Chapter 17 – First Day of Class (2)

George Woodson watched in amusement as the students in his class glared at him after he issued the challenge for them to cross the mana barrier.


He was currently taking a break from being an active hero work to spend more time with his wife and newborn child so he had taken the position of a Professor at First High Magic Academy. Since he was a hero of relatively high rank, he was assigned to the first years. Specifically Class 1A, a class full of potential ticking time bombs and volatile personalities.


The school board of First High Magic Academy wanted to try an experiment to increase the number of quality graduates who became heroes. The number of dungeons was increasing rapidly and if they could not produce more high-ranking heroes to battle them, humanity could eventually be overrun like some parts of the world.


Previously, classes had strictly been separated by ranks grouping strong students with each other while dumping the weaker students in other classes. While the extremely strong students continued to excel, middle-ranked students and lower-ranked ones tended to fail out due to the hopeless nature of trying and failing to rise in rank. There was also a lack of camaraderie and when students graduated, they looked down and could not get along with those who they perceived was below them. To make it worse, a severe divide formed between white-rank students and black-ranked students which had brought on the toxic culture of today where white-ranked students expected black-ranked ones to lower their heads as soon as they saw them.


To help balance things out, the board had decided to mix the ranks in class this year. They were hoping that the lower-ranked students would motivate the middle and higher-ranked students to do better and strive harder when they could directly compare themselves to ‘weaklings’. This was the recommendation of Helen Lionheart, the dean of the school.


Although he agreed, that the graduation rate and quality of students needed to be raised, he didn’t agree with using the lesser ranked students as whetstones and comparisons for the upper ranked ones to feel better about themselves. Unfortunately, even if he disagreed, he was not the dean so there was nothing he could do. He was given his orders, and he had to follow instructions.


As a result, he became the instructor for Class 1A, which ended up with the top 3 ranked students with impressive backgrounds and some other children from the 10 families. Lionel Lionheart. Solomon Nova. Evelynn Isolde. Lina Meraki. Cassandra Mirage. Five children from the 10 great clans were placed in his class and the biggest troublemaker of them all, Evelynn Isolde was here. Thankfully, the other equally big troublemaker was in another class, so he only had to deal with one volatile student. Surprisingly, he also ended up with the student with the lowest rank as well, a shameful 1000 place entry.


He couldn’t help but curiously examine the boy. He was of average height and had a slight build. Black hair messily hung over a handsome but young-looking face and his most unique quality, the two golden eyes looked over everyone in the class with boredom. His co-professor, Professor Rebecca Lee had warned him ahead of time not to take the student at face value but had provided no details and he wondered what was so special about him. From the glance he had taken at his files, there was nothing particularly special about him apart from the fact that he could confidently talk to Evelynn Isolde and even mock her openly.




As George watched another student slam head-first into the mana barrier, he decided to give the class a little incentive.


“How about I give you guys a little bonus? Whoever crosses the barrier first will get to collect an extra weapon of their choice. To make it fair, we’ll start from the lowest-ranked student and work our way up. Student with the gold eyes, why don’t you start us off?” George pointed looked at the student who looked as if he were about to fall asleep.


“Oh? An extra weapon?” Asani finally looked at him with full interest.


“Yes. You can think of it as an extra life for combat situations. Normally you’d only be allowed a single item like a sword or bow unless it came in a pair. But now you can have two. So for example you may select a long-range and short-range weapon or multiple types of melee weapons to use depending on the situation.” George nodded at the boy.


“And all I have to do is walk through that barrier?” The boy asked with a smile.





“Thanks in advance for the weapon professor,” I smirked as I got up.


When he began walking over, Evelynn Isolde made a snide comment.


“You’re talking big for somebody who’s ranked last. Don’t go up there and embarrass yourself.”


Without responding, I simply approached the instructor. It was time to see if my gift, Beloved by Mana would pay off.


Hands in my pockets, I walked right through the barrier, feeling absolutely no resistance. In fact, I felt refreshed, as if a cooling mist had just sprayed over my body, and walked through it once more to return to my seat.


The class stared at me in stunned silence


“Make sure to remember I get an extra weapon later Professor,” I told the professor with a smirk before sitting down on a random desk.


“…Of course. Good job student. Who’s next?”


Unable to resist egging her on, I turned to smile mockingly at Evelynn Isolde, “Were you saying something?”


“Hmph, you think you’re so good. Anything you can do, I can do better.”


With a flip of her hair, she walked straight at the barrier. As she reached it, she felt a bit of resistance which paused her steps temporarily, but she pushed through it and then she was on the other side.


