Chapter 54: Ran Ke

Xiao Qianhan stood still and pushed her parents forward. She turned back, drew her sword, and gathered her spirit power. She didn’t hesitate as she did a counter thrust.

The purple sword light was sharp and fast. It thrust across Xiao Yuluo’s whip before slicing on Xiao Yuluo’s arm, causing an instant burst of blood.

Xiao Yuluo was stunned as the stinging pain on her arm finally cleared her mind. She couldn’t believe Xiao Qianhan’s current speed and strength, and also at her accumulation speed of spirit power! She was actually inferior to Xiao Qianhan and it took just one move for her to be injured. When realizing this point, her entire face had dimmed.

Li Shurong exclaimed with fright, “Yuluo!”

Xiao Baiming wanted to rush over. He might be Xiao Yuluo’s father, but his strength had stagnated at the low-stage of Palm Mystic Realm and Xiao Qianhan’s strength was completely superior! He had never thought there would be a day when the unassuming Xiao Qianhan would be so outstanding and surpassed Xiao Yuluo!

“Don’t provoke and don’t even think about injuring me again.” Xiao Qianhan’s eyes were terrifyingly cold and there was a trace of emotion.

Xiao Yuluo bit her lips as her complexion had turned pale and couldn’t say a single word. Earlier on, she was doubtful of Xiao Qianhan’s strength and thought she could still defeat Xiao Qianhan easily. But now, she knew better than anyone, Xiao Qianhan had surpassed her!

“Enough! Those words shall end her and no one is to speak of it again!” Xiao Hongyan finally spoke.

Old fox! Xiao Qianhan scoffed in her heart as she looked at Xiao Hongyan emotionlessly.

Earlier on when Xiao Yuluo was dealing out the dirty words, he must have been suspicious too right?

He remained silent just to see if I was really what Xiao Yuluo stated to be.

He is a senior but doesn’t show benevolence like a senior should, instead, it is more of a profitable relationship. 

However, I am not surprised. Back when father was injured and he didn’t even question anything. It was enough to show that Xiao Hongyan doesn’t see familial ties in his eyes.

Retrieving the gaze and stopping the dispute with Xiao Yuluo, Xiao Qianhan’s family left.

From now to the Seven Kingdoms Collective Test, Xiao Yuluo was probably not going to act like a clown anymore.

This National Test changed the destinies of many.

The once prodigal Xiao Yuluo and Cloud Extreme Sect’s Liu Yiyi had turned into hot topics of gossip.

Of course, Xiao Qianhan was included too.

When talking about Xiao Qianhan, there was a need to mention her marriage agreement with Murong Ce.

There were all sorts of rumors spreading around.

Some said that Murong Ce must be hating Xiao Qianhan as he actually lost to his ex-fiancé that he despised!

Some said that Xiao Qianhan finally got the justice she deserved.

But there were also some that said Xiao Qianhan must have used some shameful unorthodox method to increase her strength! They said that Xiao Yuluo was still the rare prodigy of the Purple Moon Kingdom!

Those that slandered Xiao Qianhan were basically Xiao Yuluo’s advocates.

However, when Xiao Yuluo released a stinky fart that could nearly kill someone, her number of advocates had decreased significantly. There weren’t that many individuals who had such a powerful endurance towards the nauseating stench! For those who experienced the smell first-hand would immediately recall about the smell when they thought about Xiao Yuluo!

Of course, there were also many who were entertained by the fact that Liu Yiyi actually pooped herself in public! It was the first time such a thing had happened in the National Test. 

Only allowed on

People that knew Liu Yiyi, knew that she had always been prideful and also had a great status because she was a member of the Cloud Extreme Sect. But she actually relieved herself in public and it was a total release!

Since the National Test onwards, she wouldn’t dare to look down on people arrogantly anymore right?

Xiao Qianhan had been cultivating in the Thousands Cauldron for the entire night. Just as she opened the door and took two deep breaths, she saw a servant walking over.

“Young Lady Qianhan, someone wishes to see you.” The servant’s attitude was respectful and he didn’t even dare to look into her eyes.

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When Xiao Qianahan wasn’t able to cultivate back then, he and many other servants mocked her. They even used many underhanded methods to bully her.

“Who is it?” Xiao Qianhan swept a cold glance at him.

The servant lowered his head even lower, “It’s Young Lady Ran Ke.”

In the past, he had chased over Ran Ke more than once and didn’t allow her to see Xiao Qianhan.

Xiao Qianhan paused for a moment before recalling who Ran Ke was. She was the previous Xiao Qianhan’s best friend, even the only friend in the Purple Moon Kingdom.

Ran Ke might be born in a wealthy clan and was also the eldest daughter of the first madam. But when her father started to pamper the concubines instead, Ran Ke had no choice but to leave the Ran Clan with her birth mother. During the past few years, her mother’s health had been deteriorating, but Ran Ke couldn’t afford those nourishing Strengthen Elixir. Ran Ke had to frequently harvest spirit herbs on the mountain and would need to sell some of those spirit herbs for family use too.

Ran Ke was very loyal. The previous Xiao Qianhan had been secretly bullied by many in the Xiao Clan, therefore, when Ran Ke came to the Xiao Clan, she would always rescue and help Xiao Qianhan. As such, when Ran Ke wanted to come in, those overbearing servants wouldn’t even allow Ran Ke to enter.

During the past few days, Ran Ke had been harvesting spirit herbs in the mountains. A single trip would normally take her many days, therefore, she must have heard of the good news about the National Test.

Looking down at the snobbish servant, Xiao Qianhan said in a deep voice, “Why didn’t you let her in immediately?”

The servant shivered as he could feel Xiao Qianhan’s intimidating aura. He knelt down and said, “This servant will invite Young Lady Ran Ke in right now.”

In the past, no matter who wanted to see Xiao Qianhan, they would hold them outside. What was the reason? How could a wastrel be qualified to have friends? It would be shaming the Xiao Clan!

“Not necessary, I will invite her personally. As for you…” Xiao Qianhan had dark and cold eyes, “For disobeying the mistress… This is your punishment!”

After speaking, Xiao Qianhan kicked the servant and sent him flying for dozens of meters.

That servant couldn’t even beg for mercy and had been sent flying. Back when they bullied Xiao Qianhan, they would have never imagined Xiao Qianhan would grow so strong. If they knew there was this day, they would never dare to bully her!

“From today onwards, whoever that dares to bully me and my parents again shall die!” Xiao Qianhan spoke loudly with her hands behind her back.

The servant was twitching due to pain and his fear towards Xiao Qianhan’s merciless treatment was increasing. When he heard her statement, he didn’t dare to talk back and was constantly apologizing, “This servant will don’t dare to do it again, don’t dare…”

In front of Xiao Residence…

There was a young lady wearing common clothings walking in. Her hair was wrapped behind in a simple manner and her clothes were stained with mud. It was obvious that she had just returned from the mountains. This trip, she had stayed in the mountains for over 20 days and she didn’t think that so many incidents that happened were all related to Xiao Qianhan! She immediately rushed over before she had time to change her clothes.

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