Chapter 52: Slander

The one who slandered Xiao Qianhan without thinking was Li Shurong.

“Yuluo lost to the Seventh Prince.” Xu Yuman quickly stated. 

Her daughter had worked so hard to achieve 1st rank on the National Test. She had never contested for anything and had been enduring the judgemental eyes of others for so many years. Now that her daughter had painstakingly achieved glory, Xu Yuman wasn’t going to allow anyone to slander her.

“If Xiao Qianhan didn’t give the poison, how could Yuluo possibly lose to the Seventh Prince? Xiao Qianhan, you are too vicious! Using such a scheming method! If Yuluo hadn’t been delayed in her cultivation for those days, her strength would already surpass you! The National Test’s 1st rank should belong to Yuluo!” Li Shurong yelled at Xiao Qianhan with anguish.

Li Shurong finally had the chance to rely on Yuluo to boost her status in her natal family. She didn’t want to be looked down on like before! She might be a member of the Liu Clan, but her mother had poor status and had secretly given birth to her. Therefore, she had the clan name of Li. Even after returning to the Liu Clan, she didn’t change her clan name and had been looked down on by the Li clan members. As such, she wasn’t going to allow others to take away Yuluo’s glory!

Xiao Baiming stood up to question too, “You can really do anything in order to win. During the first two matches, you didn’t do anything and your opponents fell as though they were cursed. If you didn’t use trickery, how would they suddenly fall during the National Test? It is fine if you use trickery on others, but you actually use it on Yuluo too!”

“Nonsense! Elder brother, even if you don’t wish to see Qianhan getting 1st rank on the National Test, there is no need to slander her!” Xiao Baihao slammed the table and stood up. Since the end of the National Test until now, they had been using all sorts of words to slander and tarnish his daughter. Now that she had returned, they didn’t even restrain their words, it was truly treacherous!

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Xiao Hongyan was having some dispute in his heart. He had complicated eyes as he looked at the Xiao Qianhan who had returned calmly. This granddaughter of his had been a known wastrel who couldn’t cultivate. He had never looked at her properly before, but he didn’t expect this result. She was still recently a wastrel, but in such a short period, she didn’t just rise up, she even became no.1 in the National Test. In terms of talent, she had surpassed Xiao Yuluo who he had always placed importance on!

Only allowed on

Did she really use some trickery on Yuluo and also on the two earlier contestants?

“Saying I use trickery? Do you have evidence? If there isn’t any evidence, then stop your rubbish! Also, I poisoned Xiao Yuluo? I didn’t know that? Was she poisoned? Why doesn’t she have any signs of poison? Uncle, Aunt, when trying to slander others, please find evidence. I have seen plenty of wretched people, but rarely one that complains first.” 

“Who was the one who scarred up my face previously? Severed my tendons? It is your precious daughter, Xiao Yuluo who cannot afford to lose! If she cannot afford to lose, then don’t appear in the National Contest!” 

Xiao Qianhan glared at Xiao Yuluo’s parents and spoke loudly. Each word was heavier than the next and it felt like slaps to their faces, truly shaming them!

A family of pirates. Is it okay for you to plunder others? But others cannot do the same?

“Wretched lass!” Xiao Baiming was enraged as a junior of the clan actually dared to berate them! He was about to rush to Xiao Qianhan.

Xiao Baiaho reacted by rushing over too.

But something surprising happened, Xiao Qianhan actually stepped forward and caught Xiao Baiming’s hand. She had an ice-cold face, “Do you wish to hit me or kill me?”

“Kill you! I will kill you, this merciless evil being!” Xiao Baiming’s eyes were flushed red. He was only thinking of killing Xiao Qianhan to appease his anger. 

The 1st ranker of the National Test can only belong to Yuluo! Those applause and congratulations belong to Yuluo too! What is Xiao Qianhan? A wastrel that people cast aside!

Xiao Qianhan’s eyes flashed with cold light while there was a killer aura swirling. An illusory sword shadow suddenly turned into an extremely rusty sword in her palm. “You want to kill? Let’s see what you are capable of! Father, mother, stay back!”

Xiao Baiming let out an astonished expression as he didn’t expect that Xiao Qianhan wouldn’t cower at all. Instead, she was welcoming the fight! 

Xiao Baiming suddenly hesitated. 

Today was a nightmare for his family, but it was a joyous day for the entire Xiao Clan. He thought he would be able to suppress Xiao Qianhan with his prowess, but Xiao Qianhan wasn’t afraid at all!

“Qianhan!” Xiao Baihao and Xu Yuman exclaimed. 

“Xiao Yuluo hurt me and nearly made me lose my life. Right now, you want my life too? Do you really think I am an insect for you to trample with ease?” Xiao Qianhan was gripping the rusty sword tightly. Her eyes filled with murderous intent to destroy everything.

Xiao Baiming took a vigorous step back.

“Stop it! Do all of you think I’m dead?” Xiao Hongyan finally said something.

Xiao Qianhan looked at Xiao Hongyan emotionlessly. Speaking only now? You must be trying to judge me? This grandfather is really a scheming person!

It was unknown why Xiao Baiming let out a breath of relief. Right at the moment his eyes met with Xiao Qianhan, he could feel that her words were true!

“Qianhan can cultivate again and achieve such strength within a short period of time. This is something that is worth celebrating for our Xiao Clan. Moreover, Xiao Clan has two members that will be participating in the Northern Dusk Kingdom’s Seven Kingdoms Collective Test. It is definitely something to be proud of! There is no need to pursue an unhappy misunderstanding. We are all part of Xiao Clan, why must we hate each other so much that we can kill one another? Baiming, you went overboard today. Yuluo might not be 1st rank, but she still obtained great results. Qianhan, I have indeed neglected you in the past, but you can cultivate at ease from now on. If you need anything, just inform me.” Xiao Hongyan avoided the serious matters and wrote off all the past bygones.

Xiao Baihao pursed his lips tightly and looked at Xiao Hongyan with complicated emotions. The word ‘fair’ had never existed in the eyes of Xiao Hongyan.

Xiao Qianhan looked at her parents calmly and had all sorts of thoughts going through her mind. She couldn’t just bring her parents and leave the Purple Moon Kingdom. For now, the Xiao Residence was the safest place for them. Therefore, Xiao Qianhan was willing to endure this incident for now!

Under Xiao Hongyan’s expectant eyes, Xiao Qianhan nodded.

“Right now, this residence contains only our Xiao clansmen. Xiao Qianhan, speak the truth. Did you do anything to me? What method did you use to cultivate? I can forgive you for using poison, after all, I did injure you because of a moment of anger in the past. But your cultivation speed is astonishing. In just a few short days, you reached mid-stage of Palm Mystic Realm from zero. It is an unimaginable speed and it is impossible unless you use a special method!”

Xiao Yuluo walked in and closed the doors before speaking.

This was a suspicion that everyone had.

“Qianhan had been cultivating diligently in seclusion for days! Don’t you dare to slander Qianhan!” Xu Yuman pursed her lips. These people were too much. They mocked her daughter when she couldn’t cultivate in the past. Now that she could cultivate, they were narrow-minded and doubted her!

Xiao Yuluo didn’t even look at Xu Yuman. She glared at Xiao Qianhan like a vicious snake and said, “I heard of a method that could increase strength rapidly in a short period of time. It is to fornicate with dozens of men in just a few days. Xiao Qianhan, you used this method right?”

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