Chapter 6 : The promise between a mother and a son

Orion navigated his small fishing boat through the familiar waters, the gentle sway of the waves beneath him a soothing rhythm that echoed his thoughts. As he approached Drenla’s port, he marveled at the sight of the quaint village, nestled against the rugged coastline. The salty breeze carried with it the whispers of the sea, mingling with the scent of freshly caught fish and the distant calls of seagulls.

Docking his boat with practiced ease, Orion secured it to the weathered wooden pier. The port bustled with activity as fishermen unloaded their daily catches and merchants prepared their wares for trade. The rhythmic creaking of the ships and the lively chatter of the villagers filled the air, painting a vivid picture of a close-knit community bound by the ebb and flow of the sea.

Beyond the bustling port, the village sprawled, its homes and buildings a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of its inhabitants. The thatched roofs and sturdy stone walls stood in harmony with the surrounding landscape, blending seamlessly with the rugged beauty of the coastal cliffs.

At the heart of the village, the lord’s longhouse stood tall and proud, a symbol of authority and leadership. Its intricately carved wooden facade bore the marks of time, each line and groove telling stories of generations past. Orion’s gaze lingered on the longhouse, its doors open wide, welcoming all who sought solace or guidance within its walls.

As he stepped onto the weathered cobblestone streets, Orion’s arrival did not go unnoticed. Villagers greeted him with a mix of concern and relief, their eyes reflecting the simultaneous joy and worry that had gripped the small community upon his disappearance. His mother’s voice rang out above the rest, a blend of relief and reprimand woven into her words.

“Where in the heavens have you been, Orion?” his mother exclaimed, her voice a potent mix of worry and relief. “We’ve been searching for you since sunrise! Do you have any idea how scared we were?”

Orion hung his head, his eyes avoiding direct contact with his mother’s piercing gaze. He knew that attempting to explain the truth of what he had witnessed would only invite skepticism and disbelief. Instead, he opted for a more mundane explanation, one that he knew would be easier for them to accept.

“I’m sorry, Mother,” he mumbled, his voice barely audible. “I fell asleep while fishing and lost track of time. It won’t happen again.”

His mother’s initial anger softened as she looked into his eyes, her concern overpowering any remaining frustration. She reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace, her arms enveloping him with a warmth that dispelled the shadows of the unknown that lurked within him.

“Oh, my dear child,” she whispered, her voice laced with both relief and affection. “I’m just glad you’re safe. You gave us quite a scare.”

The villagers, too, chimed in with a mixture of scolding and relief, their words a gentle reminder of their collective concern for his well-being. Their whispers of “What were you thinking?” and “Thank the heavens you’re back” served as a testament to the tight-knit community that embraced him.

As the commotion died down and the villagers returned to their daily routines, Orion couldn’t shake the weight of the secrets he carried within him. He yearned to share the incredible sights he had witnessed, the monstrous shadow that had swept away the ships in the blink of an eye. But he knew deep down that his tale would be met with skepticism, dismissed as nothing more than the fantasies of an overactive imagination.

And so, he kept his experiences hidden, buried deep within his heart. The desire to unravel the mysteries of the world burned within him, a flame that refused to be extinguished. As he watched the village go about its business, he knew that his destiny lay beyond the boundaries of Drenla, beyond the safety of its familiar shores.

Orion’s resolve solidified as he gazed at the horizon, the sun casting long shadows across the sea. The events of that fateful day had ignited a fire within him, a thirst for knowledge, adventure, and the truth that lay hidden beyond the boundaries of his small village.

As the days and nights continued their timeless dance, Orion’s unwavering determination only intensified. The allure of the outside world beckoned to him, stirring a deep longing within his soul. His desire to break free from the monotony of his daily life, spent hunting and fishing to eke out a meager existence, burned fiercely within him. He knew there was more to life than the familiar surroundings of his small village, and he yearned to discover it.

A week had passed since the haunting encounter at sea, the memory etched vividly in Orion’s mind. It was during this time that he felt the need to confide in his mother, Amara. He sought her out, hoping to find understanding and support in her eyes. However, as he broached the subject of his aspirations, he was met with a mixture of emotions in her gaze. Speechless, she seemed torn between fear, worry, and a tinge of anger.

Confusion knotted Orion’s brow. “Mother, what troubles you? Have I said or done something wrong?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Amara, struggling to find her words, felt a swell of emotions rising within her. She knew that this day would eventually come, but it didn’t make it any easier. Tears glistened in her eyes as she tried to steady her voice. “You remind me so much of your father,” she finally confessed, her voice trembling. The mention of his father, a figure shrouded in secrecy and untold tales, hung heavy in the air. It was a topic that had remained untouched, locked away for years.

Orion’s heart skipped a beat. Her words carried a weight he had never known before. His father, a man whose identity had been shielded from him, suddenly became a tangible presence in his thoughts. Questions surged through his mind like a wild river, eager to uncover the truth behind his own existence.

Silence settled between mother and son, both lost in their own thoughts. Amara, gathering her courage, met Orion’s gaze once more. “If you truly wish to embark on this journey into the outside world,” she began, her voice tinged with both caution and love, “then there are things you must understand. Right now, you are still just a child. Venturing forth with your current abilities would be perilous. I fear that I would lose my son in a day or two.”

Orion listened intently, his eyes focused on his mother’s face. The weight of her words sank deep within him, highlighting the dangers that lurked beyond the confines of their village. He realized that his yearning for adventure had consequences, consequences that threatened the very bond he shared with his mother.

Amara continued, her voice laced with concern. “To ensure your safety and preparedness, I propose a deal. Spend the next two years training with the guards of Drenla. Immerse yourself in their daily routines, honing your skills and learning the fundamentals of survival. While your hunting abilities are commendable, encountering creatures like wolves, bears, or even greater threats requires a different kind of knowledge. I must warn you, however, that the terms of this agreement are strict. If you skip even a single day of training, the deal will be null and void.”

Orion’s resolve solidified as he absorbed the gravity of his mother’s words. With determination shining in his eyes, he replied, “I accept your terms, Mother. For the next two years, I will dedicate myself to the training with the guards of Drenla. I promise you, not a day shall be missed. But, in addition to this agreement, once the two years have passed, I implore you to reveal the truth about my father. I deserve to know who he is and why you have kept his identity hidden from me all these years.”

Amara’s gaze softened, revealing the vulnerability that had weighed heavily on her heart. She knew that her son’s journey would not only lead him to new horizons but would also unveil the secrets she had long guarded. With a heavy sigh, she nodded, silently acknowledging that the time for truth had come. The path Orion had chosen would not only shape his own destiny but would also unravel the mysteries that had shrouded their lives for far too long.

And so, the pact was made, binding Orion’s future to a rigorous training regimen and the promise of uncovering the enigmatic story of his lineage. As the sun cast its golden rays upon their village, the first steps towards his grand adventure were set into motion. A new chapter awaited Orion, filled with challenges, self-discovery, and the unearthing of long-buried secrets. Little did he know that this pivotal moment marked the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey, one that would forever change the course of his life and the destiny of those around him.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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