Chapter 16 – First Day of Class (1)

“Yo kid wake up. I need to get out of here. I’m off duty.” A familiar voice sounded out as my shoulders were forcefully shaken.

“Huh?” I groggily sat up as I stared forward in a daze.

“Damn it. Drink this. This is the tenth bottle! My poor wallet!” I heard the voice sobbing and then felt a bottle being shoved into my mouth as my head was forcibly tilted back and something fizzy was poured inside.

As I unconsciously swallowed the liquid, I my eyes slowly opened and I looked around in confusion.

“Get up. It’s passed midnight. You have to get up and at least try to go to the infirmary.” The person shook me again and my gaze focused on the green-haired woman beside me.

“Rachel? What happened?” I asked her trying to focus on her.

“So you remembered me. What happened was you probably drained your mana trying to do something you stupid that you shouldn’t have. What’s your magic power rank?”


“And your intelligence?”


“And the rank of the skill you used?”


Even though I wanted to, I couldn’t stop myself from answering her question. It felt as if my mind was short-circuited and a bunch of information was crammed into my head while somebody had taken a sledgehammer and was repeatedly pounding it.

“That would be why. You probably tried Analyze or some knowledge skill and it drained you completely of your mana trying to get you to understand. Your brain probably feels fried and your body shaky right?”


Rachel sighed before digging into the satchel she wore by her side, “Drink this. It’s a general recovery potion. It will fix whatever headache you have and help replenish your mana.”

She handed me a small glass tube of something blue and I held it in my hand while staring blankly at her.

“Don’t be shy now. I’ve been shoving these down your throat to keep you alive.”

Rachel rolled her eyes at me while opening the bottle and sticking it in my mouth. At the familiar feeling, I gulped down the blue liquid fizzed like soda but tasted like apple juice. Almost immediately my head began to clear up.

“What do you mean keeping me alive?”

She looked at me coldly before pushing up the glasses perched on her face.

“Realistically, you should be dead. From what I can see, you’re ranked F, and whatever gift you have is quite highly ranked. When you use a skill that surpasses the magic power your body can take you need to cancel it or it will drain your body of energy eventually killing you. You must have a gift that can help absorb mana from the surroundings because otherwise, even if I had poured an infinite amount of potions into your mouth you would have perished. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that. They should have taught you that in class.”

“I didn’t.”

“What skill were you trying to use anyway? Analyze? Knowledge graph? Psychometry?”

Seeing my surprised look, Rachel rolled her eyes at me once more. “I’m a librarian in an academy of gifted students who helps train others with gifts. Do you really think you’re special or this is the first time I’ve seen this happen? It’s a common occurrence among first years with no training. If you don’t want to share I don’t really care but please go kill yourself when I’m off duty thanks.”

“Sigh. Anyways, how are you feeling? Do you need another potion?”

“I do,” I told her immediately as I looked around. The library was empty and from the windows and skylight, it looked dark outside.

“Then here. This is my last one.”

With a sigh, she pulled out another bottle and placed it on the table before me. I quickly palmed it but didn’t open it.

“Thank you for your help, Rachel.”

“Not needed for thanks. Just pay up and we’re even.” Rachel smiled happily, her glasses flashing as she held her hand out.

“Pardon me?”

“You thought the potions were free? In this economy? 100000 credits, please for everything I gave you to save your life. I take cash, card, or direct transfer. Gifts I can pawn off, mana crystals, and monster cores are also acceptable. Either way, pay up. You have money right? After all, you attend the most expensive school in the world.”

“I’m broke,” I told her honestly as I quickly stood up.

“You’re lying.”

“Nope. Completely broke. Not a single coin in my name. I barely have enough for food. Can’t you see this black uniform?” I shrugged. “Besides aren’t you an adult? You should have money.”

“I’m a teacher! They pay us pennies! Pennies. All that expensive tuition is being pocketed by the top professors and because I refuse to go to dungeons to risk my life, I’m broke you dolt!” She screamed and began ripping her hair out.

“Do you know how embarrassing it is to not be able to afford food at the school cafeteria?! I have to pack my own lunch and snacks!” As she began ranting and pacing around, I quietly created a book bag and began sliding the books on the tabletop into it. Once I finished, I stood up and interrupted her.

“Aren’t you supposed to be quiet in the library?”

“It’s closed! The reason I’m working overtime is because of you, yo broke, annoying, no good, doesn’t even know how to use his gift student and almost killed himself on my watch student!” Rachel screamed out and I couldn’t help but laugh at the comical sight of a short green-haired woman screaming.

“Hmmm Rachel, how about this. I’m broke. You’re broke. Let’s work not to be broke together.” I gave her an innocent smile.

“That’s a very suspicious look on your face.”

“Is it. I just want to clarify, you are a licensed hero right?”

