Chapter 12:A Yandere, Seriously?




Wait what,I can’t speak, something kept my mouth shut,it felt like it was taped.I looked around,it is very unfamiliar,he is in a room,a girls bedroom and he is the corner of the in a chair tied up and gagged.How did I end up here?Mateo just kept thinking and recalling his memory.

Suddenly the door opened,sharp eyes appeared,it is a girl,the girl approached Mateo. Her eyes are shining with a twisted mix of love and madness.She approached Mateo with a sweet smile, her voice soft and melodic as she spoke.

“Hi Mateo” she cooed, her voice like honey dripping from her lips. Mateo’s heart raced as he recognized her as a girl from his class,a quiet, unassuming girl who had always seemed a bit off-kilter but harmless.Wait,isn’t that Luna from my class?

Luna moved closer to Mateo, her fingers trailing lightly along his cheek. Mateo’s skin crawled at her touch, the fear in his eyes betraying his mounting terror.

“Good morning, Mateo,” Luna said cheerfully. “I’m so glad to see that you’re finally awake. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.”

Mateo’s eyes widened in fear as he realized the situation he was in. He tried to speak, but the tape prevented him from making any sound.

Luna giggled at his attempts to communicate. “Oh, don’t worry, Mateo. I know you must be confused and scared right now, but I promise you, I only have good intentions. I just want us to be together forever.”

Mateo’s heart raced as he looked into Luna’s eyes, seeing a glint of madness behind her seemingly sweet demeanor. He struggled against his restraints, trying to free himself from her grip.

Luna reached out and gently stroked Mateo’s cheek. “Don’t be afraid, my love. I’ll take care of you and protect you. You’ll never have to worry about anything ever again.”

As she spoke, Luna’s tone shifted from sweet to possessive, sending chills down Mateo’s spine. He knew that he was in the presence of a yandere,someone who would do anything to keep him by her side, even if it meant locking him up and silencing him, when the hell did we even get a yandere here in the province anyway?

Luna take out the tape out of Mateo’s mouth,ouch,despite his fear, Mateo tried to reason with Luna. “Luna, please, let me go. This isn’t right.”

Luna’s smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. “Oh, Mateo, you don’t understand. I love you more than anything in this world. I would do anything for you, even if it means keeping you here with me forever.”

Mateo felt a sense of dread wash over him as he realized the extent of Luna’s obsession with him. He knew that he needed to find a way to escape before things took a turn for the worse.

Someone please,help me

*Meanwhile at school, it is now lunchtime* 

“Where is Mateo?” Elyzer wondered. Elyzer approached Mark. “Mark,have you seen Mateo?” “No, I hadn’t seen him anywhere this morning” 

“Huh,where the hell is Mateo,he usually don’t absent or skip classes. “Hey James,have you ever seen Mateo around?” Elyzer asked James when he saw him, James is a Ladies man,who always attracts the girls at school, he is also a rich guy and joined the Shadow Unit Strike and one of friend of Mateo.

“I didn’t see him anywhere either” James replied back “okay,thanks man” Elyzer thanked James.”Where the hell are you Mateo” James thought.James recalled what happened this afternoon.

“Hey,you forgot to share that 4 funny videos yesterday,c’mon share it hahahaha it’s damn hilarious” James said to Mateo “Okay okay” Mateo opened his app to share the videos 

“Uhmmm” Mateo and James heard a voice and looked behind. “Oh errrr umm,you’re Luna right” Mateo said to her with a shy voice “hmmm?,hey hey hey,what’s with that shy voice? she’s your crush?” James whispered to Mateo “shut up,I usually don’t talk to girls at school okay.”

Mateo and James just whispered to each other.

While whispering we’ll get information about Luna,Luna was a quiet girl from their class, known for her shy demeanor and love of all things cute. But what Mateo and James didn’t know was that Luna had developed an unhealthy obsession with Mateo. She had been watching him from afar, growing more and more obsessed with him each day.

Luna smiled sweetly at Mateo and James, her eyes sparkling with an unsettling intensity. She held out a plastic container of cookies she had baked, “u-um,Mateo,I baked these cookies for you since it’s thanksgiving day” Luna said to Mateo while holding out the cookies insisting that he will try one. “Eerrr ummm okay thank you” Mateo said, Mateo always the polite one, took a cookie and took a bite.

James whispered to Mateo “ayyieee, I didn’t know you can pull up a girl and it’s a shawty and shy one, my balls down there is feeling some romantic excitement”. “Shut up it’s thanksgiving day, didn’t you get a lot of things from the girls at school?” Mateo replied 

Mateo finished his cookie “Wait,I’m feeling dizzy”, he began to feel dizzy and disoriented. He stumbled, grabbing onto James for support. James quickly realized that something was wrong and turned to confront Luna “hey hey what did you do to him?”, but it was too late. Luna had already scooped Mateo up in her arms and began to carry him away.

James yelled for Luna to stop ” HEY HEY WHERE THE HELL YOU TAKING HIM?”, “DIDN’T HE JUST SAY HE’S FEELING DIZZY?,DON’T WORRY I WILL TAKE HIM HOME TO HIS HOUSE” she shouted back. She was fixated on Mateo, her eyes shining with a manic intensity. James just let it be, she’s right,Mateo just said he’s feeling dizzy.He got more suspicious but he need to hurry home because his family is calling him. He thought that Luna knows Mateo’s house

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