love me so much

Aubrey’s Point of View:

Only allowed on

The sound of my name echoed through my dreams, slowly pulling me back to consciousness. I fluttered my eyes open, greeted by a gentle voice that tugged at my heartstrings. It was Evan, looking youthful and vibrant, extending his hand towards me. “Please, stop crying,” he implored, his voice filled with compassion. “I know you love your mom, but you’re not alone, Aubrey. I will take care of you.” A smile crept onto my face as his words wrapped around me like a warm embrace. With a surge of happiness, I moved closer to him, allowing his outstretched hand to guide me. Evan pulled me into an embrace, holding me tightly against his chest. “I promise you’ll never be alone. I won’t let sorrow touch you,” he vowed, his words soothing my troubled soul. Tears welled in my eyes, and I returned his embrace, unable to contain the overwhelming love I felt for him. “I love you, Evan, more than words can express,” I confessed, my heart brimming with joy. In that moment, I was filled with immense happiness.

“Aubrey! Aubrey!” The sharp sound of my name reverberated through the air, jolting me from my slumber. Evan stood before me, his face etched with worry. He sat beside me and reached out, tenderly touching my forehead. The weight of my head felt unbearable, and I struggled to keep my eyes open.

“E-Evan,” I murmured, my voice heavy with fatigue. Concern laced his expression as he realized I had a fever. “You were mumbling in your sleep. Your forehead is damp with sweat. Are you alright?” I realized then that it had all been a dream. I weakly removed his hand from my forehead and placed it against my cheek, mustering a feeble smile. “I just want to sleep, please let me rest,” I pleaded, hoping to find solace in slumber.

“No, we’re going to the doctor,” Evan asserted, determined to take action. “No, no, I don’t want to go,” I protested, shaking my head in defiance. “You have to,” he insisted, unwilling to accept my refusal. “NO, NO, I’m afraid of hospitals. My mom never came back from the hospital; she left me,” I confessed, my eyes welling up with tears. Evan let out a sigh and retrieved the medicine, attempting to administer it to me. “No, they’re bitter,” I protested, rejecting the idea of taking the medication.

“Aubrey, you can’t behave like a child. It’s either the hospital or the medicine. You decide,” Evan pressed, leaving me with no escape. “Neither,” I shook my head adamantly. “You leave me no choice,” he sighed in exasperation. Without hesitation, he placed the medicine in his own mouth and washed it down with water. Drawing closer to me, he leaned in and kissed me, catching me off guard. “E-Evan,” I tried to push him away, but my feeble attempts proved futile. As I opened my mouth to protest, he swiftly pushed the medicine into my mouth. I recoiled, uttering a disgusted sound. “Yakk! It’s so bitter,” I exclaimed, grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand and gulping it down. “Ha ha ha,” Evan burst into laughter, causing me to turn and look at him, perplexed. “What’s so funny? Are you mocking me?” I questioned, my voice tinged with confusion.

“You’re such a child,” he chuckled, his laughter subsiding as he registered my earlier words. “You should smile more often. Your smile is truly beautiful,” I blurted out, smiling foolishly in response. His laughter ceased abruptly upon hearing my words, his expression shifting. “Let’s get some sleep. I have an important meeting in the morning,” he redirected the conversation, leaving me facing his back. “Goodnight, Evan,” I whispered, but he offered no reply.

Morning arrived, accompanied by a cold hand that gently brushed against my forehead. I opened my eyes to find Evan, fully prepared to leave for the office. Hastily, I rose from the bed, my mind racing with thoughts of how late I had slept and the pending breakfast for everyone. As I made my way to the wardrobe, Evan grasped my hand, halting my movements. “Relax,” he reassured me. “I told Maria that you weren’t feeling well, so she’s taking care of breakfast. Your fever hasn’t subsided. I’ll return early from the office, and then we’ll go to the doctor. But until then, you must rest. I won’t entertain any arguments,” he declared, his tone authoritative.

