Make love

Aubrey’s heart raced as she tried to push him away, but his grip remained unyielding. Trembling hands betrayed her fear as she pleaded with Evan to stop. His lips found her neck, eliciting a shiver that coursed through her body. Desperate to escape, she clenched the bedsheets tightly, closing her eyes in a futile attempt to block out the terrifying reality.

“What do you mean, ‘What am I doing?'” she managed to utter, her voice quivering. “This isn’t what couples do in a hotel room alone.” His hot breath against her skin intensified her unease, compelling her to seek refuge in her own room. A sob escaped her lips, catching Evan’s attention. He paused, his gaze softening as he wiped away the tears that flowed freely down her cheeks. His hand felt warm against her skin, offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the chaos.

“Why are you doing this?” she mustered the strength to ask, her voice laced with vulnerability. Evan chuckled, the sound piercing through her fragile resolve.

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“Such old-fashioned notions of love,” he remarked, his tone filled with condescension. “You claim to love me, yet you refuse to give yourself fully. Isn’t it customary for a husband and wife to share intimate moments? Why are you denying me that?” Aubrey closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to steady herself. Summoning her courage, she reached out and touched his heart.

“What you’re talking about is not love, but lust,” she asserted, a single tear tracing a path down her face. He roughly slapped her hand away, his silence speaking volumes. She couldn’t help but smile bitterly at the sight of her own helplessness. Evan turned away, retreating to the window, while Aubrey remained seated on the bed, her feet grazing the cold floor. She stared at his back, her gaze fixated on his figure illuminated by the moon’s gentle glow.

“I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you,” she confessed, her voice filled with raw emotion. “My heart betrayed me, refusing to listen to reason. I tried to fight it, to suppress these feelings, but it was futile. Tell me, what should I do?” Tears streamed down her face as she continued to gaze at his back, pouring out her heart. She longed for an opportunity to express her feelings, even if it meant facing rejection. With a determined spirit, she rose from the bed and approached him, resting her head on his back. She felt his body tense beneath her touch.

“My soul already belongs to you. If you desire my body, I will surrender it willingly. But I want more than just a physical relationship… If you don’t love me in return, I fear I will be utterly shattered,” she confessed, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and longing. Evan turned to face her, his expression filled with astonishment.

“I have nothing to offer you. Our worlds are too different,” he stated, his voice heavy with resignation. Aubrey nodded, her voice filled with quiet resolve.

“Yes, our worlds may be different… filled with countless people. Yet, my heart only yearns for you. I don’t understand the reasons behind this longing, whether it’s habit, fondness, or desire… I don’t comprehend the complexities of our worlds, but in my world, you are everything.” Her words spilled out, a confession of her deepest desires. She longed to convey the depth of her love for him, the yearning that consumed her every waking moment. Evan cupped her face, gently wiping away her tears, a tender smile gracing his lips.

“How could you fall so deeply in love with me? What have I done to warrant such unwavering affection? I am undeserving of this love… your love is pure, innocent. I’m certain you will find someone who can reciprocate your love just as intensely… but that person won’t be me. Please, stop hurting yourself,” he pleaded, pain evident in his eyes. But the pain Aubrey felt in that moment was unbearable. She felt as if her entire being had been crushed, shattered into countless pieces. If there were a remedy that could make him love her, she would give everything, even her own life, to obtain it. Just as Evan was about to walk past her, she seized his hand, her grip firm.

“I will stop everything… but on one condition,” she declared, surprising Evan with her newfound boldness. He regarded her with a mix of wonder and curiosity.

“Make love to me, as my husband… I will try to forget about you,” she implored, her voice filled with both desperation and determination. Evan closed his eyes, his features contorted with anger.

“You’re not in the right state of mind. Let’s go home,” he commanded, attempting to pull her along. But Aubrey refused to budge, her resolve unwavering. He turned to face her, searching her eyes for any sign of relenting.

“Please, Evan, I promise I will forget about you. I will find someone who loves me as you said,” she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. Evan’s expression shifted, a flicker of anger crossing his face.

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“Are you sure you can stop loving me? Because I promise you, I will never allow you to forget my face, let alone stop loving me,” he retorted, his anger palpable. With a swift motion, he lifted her in his arms and gently laid her back down on the bed, their fate intertwined once again.

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