You like her, don’t you?

Evan Cooper, consumed by worry and unable to visit Aubrey at the hospital due to work obligations, contacted the doctor in a frantic phone call. He anxiously inquired about Aubrey’s discharge, hoping to learn when she would be released.

“Hello, Doctor. When will you be discharging Aubrey from the hospital?” Evan questioned urgently, his voice laced with concern. A day had passed since he had left Aubrey under the hospital’s care, and he was eager to be reunited with her.

“Mr. Cooper, she was discharged two hours ago,” the doctor informed him. Evan’s frustration bubbled up, almost causing him to raise his voice.

“Why didn’t you call me before discharging her? What if something had happened to her on her way home?” he nearly shouted, his worry palpable. The thought of Aubrey being alone and vulnerable in her weakened state troubled him deeply.

“Apologies, Mr. Cooper, but Aubrey expressed a strong desire to leave the hospital. She seemed uncomfortable here,” the doctor explained, understanding Evan’s concerns. He was aware of Aubrey’s aversion to hospitals, stemming from the painful memory of her mother’s passing.

“Very well, thank you for your assistance, doctor,” Evan replied, his voice softened with gratitude, as he bid the doctor farewell and ended the call. The worry that had gripped him since Aubrey’s hospitalization refused to abate, and he yearned for her safety.

Determined to reach Aubrey, Evan dialed her number repeatedly, but she didn’t answer. In a bid to locate her, he called their home, hoping she had made her way back. To his dismay, she had not yet arrived. Another attempt at contacting her yielded success as she finally picked up the call.

“Aubrey, where are you? The doctor informed me of your discharge two hours ago. Why haven’t you reached home yet? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?” Evan bombarded her with questions, his anxiety causing him to speak in rapid succession, barely giving her a chance to respond.

“Evan, please let me explain,” Aubrey’s calm and sweet voice finally interjected, and all of Evan’s anger dissipated upon hearing her soothing tone.

“Go ahead,” he relented, allowing her to convey her side of the story.

“Lucas was present when I was discharged, and he kindly offered me a ride home. We are on our way back now,” Aubrey explained, mentioning Lucas’s name, which caused Evan’s anger to resurface. He couldn’t fathom why she was with Lucas, and it stirred up a sense of possessiveness within him.

“Our home and the hospital are just a half-hour apart. How is it possible that you haven’t arrived yet?” Evan made an effort to suppress his irritation, though it simmered just beneath the surface.

“Please, Evan, where are you? Tell me, and I will come to you. We are almost home,” Aubrey assured him, sensing his impatience. Evan reached for his car keys, placing them firmly in his grasp as he made his way out of the office, fully intent on driving home.

Upon arriving home, Evan spotted Lucas and Aubrey in the parking area. Determined to have Aubrey to himself, he approached her, intending to grasp her hand and whisk her away to their room. However, his plan was thwarted as Lucas firmly held onto his hand, refusing to let go. Evan shot Lucas a deadly glare, demanding that he release his grip.

“Let go of her hand,” Evan commanded, his voice commanding and brimming with authority. He couldn’t fathom Lucas’s audacity to interfere in his affairs.

“It is you who must release my hand,” Lucas countered, holding steadfastly to Evan’s hand, his determination evident. Evan was taken aback by Lucas’s refusal to comply.

“She’s unwell, just discharged from the hospital. You can’t simply drag her away,” Lucas explained, his resolve unwavering.

“I am fully capable of taking care of my wife,” Evan retorted dryly, disinterested in engaging further with Lucas.

“If you were truly capable of taking care of her, why did you not visit her even once?” Lucas taunted, his words delivered with a biting tone.

“Lucas, I have already warned you not to interfere in our matters. Perhaps you’ve inherited your mother’s penchant for meddling in the affairs of a married couple,” Evan replied sarcastically, his words laden with scorn.

“Evan!” Aubrey’s voice rang out, her frustration directed towards him due to Lucas’s interference. Ignoring her outburst, Evan tightened his grip on her hand and proceeded to lead her towards their room.

“Evan, what are you doing?” she exclaimed hastily, her words falling on deaf ears as he paid no heed.

He firmly grasped her shoulder and pushed her against the wall, his intentions clear. Aubrey recoiled, her body language displaying fear and trepidation.

“Why are you with him?” Evan demanded, his voice tinged with accusation. Aubrey flinched and trembled, clearly overwhelmed by his anger.

“He came to see me, and he kindly offered me a ride home. It was difficult to find a taxi during office hours, so I accepted,” Aubrey explained, her words pouring out in an attempt to clarify the situation.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Evan inquired sharply before abruptly releasing his hold on her. Her next words, mirroring Lucas’s earlier statement, only served to fuel his rage.

“How could you expect me to call you when you didn’t once reach out to me or come to visit?” Aubrey sought to explain, her voice laden with frustration. Evan had intended to explain that his absence was due to work obligations, but hearing her echo Lucas’s words ignited a fire of anger within him.

Approaching her once more, he forcefully grasped her face and lifted it to meet his gaze. “Look at me!” he bellowed, his anger palpable. Aubrey, trembling with fear, obeyed his command and met his gaze.

“So, my timid little wife has learned to answer back. I suppose Lucas has filled your mind with tales of how cruel your husband is for not once visiting you, hasn’t he?” Evan interrogated her in an irritated tone, a sarcastic smile tugging at his lips. Aubrey, unable to respond, merely looked at him, her eyes filled with confusion.

“What are you saying?” she questioned, her voice laden with bewilderment.

“Aubrey, I have no desire to hear any explanations. I simply want you to stay away from him,” Evan declared, his tone leaving no room for argument.

“He’s not like—” Aubrey began, but her words were cut short as Evan slammed the door behind him, leaving the room without another word.

Exiting his room, Evan found Lucas waiting just outside. Ignoring him, he forged ahead, determined to avoid any further confrontation.

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“Big Brother, you’re misunderstanding the situation. It’s not Aubrey’s fault; it’s mine. I was the one who insisted she come with me,” Lucas offered an explanation, his voice tinged with regret.

“I care not for whose fault it may be. Do not meddle in the private affairs of others. I want you to steer clear of my wife, do you understand?” Evan issued a stern warning, fully aware that Lucas might not comply with his wishes.

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“You like her, don’t you?” Evan queried, his gaze fixed upon Lucas. The change in Lucas’s expression spoke volumes, revealing his true sentiments. Evan could discern the hint of affection in his eyes.

“No! No, it’s not like that. She’s my sister-in-law,” Lucas denied, his voice tinged with urgency.

“Indeed, she is your sister-in-law. Hence, you should be well aware of the boundaries that must be maintained,” Evan stated firmly before leaving Lucas behind, his words hanging in the air.

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