Liam Joseph

Approximately a century ago, the world found itself besieged by malevolent monsters, and enigmatic dungeons materialized seemingly out of thin air. Despite nations exerting their utmost efforts, employing an arsenal of weapons and explosives, the relentless onslaught continued.

Despair shrouded the lands until a celestial voice resonated from the heavens, proclaiming, “I have endeavored to shield you, my children, from imminent peril. Through the aid of a certain entity, some among you shall awaken. Stand resilient and confront these perils.”

Subsequently, a systematic intervention manifested, enabling select individuals to unlock formidable classes with the help of the system.

Henceforth, armed with newfound abilities, they successfully repelled the monsters.

People typically undergo awakening from the age of 18 onwards, yet out of every 10 individuals, only 4 experience this transformative event.

The possession of the system was exclusive to Awakeners.


In the midst of the city’s hustle, with vehicles humming and noise all around, I find solace in the comfort of my bed. The familiar sound of my mother interrupts my sleep, “Just 2 minutes, I’ll come down.”

I’m Liam a 22 year old who is without a job and nurturing a dream to become an Awakener. People usually awaken at 18, but I hold onto the hope of awakening later.

In my quest to stimulate awakening, I’ve given my best shot, accompanying my sister to dungeons when she used to be a low-level ranker. Despite my efforts, awakening still eludes me. Yes, at the moment, I’m the guy leaning on his older sister for support.

As he descended the stairs, Liam discovered his mother, Ria, meticulously arranging the table for their morning meal.

“Sit down; let’s have breakfast,” his mother warmly invited. Amid the shared moments at the table, Liam’s thoughts inevitably drifted to his sister.

Their family hadn’t been affluent; Liam’s father had departed when he was just a child. Thus, his mother single-handedly provided for both of them by managing a modest hotel.

The turning point arrived when Liam’s sister awakened as a S class (Ice Queen) at the age of 18—prompting them to sell the hotel to fund her entry into the esteemed Warlords Academy.

Now, at the age of 24, his sister, an Ice Queen of the formidable S-rank class, stands as a testament to her exceptional abilities. A prodigy, she achieved level 50 before hitting the age of 21, her ice magic so potent that Liam couldn’t help but shiver during their dungeon ventures together.

Reflecting on those cherished days, Liam found himself missing his sister dearly. Imagining her now, he envisioned her immersed in intense battles within dungeons, her formidable presence echoing through the corridors. Inspired by her achievements, Liam aspired to follow in her footsteps, yearning to accompany her .

“Mom, I’m heading to the dungeon today with Arthur and his team,” Liam announced.

“You know, you don’t have to venture into dangerous dungeons if you’re not an Awakener. If fate allows, you could become one. You don’t need to play with your life, Liam,” Ria, his mother, expressed concern. “With your sister’s help, you could become a businessman. You don’t need to worry about your future.”

“Mom, I want to become strong so that I can protect you and my sister, not just stand by when you both are in danger during monster invasions caused by dungeon breaks. I want to try to become an Awakener. Even if fate says I might not become one, I will try my best to achieve it. Okay, Mom, I’ve got to go. Goodbye,” Liam declared.

With those words, he hopped on a bike and headed to the location of the dungeon where his friend and his team had decided to meet up.

The determination in his eyes reflected a resolve to face the unknown challenges that awaited him.

The dungeon he was about to enter was known as the Tomb Dungeon, primarily populated by skeletons, with a level 10 necromancer as the boss. These types of dungeons were commonplace and fell under the category of an F-rank dungeon, designed for low-rank players. 

 player ranks were determined by one’s power, a measure of both overall strength and skills. A level 50 S-class Awakener could possess the power level of a C-rank, whereas a level 50 E-class Awakener might have a power level corresponding to an E-rank. 

 Thus, a higher level didn’t necessarily indicate a higher rank player; it depended on the class they awakened.

Upon arriving at the dungeon location, Liam spotted his friend and his team at the corner. “Fashionably late, as always, Liam,” remarked Arthur. “I’m having a bad day. Anyway, how are you?”

“I’m fine,” responded Liam. “Come meet my team.” He gestured towards Morgan, an E-rank warrior, and Isabella, an E-rank mage.

“Hello, I’m Liam Joseph” Liam introduced himself.

“Hello,” Morgan greeted, while Isabella , maintaining her silence, conveyed an air of mysterious reserve.

- my thoughts:
I will try to write two chapters a day. Please let me know if there are any mistakes in my writing. I'm not that proficient in English, so I apologize for any grammar errors. However, I am committed to improving.
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