Chapter 53: Who Is Better at Slander

“Too much!” Xiao Baihao was completely infuriated.

Xu Yuman’s eyes were instantly red. Even if they wanted to slander her daughter, there wasn’t a need to use such a dirty rumor! How was her daughter going to face the world in the future?

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It was the same as to invite all people in Purple Moon Kingdom to spit on her!

Xu Yuman immediately cried and said, “Why do you have to slander Qianhan like this? What kind of heart do you have? Yuluo, you nearly killed Qianhan previously and now you are humiliating her. Aren’t you too cruel?”

For a woman, reputation was extremely important! Furthermore, Xiao Qianhan’s withdrawal of marriage had already invited discussions. If the words of Xiao Yuluo were spread out, Xiao Qianhan would be the gossip of the entire kingdom!

This wasn’t something that her daughter should endure!

“This isn’t slander, but a questionable fact. Xiao Qianhan, do you think you can deceive everyone?” Xiao Yuluo was intimidating. She had already been embarrassed on the National Test. She wasn’t going to watch as Xiao Qianhan robbed all the applause that should belong to her! Not a chance!

Xiao Yuluo’s words were just like a rock that caused a ripple effect. Earlier on, Xiao Hongyan was looking at Xiao Qianhan with hope, but his face had sunk again.

Xiao Baiming and Li Shurong were preparing to watch a show.

Using dirty methods to increase strength and still want to be respected? Don’t even think about it!

Xiao Clan can only have one prodigy, and that is Xiao Yuluo! No one can replace her! Especially not Xiao Qianhan who can resort to dirty methods!

Xiao Qianhan’s exquisite brows raised up pleasantly as she let out a lazed smile, “Xiao Yuluo, an unprecedented cultivation method? Did you actually use this method to reach this level? It seems like the once prodigy of the Xiao Clan is nothing much. As for that dirty cultivation method you mentioned, I apologize that I am incapable of accepting you. You may enjoy that yourself. Why do all cultivators have to be as dirty as you?!”

A loss is a loss. But it is a pity that she doesn’t have the attitude of a good loser. Can’t she absorb the lesson and continue working hard?

How should I say it? She isn’t intelligent enough but just has to act smart.

“What are you talking about? What nonsense are you saying? How is it possible for Yuluo to use such a dirty cultivation method? It is you, you are the one who used such a disgusting cultivation method!” Li Shurong couldn’t control her anger. She really wished she could go forward to slap Xiao Qianhan, but she couldn’t due to Xiao Qianhan’s current strength. 

Xiao Yuluo’s face turned into ice but she still acted like a pure white lotus flower. She sneered and said, “Yes as long as you don’t admit, no one will find out. But since I dared to say these words, I must have some form of evidence. The evidence is your unbelievable cultivation speed.”


Xiao Qianhan couldn’t help laughing, “Xiao Yuluo, do I need to raise a few pieces of evidence of what method you used for cultivation? When fighting against the Seventh Prince, you suddenly let out a… I really cannot bring myself to say that word. Be it on or off stage, the smell was horrendous and nauseating. Unless you used some dirty method to cultivate, how can it be that smelly?”

“There is no logic to your words! Slander!” Xiao Yuluo was completely infuriated. Everything that happened during the National Test was a nightmare to her! She actually embarrassed herself in front of all the martial artists and citizens in public. Such shame was something she had never experienced before. When she left the National Test, she noticed that those eyes of admiration had turned into eyes of disgust.

“It is a fact. How can there be no logic? Slander?” Xiao Qianhan raised her brows. 

Xiao Yuluo was truly an awkward person. She was allowed to splash dirty water on others, but didn’t allow others to do the same to her.

This was precisely what no logic meant!

It was time for Xiao Yuluo to have a taste of her own medicine!

Sooner or later, she had to understand the risks of society.

Only allowed on

Xu Yuman was rather worried that her daughter would be devastated. But from the looks of it, her daughter had grown up! She was able to deal with anything.

Xiao Baihao looked at Xu Yuman with eyes of gratitude. The growth of their daughter was definitely a great thing for them. In the future, no one would be able to bully their daughter so easily.

Xiao Yuluo never would have imagined that Xiao Qianhan would be so eloquent. She was red from anger and couldn’t stay calm anymore.

“You are the one who did disgusting things and you are slandering Yuluo?! Xiao Qianhan, why didn’t I notice you are such a shameless person before?” Li Shurong wasn’t going to watch Xiao Yuluo get bullied. She simply started scolding without figuring out the facts.

“Elder sister-in-law, there are things that you cannot say. If someone is slandering, it is Yuluo.” Xu Yuman started to talk back as she wasn’t going to allow them to bully her daughter.

Xiao Baihao had a dark face as he said coldly, “Setting aside the fact that you have bullied Qianhan in the past. Right now, Qianhan relied on her own diligence and talent to achieve her current strength, but you are willfully slandering her because of jealousy. I will not tolerate this!”

“Who is slandering who? Unless some special method is used, it isn’t possible to cultivate so quickly!” Xiao Baiming had an envious tone and didn’t want to admit defeat.

Li Shurong sneered and said, “She must have used some shameless method.”

“Then doesn’t it mean that Xiao Yuluo had been using a shameless method since young? Tsk tsk, using it since she was young. Uncle, aunt, the two of you are actually capable of anything for glory! This world truly lacks good parents. Father, mother, I realized that you are the best parents in the world. Even though I couldn’t cultivate when I was young, you still treated me as a pearl in your hands. In the future, I will strive hard to be filial to both of you. Without your care for so many years, I cannot possibly achieve such a breakthrough. Father, mother, thank you.” Xiao Qianhan looked at Xiao Baihao and Xu Yuman, saying touching and emotional words from the bottom of her heart. She was saying these words on behalf of the previous Xiao Qianhan.

Xiao Baihao and Xu Yuman’s eyes were red as they nearly dropped some tears, “You silly child. It is natural for us to do anything for you. Don’t say such words in the future.”

Xiao Qianhan smiled radiantly, “Alright, I shall listen to both of you. Let’s go and not listen to such sour words from some losers. It is normal for their hearts to be twisted after receiving such treatment since young. I can totally understand and will not bear a grudge. Mother, I really miss your sweet and sour fish. It is especially delicious!”

“Father, look at Xiao Qianhan. She is spouting nonsense and slandering Yuluo, and slandering us!” Li Shurong was enraged and could do nothing but ask for Xiao Hongyan’s help.

“You! Xiao Qianhan, you stay where you are! Explain yourself! Who permitted you to slander me!” Xiao Yuluo was extremely angry and was able to lash at Xian Qianhan’s back with her Glazed-Beads Whip.

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