Even though she made it through, her face turned red with humiliation. Compared to the ease Asani had when he walked through it twice, the fact that she had to struggle meant her mana sensitivity was worse than his! That was unacceptable! She could accept that from Solomon or even Lionel but not this random extra who stared at her as if he were looking down on her!


Before she could say anything else, she was interrupted by the instructor.


“Good work Miss Isolde. Please go sit down and don’t cause any trouble. Who’s next?”


“I’ll go.”


Solomon Nova stepped forward and strolled through the barrier with the same ease as Asani before going to sit next to him and looking at him in interest.


The rest of the class starting from Lionel Lionheart began forcing their way through the barrier as well. Some of them faced slight resistance similar to Evelynn and Lionel while others forced their way through the barrier through bloody grit and determination. Each of them curiously glanced at the black-haired boy taking a nap on the desk.


After about thirty minutes had passed, there were only 5 students out of the class of thirty who were unable to get through the barrier. Unfortunately, all of them were Black Uniformed students.


The instructor clapped his hands to get their attention. “Well let’s stop here. Good job to those of you who passed through the barrier. Those of you who are unable need to work harder. This will be a requirement for passing this semester. Now let’s get to the fun part. Weapon selection.”



As the instructor led us to another room nearby, I yawned as I walked at the back of the crowd. Staying up so late each night made me so tired.


We slowly filed into a large room that had multiple racks full of all types of weapons in all shapes and sizes.


As we gathered in a semi-circle around the instructor, he began to speak.


“Now, you are all free to go around and choose a weapon that will accompany you for the next six months. After 6 months, you may choose a different weapon if you want. There is no difference in the quality so just pick one that suits your body and combat type. This is the second and final test of the day so I’ll not be helping you select a weapon unless you specifically ask for it. Understand?”


“Yes Professor!”


I watched as the students dispersed excitedly while I slowly took my time browsing through the racks, analyzing everything I came across.

[Magic Great Sword]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Long Spear]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Two-handed Mace]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Halberd]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Scimitar]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Long Bow]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Round Shield]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Kite Shield]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Short Bow]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Hand Gun]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Shot Gun]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Sniper Rifle]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


[Magic Whip]

[Creator: Meraki Corp]


Each and every weapon on the racks, I picked up and analyzed each one. I never wanted to run into a situation again where I wanted to craft something and I was unable to do so.


While walking around, I noticed that I was the only student who hadn’t chosen anything yet. Everyone from Lionel to Solomon, to the rest of the Black Uniformed Students. All of them had chosen a weapon and were just staring at me curiously or with a mocking smile on their face.


“Asani Martin. Are you having trouble choosing a weapon? Your records state you previously used a sword is that correct?”


“Sure Professor.”


“Might I suggest you continue with that and get a ranged weapon as a backup? I’m not sure what your gift is but that’s the best possible combination.”


“That’s the plan. I just wanted to take a look at all the weapons. Is that a problem?”


“No, but please hurry up. I have to register the weapons to you and you’re holding up the class. I have an appointment to get to.”


“Ah. My apologies then. I’ll grab my choices now.” I told him with an annoyed look.


I quickly grabbed a slim black short sword that caught my eye. It was a little over one foot long. It had a simple clean design and fit well in my hand. As I took it out of the scabbard, I noticed that it didn’t catch the light at all, staying a nice matte black. Perfect.


Although it was simple, it was large enough to defend me while small enough to be hidden inside my clothes or a bag. Since I didn’t plan on fighting in close quarters, this was the backup just in case people got close to me.


For my second weapon, I didn’t have to think too hard. I immediately went to where the ranged weapons were and picked up the handgun I had spotted earlier. If I didn’t have two weapon options it would have been my number one choice. After all, I could create any weapon I wanted, but a gun and specifically magic bullets were my pathway to making money.


I walked up to the instructor and showed him my two choices.


“Are you sure that’s what you want? I don’t want to interfere with your choices but I would ask you to reconsider. The short sword is fine if that’s what you want but the gun is…..” The instructor gave me a displeased look but I just gave him a noncommittal smile.


