
Aubrey’s Point of View:

The sound of the door opening filled the room, and my heart leaped with anticipation. I turned my gaze towards the entrance, only to be greeted by the sight of Lucas standing there. Disappointment washed over me, and I struggled to hide it. “Oh dear, it seems quite rude to be disappointed upon seeing my face. I wasn’t aware that I had such an effect,” Lucas remarked, his expression turning into a mock pout.

“No, no, it’s not like that. I just didn’t expect to see you,” I hastily explained, waving my hands to dismiss any misunderstanding.

“I know, you were expecting Evan,” Lucas stated, a knowing smile playing on his lips. I blushed involuntarily, confirming his assumption. It had been a day since I regained consciousness, yet neither a call nor a visit from Evan had graced my existence.

“How are you feeling?” Lucas inquired, placing a fruit basket on the table. He was the only person who bothered to visit me during this time.

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“I’m fine, thank you,” I replied, offering him an update on my health. He settled into a chair beside me, and I could sense the curiosity bubbling within him, eager to ask me numerous questions. He was about to speak when the doctor entered the room.

“Miss Aubrey, you’re in good health now,” the doctor announced after examining me.

“When can I be discharged, doctor?” I eagerly inquired, my desire to leave the hospital growing with each passing moment. The atmosphere within these sterile walls felt suffocating, and I yearned to be free.

“We can discharge you at any time you wish,” the doctor reassured me, seemingly aware of my discomfort. A sense of relief washed over me, and I wasted no time in expressing my desire to leave.

“Now, please discharge me,” I implored the doctor, my excitement palpable. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and granted my request before departing.

“If you’d like, I can take you home,” Lucas offered, extending his assistance. In my weakened state, I had neither the strength nor the ability to navigate public transportation. Realizing this, I accepted his proposal, grateful for his support.


In Lucas’s car, with Aubrey sitting in the passenger seat and gazing out the window, she was lost in her thoughts. She heard Lucas call her name, but her mind was elsewhere. “Aubrey,” he called again, and this time she responded with a distracted “En.”

However, Lucas didn’t say anything further, and Aubrey didn’t mind the silence. Ever since the doctor informed her that Evan brought her to the hospital, she couldn’t stop wondering if he had witnessed Mrs. Jane’s assault on her. She desperately hoped he hadn’t seen her in such a pathetic state. It bothered her that he hadn’t come to visit or even called since then. She questioned whether he truly cared about her, considering how concerned he had seemed before.

Her train of thought was interrupted when she noticed they were taking an unfamiliar route. Confusion crept into her voice as she asked Lucas about their destination. He abruptly applied the brakes, causing her to lean forward. He parked the car by the side of the road, and before Aubrey could voice her anger, he stopped her.

“I can’t keep myself from asking you,” he said, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. “Why was Mrs. Jane hitting you?”

“Lucas, it’s none of your business. Let’s go home,” Aubrey replied, her voice dry. She closed her eyes, feeling embarrassed that Lucas had witnessed her in such a vulnerable state.

“No one should be treated the way she treats you. You say it’s none of my business, but I’ve been living in that house for a week. Grandma, Mrs. Jane, and Jennifer order you around all day. You’re treated more like a maid than a family member,” Lucas exclaimed angrily, his words filled with frustration.

“You’re wrong, Lucas. It’s not like that at all. They’re all my family, and I enjoy taking care of them,” Aubrey tried to dismiss his concerns with a forced laugh, hoping he wouldn’t take it seriously.

“Family members don’t behave towards each other the way they behave towards you,” he persisted, refusing to let the matter go. Aubrey didn’t know how to end the conversation. Revealing the truth to Lucas would only anger Evan, and she couldn’t let him know what was really happening.

“Evan and I got married without their consent, so they’re a little upset with me,” she offered as a feeble excuse.

Upon hearing her explanation, Lucas burst into laughter. “Evan loves you?” he asked, narrowing his eyes skeptically.

“Of course, he’s my h-husband,” Aubrey stammered, her voice faltering. A frown creased Lucas’s face.

“From what I can see, it tells a completely different story. You can’t even confidently claim him as your husband,” he interrogated.

Unable to handle the situation, Aubrey abruptly opened the car door and stormed out, walking briskly along an unfamiliar road in an unknown direction. Lucas chased after her, calling her name repeatedly, but she ignored him, determined to keep moving forward. He caught up to her and grasped her hand.

“Where are you going? Do you even know where this road leads?” he asked. Frustrated, Aubrey yanked her hand away from his grip.

“I’m going home,” she declared, crossing her arms defensively.

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“Do you even know the way home?” he questioned. Aubrey was dumbfounded, glancing around and realizing she had no idea which direction would lead her back home. She couldn’t let Lucas see her uncertainty.

“I’ll take a taxi,” she retorted, preparing to take a step forward, but Lucas interjected.

“This is a highway. You won’t find a taxi here,” he said. Annoyed, Aubrey frowned at him.

“Why did you bring me to the highway?” she yelled in frustration.

“I’m sorry, but I wanted to talk to you. I can see how much you love Evan, but the way he treats you… it’s not how a husband should behave,” Lucas said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

“Lucas, I appreciate your concern, but how my husband behaves with me is nobody’s business,” Aubrey asserted, determined to shut down any further discussion.

Lucas took a step forward and placed his hand on her shoulder, pulling her closer. “I’ve been worried about you. When I saw you unconscious in front of me, I thought I might lose you,” he admitted.

“What do you mean?” Aubrey asked, her frown deepening. Lucas quickly released her.

“No, no, what I meant was if something happened to you, I wouldn’t have the chance to propose a friendship,” he clarified.

“You want to be my friend?” Aubrey beamed with happiness. The prospect of having a friend excited her.

“Yes, I do. Can’t we be?” he asked, to which she instantly nodded. Lucas raised his hand for a handshake.

“Friends,” he said, his smile warm and generous. They shook hands, solidifying their new friendship.

He became her first friend, a position she had never experienced before. In the past, her classmates had bullied her due to her background as a maid’s daughter, and she hadn’t attended college, which deprived her of opportunities to make friends.

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