“How can your acting feel so genuine?” I couldn’t help but remark, observing the care in his eyes just moments ago. Evan’s countenance transformed, and a smirk crept onto his face. “Of course, it’s all just acting,” he mumbled before abruptly leaving the room, leaving me flinching at my own words. “Why did you say those things, Auby? You’ve ruined everything,” I mumbled to myself, my voice laden with regret, as I made my way to the bathroom.

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The sound of a sharp slap echoed through the room, causing me to cry out in pain as my body collided with the hard floor. “Ahh,” I gasped, feeling the sting reverberate through my cheek. Mrs. Johnson, filled with anger, berated me mercilessly. “Do you have any idea how much this dress cost? Even if you were to sell yourself, you couldn’t possibly compensate for the damage,” she spat at me, her words dripping with venom.

Since morning, my head had been throbbing relentlessly, my dizziness growing with each passing moment. Mrs. Jane had demanded that I cook food for her friends, a gathering of twenty people coming over for lunch. Despite my fever steadily rising and my headache intensifying, I had spent two arduous hours in the kitchen, mustering the strength to prepare the meal and serve it to the guests. My eyes felt heavy, struggling to remain open, and in my exhausted state, I accidentally spilled stew on Mrs. Johnson’s dress.

“You worthless filth! Can’t you even handle a bowl properly?” Mrs. Jane seethed, her rage escalating. “It seems you’re in dire need of a good beating. Don’t think for a moment that I won’t kick you to death!” Her relentless assault on my defenseless body began, her kicks mercilessly raining down upon me. Trembling and quivering, I continued to mutter apologies, but Mrs. Jane paid no heed to my pleas. Her friends, cruelly amused by the spectacle, joined in with laughter, their mocking voices adding to my anguish. Overwhelmed, I closed my eyes, allowing silent tears to stream down my face.

Suddenly, the piercing voice of Evan shattered the air. He had returned home early, intending to take me to the doctor. Upon entering, he witnessed his mother’s vicious assault, and fury consumed him. “What on earth do you think you’re doing, Mom?” he shouted, his voice laced with anger. Rushing towards us, he forcefully pushed his mother away, his concern for my unconscious form evident. He knelt beside me, gently slapping my cheek, desperately trying to rouse me. “Aubrey, Aubrey, wake up! Dammit, her fever is dangerously high,” he exclaimed, cradling my limp body in his arms.

Mrs. Jane, startled by Evan’s unexpected arrival, stammered, “W-why did you come home so early?” But he remained silent, his anger palpable as he confronted his mother. He directed his attention towards Mrs. Johnson, questioning her, “How much did your dress cost, Mrs. Johnson?” “Evan, even if this maid were to sell herself, she could never afford it,” Mrs. Johnson replied arrogantly. A fire ignited within Evan as he retorted, “In this entire world, there is nothing my wife cannot afford. Please provide me with the price of the dress.” With determination, he carried me towards the main door, his gaze meeting those of Mr. Davis, Camilla, and Lucas, who stood witness to the scene. Lucas hurriedly approached Evan, his face filled with concern. “What happened to her?” he inquired, his worry evident. “She is my wife, Lucas. I will take care of her. Do not interfere; I will not tolerate this,” Evan warned, his anger radiating off him in waves. Lucas observed Evan, taken aback by the uncharacteristic fury displayed by his usually composed brother.

In the hospital’s ICU, Evan stood vigilantly near the bed where I lay unconscious. A sense of anxiety filled the room as he anxiously awaited news of my condition. The doctor, finally breaking the silence, reassured him, “Don’t worry, Mr. Cooper. She hasn’t sustained any internal injuries. I have administered the necessary injections, and she will recover. You can take her home once she regains consciousness.” With those words, the doctor departed, leaving Evan to sit by my side. Tenderly, he caressed my cheeks, his mind flooded with memories of the previous night when I had murmured his name. “How can you be so foolish? How can you love someone as inhumane as me?” he lamented softly, his voice filled with self-doubt.

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