I understood his hesitation. Guns were not the weapon of choice for high-ranked heroes or people with gifts, it was commonly used by common people, mercenary groups, and gangs. It wasn’t because guns weren’t strong. Rather it was because the price was too high for most people to afford. Creating a high-level magic gun could only be done by a few organizations that had talented people and the funding to create such things and patents to prevent the know-how from getting out. Then came the cost of magic bullets since regular ones wouldn’t work on monsters or even other awakened people. Magic bullets were created by the same organizations who made magic guns which created a monopoly that drove up the costs. Additionally, the cost of higher-ranked bullets that could work against monsters in high-ranked dungeons exponentially increased. If you were not rich or didn’t have an organization backing you, using magic guns was just like burning money each time you took a shot. It simply wasn’t cost-effective. This led to most people just choosing regular weapons and training themselves or if they needed a ranged weapon, they would use a bow and create magic arrows out of mana or their gifts.


But that wasn’t a problem for me. With my mana craftsman skill, I would be able to create mana bullets the same way I did with bats or other weapons. If it worked the way I thought it would, and I could create permanent bullets with different attributes, it would simply add another weapon to my arsenal by creating any custom bullet I wanted. Once I had a large enough stockpile, I could sell bullets at a low cost and begin raking in the money. I just needed a little help from a certain classmate of mine.


At the professor’s concerned look, I smiled gently.

“There’s no need to worry, I’m sure of my choice.”


“Okay if you say so. Additionally, the school will only provide you with 10 magazines for the gun with rank 2 mana bullets and a holster. Anything outside of that, you will have to provide it for yourself. You can make the purchases outside the school or you can make them at the student depot.”


“Got it. Thanks.” I nodded to the instructor grateful to his advice. I quickly backed away and glanced around at what the other students chose. Naturally, Lionel Lionheart chose a sword like the rest of his family. Solomon chose what looked like a stick. Evelynn Isolde, that annoying brat chose a spear, while Lina Meraki, the crux to how I would make money, chose a staff. The rest of the class was a pretty even split between swords and spears with a few bows mixed in. As I scanned the room, my eyes stopped on a purple-haired girl in a mask and sunglasses who chose two daggers. Her figure seemed to waver and as I tried to get a closer look, the professor interrupted me.


“Okay, students that’s all the time we had for today. Whatever choice you’ve made is your choice for the next 6 months. The weapons you’ve chosen have been registered and keyed to you. If you lose them you’ll be in serious trouble. Your homework assignment for the day is to go home and choose which additional classes you’ll be taking apart from your general coursework and any clubs you want to join. Dismissed.” Once he finished talking, Professor Woodson immediately left the room without looking back.


As soon as we were released, I quickly holstered my gun at my side and shoved the sword into my bag before heading for Lina Meraki.


“Yo Meraki, let’s talk,” I called out to her as I quickly walked over. She was heading out without speaking to anyone but stopped to glance back at me.


“Asani Martin. I’m sure I don’t know you. What do you want to talk about? I’m busy and don’t particularly want to be associated with a troublemaker.” She replied with a flat voice.


“Who said I’m a troublemaker?” I gave her an innocent smile and threw my hands around her shoulder before whispering, “I’m here to talk money.”


She quickly shook me off and glanced at me in irritation, which she shook off.


“Being on the school forums by the first day. Egging on Evelynn Isolde. Fighting other students and being reprimanded by the professor. If you’re not a troublemaker, I’m not sure who is. Besides I’ve used my sources to look into all the students in our year. By all accounts, you’re an orphan and poor. I’m not sure what money you speak of.”


“Ouch. That’s fair. Regardless, I have a deal for you.” I brought out my brick and placed it in her hands.


“A brick? What the hell am I supposed to do with this?”


Laughing at her scandalized tone, I backed away. “Take a look at it and analyze it when you have some free time. If you’re interested in getting more interesting things like that, come find me. Oh, and I’m loaning that to you. That’s my precious item. See you later.”


I waved at her before beginning to walk out.


“Hey, black rank! Where the hell do you think you’re going? Do you think you can disrespect me the way you did today and get away with it? Follow me to the training grounds, today I’m going to teach you some respect.”


I looked back at Evelynn and rolled my eyes. “Hard pass. I’m busy. Thank you for the offer though. Maybe some other time.”


I continued walking out when I sensed something coming from behind me. Almost instinctively I created a mana barrier and turned to look seeing something flying at me.




A spear of ice immediately shattered the barrier sending me flying into a wall and I felt a sharp stab of pain shooting through my head. I could feel my ears ringing and my vision went black for a second.


“Damn bitch. What did you do that for?” I dragged myself upright while pulling out the gun and turning off the safety.


“Did you just call me a bitch black rank?”


Evelynn walked out while spinning her spear, ice shards floating around her.


“Oi Evelynn, chill out. It’s only the first day.”


“Shut up Nova. Or you’re next.” Evelynn glared at the silver-haired boy before turning to me.