“Of course! Who do you think I am? I’m Hero ranked 306000, The Library Magician.” Rachel posed proudly and I could only stare at her in disbelief before clapping slowly.

“Wow wow, a 6 figure hero. Amazing. You’re so low in the ranks, nobody knows who you are.”

“I feel like you’re mocking me.”

“I’m not. I feel like you’ll be quite useful to me.” I honestly told her. She seemed like the money-hungry type and although my brain still felt a bit jumbled from using the ‘Knowledge’ skill, the beginning of an idea on how to make money using the mana craftsman gift.

“That’s a very arrogant thing to say to an adult.”

“Didn’t you say I should call you big sis? Lend me the potions for now and I’ll find a way to pay you back by the end of the semester. Oh and lend me your hero ID card as well. I want to check out the hero market.”

“Denied. Impersonation is a crime. Pay me back immediately even if you have to use your lunch money. How can I trust a student who almost killed himself using his gifts.”

“I’ll learn. My head is good and I’ll become quite strong. Just let it slide this once.”

“Rejected. Let me see your watch student.”

I stood up and patted her head condescendingly. “Big sis, think about it. I didn’t ask you to save me and I can’t pay you back, so this is the only way you can get your money back. Thanks again for the potion, I gotta go.”

With no hesitation, I grabbed the book bag and the remaining motioning before dashing out.

“Hey! You have to check them out otherwise it’s theft. What’s your name?” Rachel immediately ran after me but had to duck as I chucked several books at her head.

“Amazing! My name is Chester Warren. I’ll bring them back later!” Before she could say anything else, I continued running. As I heard Rachel yelling behind me, I quickly checked my status and happily laughed.


Asani Martin

Child of the Nox Clan

[Charm – A]

Gifts: 3/3

Gifts: Eye of Odin (D)(18.00%), Beloved By Mana (F), Mana Craftsman(F)(17%)

Curses: 5 Effects.

Blessing: 5 Effects.

Crimes committed: (1/1)(Theft & Impersonation)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: N/A

Thanks to Rachel, it seemed a new way to commit crimes had shown up. It was much easier to just steal books from the library than beat people up every day. It would be even better if the stolen books kept registering each day but I would check it later.

Smiling happily to myself I quickly ran back to my dorm, showered, and went to bed.

I woke up after about 6 hours of sleep since today was the first day of classes.

After changing to my uniform, grabbing my brick, and stuffing it into a bag, I walked to the cafeteria to get some breakfast before making my way to my assigned class.

Class 1 A.

In the novel, it was a class that would have a lot of the top-ranked students as well as the troublemakers of the school. Seeing that I couldn’t be considered top rank, I guess they had grouped me in as a troublemaker. Somehow I suspected Professor Rebecca Lee, but I couldn’t be sure of that.

Holding back a sigh, I stood outside the door for a moment before sliding the door open and entering.

The classroom was in a standard layout with individual desks placed in a semicircle around the whiteboard and podium. I glanced around the classroom noting that it was empty except for a few black uniform students who looked forward nervously.

Ignoring them, I immediately walked to the back corner of the room and sat at the desk. I cushioned my head on my arms and planned to spectate quietly until class started. I had intentionally come earlier than the 9:15 start time to get a good seat that would give me a grid vantage point of the whole class and I was waiting for a particular individual to walk into the door.

Several minutes passed and I comfortably began to nod off.


I woke up with a start as something knocked my desk over and my head jerked up. I looked up and saw that it was Evelynn Isolde. The number 3 rank student. She was dressed in her white uniform with her blue hair tied up in a ponytail. On her face was a disgusted frown as she planted her foot on the desk that she had knocked down. Honestly, what the hell was she doing? Looking fierce and acting like a gangster so early in the morning.

“Hey, Black Rank. Move. This is my seat.” She ordered while glaring at me. Behind her stood Lionel Lionheart and Solomon Nova who were both looking at me curiously.

I stared at her in irritation before sighing, “All these seats in here and you want mine? Ridiculous.”

“What did you say third rank? You want to fight?” She roared.

The rest of the class turned to stare at us in shock. I simply shook my head sadly at her.

“If you want my butt-warmed seat so much you can have it,” I responded cooly. I yawned before getting up, grabbing my bag, and strolling to another seat.

As soon as I sat down, she came over and kicked my table down again.

“I want this seat now. Move.” She ordered with a vicious grin. Irritated at the constant harassment, I glanced at my watch noting that it was almost time for the professor to come in. Since she wanted to act like a hoodlum, I didn’t mind getting her in trouble.

I quietly picked my bag up, picked a seat near the entrance of the classroom, and gave her a mocking smile.

“What you want this one too?”

As expected, she quickly walked over with a smirk.

“All of a sudden I want this seat. Move Black Rank.”

As soon as she kicked the table, the professor walked in.

