry gaze head-on. She pushed him away, her resolve firm.

“It’s all my fault, my reckless behavior. So, don’t worry. I will take responsibility for my mistake. Let’s go home, Mr. Evan,” she declared, her eyes fixed on a distant point. He tightened his grip on her hand, his gaze unwavering as he looked into her eyes.

Only allowed on

“Who said we are going home?” he sneered, a mocking smile gracing his lips. Aubrey’s heart pounded with fear at the sight of him in such a state. He forcefully dragged her back into the hotel.

“Why are we going back?” she asked, struggling to free her wrist from his grip. But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The receptionist handed him the key, and he took it, dragging her to their hotel room. Without warning, he threw her onto the bed.

“What are you doing?” Aubrey protested, attempting to rise. But Evan pushed her back down, hovering above her.

“You’re so eager to let everyone know you’re my wife. Well, then, fulfill your duties as a wife,” he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Fulfill your husband’s needs,” he ordered, his voice dripping with arrogance.

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