“Oh. Well, I can’t say I didn’t try. Carry on.” Solomon shrugged before leaning against the wall, a bucket of popcorn suddenly appearing in his hands.


“Back to you. Did you call me a bitch?”


“Did I stutter or are you deaf?” I immediately pointed the gun at her while keeping my other hand hidden.


“Craft a Bat. Imbue Fortify and Incorporal.” I muttered under my breath as I traced her steps with the gun.


“You think that guns going to stop me black rank?” Her face twisted in a savage smile.


“I can try you crazy bitch.” Without waiting for a response, I immediately unloaded five shots at her head.


The floating shards of ice immediately converged into a floating shield as Evelyn launched herself at me. Faster than my eyes could follow her spear flashed forward, stabbing me in my left shoulder.


“Incorporal, Barrier.” I muttered immediately becoming shadowy, allowing the spear to pass through me.




The barrier in front of me suddenly shattered in a burst of shaved ice and my body solidified against my will.


I felt a piercing chill shoot through my shoulder as I stumbled backward and fell, trying to get away from the spear that was suddenly covered in ice. Without giving me room to breathe, Evelynn yanked out the spear and stabbed it into the same spot as she easily avoided my wild swing with the bat.


I tried shooting at her face, but the ice shards formed another shield that easily blocked the bullets, freezing them on the surface of the shield without penetrating.


Click. Click. Click.


“You’re out of bullets. What next black rank?” Evelynn grinned as she twisted her spear into my shoulder while stepping on my chest,


Rather than responding, I willed away the bat and muttered to myself.


“Craft knife. Imbue Harden. Make it Sharp.”


“What did you say, I didn’t hear you black rank,” Evelynn asked with a smirk.


“I said you dumb bitch.” I smiled up happily at her before I stabbed a newly crafted knife right into the back of her leg. Then crafted another one and sliced it across the back of her ankle, feeling something in her leg snap.


Even as she stumbled, she didn’t forget to shove the spear deeper into me, the sharp point piercing through my shoulders and trapping me against the floor.


As the pain shot through my body, I immediately began to see red.


“I’m going to kill you.-”


“Craft Gun full of bullets. Fortified. Make the bullets explosive.” I muttered through gritted teeth as I pointed the gun at her. If I didn’t blow off her shoulder at least once, I wouldn’t be satisfied.


“That is enough! Asani Martin. Evelynn Isolde. Separate immediately! I’ve warned you both not to cause trouble on campus. It seems I’ve been too lenient with you two! Release your weapons or you’ll both be expelled.” A familiar voice yelled out.


I glanced up from my position on the floor before dropping the gun and waving at the professor who was dressed in a similar outfit from the last time I saw her.


“Professor Lee. Fancy meeting you here. Am I in trouble?”


“…You both are for causing a disruption.” She marched over, pulled Evelynn away, and handed her a potion. She then yanked the spear out of my shoulder and poured another potion on my shoulder before shoving another in my mouth.


I immediately felt relief in my shoulder as a cooling feeling spread followed by a slight itchiness. When I glanced at it, the previously bloody hole looked smaller.


“This is a temporary fix. Evelynn take yourself to the infirmary and get your legs checked out then make your way to my office. Asani Martin, come with me. Now! This behavior on the first day is completely ridiculous.”


“Yes ma’am. But may I say this is not my fault.” I responded before slowly getting up. I willed all my crafted weapons to disappear


“We’ll see about that. The rest of you disperse. The next time you all see something like this, and don’t call a professor and try to stop it, you’ll all be in trouble.” Professor Lee glared at the spectating students.


“I tried to stop it, professor. Scouts honor.” Solomon Nova waved his empty popcorn bucket.


“Somehow, I doubt that Mister Nova. Asani Martin, with me.”


“Yes yes, I’m coming.”


As I walked by Lina Meraki, I heard her indifferent voice whisper, “And you say you’re not a troublemaker.”


“I’m not. Did you see me make the trouble? It just keeps finding me somehow. Make sure you analyze that brick. See you later.” I turned to smile at her before clutching my shoulder and following behind Professor Lee.


My head was pounding, my shoulder was itching, and I felt completely horrible. Still, as I watched Evelyn Isolde limping with blood covering her white socks and shoes, I couldn’t help but smile coldly to myself.


For a first go against the third-ranked student. It wasn’t bad. Not bad at all.


The next time a situation like this happened, I would make sure I was strong enough to pound her straight into the ground. Someone who would openly attack someone for perceived disrespect needed to be put down like a rabid beast. Since she attacked me first, I certainly didn’t mind being the one to do it.

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