He was dressed in a simple white button-up and slack and had long brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

“Miss Isolde, there are plenty of seats in the classroom. Please go find another one and stop causing trouble in the morning. If you have a conflict you can spar at the training grounds, in combat class, or work it out in the tournament later in the year understand?”

Evelynn Isolde turned to glare at the young instructor but he paid her no mind, instead walking to the podium.

“Class is starting. Everyone, please have a seat. That includes you Evelynn Isolde unless you would like to be written up on the first day?”

Evelynn shot a glare at me before muttering, “This isn’t over Black Rank.”

I nodded at her while smiling, “Sure thing. Could you move though? You’re blocking the board. Don’t forget to pick up all the desks you knocked over as well.”

She stomped to the back of the classroom and slammed herself down in a seat.

“ Don’t forget to pick up all the desks you knocked over as well. After all the janitorial staff are not your servants” I added with an extra bright smile.

“Yes, Miss Isolde. Please pick up all the desks you knocked over so the class can begin.”

Unwilling and glaring all the while, Evelyn Isolde went and picked up the desks she knocked over before shooting a final glare at me. If looks good kill, I would be dead but I completely ignored her. If there was one thing I hated, it was brats.

The professor clapped.

“Now that everyone is seated allow me to introduce myself. I’m the instructor for Class 1A. My name is George Woodson. Domestic Hero Rank 790, global rank 5583. You may call me George or Professor Woodson.  I’ll be one of your tactical battle instructors and occasionally help out with combat training along with Professor Lee.”

As everybody began murmuring in excitement, the instructor laughed.

“Quiet, quiet. I want to welcome you all to First High and tell you all about your year. I’m sure all of you were the best of the best in some shape or form in your previous schools. Since getting here to First High, you must think that you’ve made it and can relax hmm? Or that your family name will carry you far? Well, you’re wrong.

We don’t care about your family name or background here at First High. The only thing we care about is your strength. We will put you through real-life scenarios to help prepare you for the real world. It could be anything from combat, dungeon runs, and even surviving in the wilderness.

Your success here at First High is fully dependent on your performance which we will grade you on. We consider everything on a holistic level and your grades and rank will depend on that.  When guilds and different organizations begin to scout you, the first thing they will look at is your grades and rank so I suggest you do your best. If you do not pass the threshold for the grades, regardless of who your parents or clan is, we will hold you back.

Once you’ve been held back twice, we’ll expel you as we have no room for failures. Although you will be kicked out, you can still make a good living as a mercenary or an independent contractor for a lot of guilds.”

The instructor looked around and saw the serious faces of the students and decided to cheer them up.

“Still I believe in you all. You managed to claw your way up and make it to the best Magic Academy in the world so you are the best and the brightest students. I’m sure your true potential will shine through soon.”

George Woodson clapped his hands energetically. “Now to change to the subject, today we will have our first exercise to get an understanding of where you are as well choose the weapons you will be using for the rest of the year. Aren’t you all excited?”

“Yes!” Some students cheered with bright eyes as they stared at him. Weapons! Once students entered academy grounds, the only weapons they were allowed to carry and use on campus were school-assigned ones. Even if you brought an outside weapon, the moment you used it you would be in serious trouble. The only exceptions were weapons that could be created by gifts and even then,  it wasn’t allowed for day-to-day use, only in combat situations like training, tournaments, or dungeon trips.

“Excellent. The test is pretty simple. I want you all to gather by the door. Quickly now.”

The thirty or so students quickly got up and crowded around my desk, although thankfully I could still see the instructor.

“Good. Now that you’re all gathered let’s have a simple test. I’m going to put up a simple mana barrier. This is a simple skill that you will learn in your classes as well as the more advanced shield form. For this barrier, I want you to walk through it. Any questions? Please state your name when you speak.”

“Professor. My name is Lina Meraki. Why would we be able to walk through a barrier? Isn’t it meant to keep us out?” It was a short almost tiny girl with red hair cut into and bob and pale skin covered in freckles.  On her back was an oversized backpack that made her look like she was about to tip over.

“Good question. This is a light barrier to test your mana sensitivity. The more mana sensitivity you have, the more mana you can use and the easier it will be to walk through. Now no more dawdling. Come walk through the barrier. One by one.”

As students began walking towards the instructor, I quickly turned on my mana vision noting that although it was invisible to the eye, there was a thick wall, almost 1 foot thick that separated both sides of the classroom. I carefully looked at the mana barrier from all angles before Analyzing it.

[Mana Barrier Lv 1]

[A permeable barrier made of mana.]


Mentally saying replicate, suddenly I could understand how the simple barrier was made and could even make one myself.

I watched as a student confidently tried to walk through and slammed his whole body into the barrier and fell the the ground with a thud.

Seeing him fall, the instructor gave an angelic smile, “Ah, although I said the barrier is light. It’s quite strong so please be cautious when trying to pass through. Let’s speed this up as well, we don’t have all day.”

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