Chapter 7: The Initial Development of Knife Techniques

After selecting a black iron greatsword from his family’s armory and packing five days’ worth of provisions, Qin Nan departed from the Qin residence and headed towards the Longhu Mountain Range.

The journey from Linshui City to the mountain range was brief; within two hours, Qin Nan had entered the depths of the mountains.

“The Thunderclap Sword Technique emphasizes speed and explosive power… If I wish to master this technique, this location is indeed perfect.”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Nan carefully proceeded according to his recollections.

Though the distance was merely three miles, it took him half an hour to traverse due to the multitude of beasts in the Longhu Mountains. Focused solely on perfecting his sword technique, Qin Nan wished to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Soon, through the towering ancient trees, a waterfall came into view.

The waterfall, cascading from a height of ten meters, poured into a small lake below, creating a dramatic splash of water.

“This is the place,” Qin Nan’s eyes brightened, and he quickly scanned his surroundings.

Once he confirmed that there were no abnormalities, Qin Nan set down his provisions, drew the black iron sword, and leapt into the lake.

“The Thunderclap Sword Technique strikes like thunder, as swift as lightning…”

Standing on the lake’s surface, Qin Nan closed his eyes, visualizing each move of the Thunderclap Sword Technique. He then swung his arm forcefully, the black iron sword flashing like a cold ray, slicing through the water.

The water’s resistance, even with Qin Nan’s third-stage body tempering, meant that each strike merely created a small cut on the surface before swiftly closing up.

Undeterred, Qin Nan continued to strike, over and over again.

Time passed, and after two full days, Qin Nan fell into a trance-like state, repeatedly executing the same motion of slashing at the water.

“Not enough… Not enough… Not enough…” Qin Nan lost count of how many strikes he had made, his gaze fixed on the fleeting glint of his blade on the water’s surface, his mind a storm of fervent determination.

As he yelled internally, his strikes grew faster and more forceful.

But it wasn’t enough!

At that moment, as Qin Nan immersed himself in his relentless training, a towering spectral figure slowly materialized behind him, exuding a terrifying pressure.

The War God’s Soul had manifested of its own accord.

Qin Nan was oblivious to this development. He continued to swing the sword, putting all his strength into each blow, his arms numb and muscles cramping, yet he did not cease.

This was Qin Nan’s nature: once he set his mind to something, he would become entirely absorbed, relentlessly pursuing his goal with unwavering determination.

Suddenly, a piercing cold light flashed through Qin Nan’s mind.

As he was lost in his swordplay, his movements froze momentarily, his face showing a hint of astonishment. “What is this…”

Quickly regaining his composure, Qin Nan suppressed his surprise, closed his eyes, and cleared his mind, reflecting on the fleeting cold light he had just perceived.

He remained in this state for three full hours.


Qin Nan’s eyes snapped open. “I understand now!”

He swung the black iron sword decisively, and with a thunderous sound, the blade shot forth like lightning, slicing through the water.

With a resounding boom, a clean cut appeared on the water’s surface. This incision remained open for several breaths before rapidly closing.

The ability to split the water cleanly with a single strike marked the initial success of the Thunderclap Sword Technique!

Seeing this, Qin Nan’s face lit up with joy. He had not expected the technique to be mastered so effortlessly.

Originally, he had anticipated needing five days to perfect it.

“Excellent, now that I’ve mastered the Thunderclap Sword Technique, it’s time to test its power!” Qin Nan stifled his excitement and composed himself.

After eating some provisions to satisfy his hunger, Qin Nan left the waterfall area, heading deeper into the Longhu Mountains.


A mighty roar erupted through the forest, causing leaves to fall from the ancient trees as if it were a shower of foliage.

Before Qin Nan stood a towering, vividly colored tiger, glaring at him with fierce eyes, pacing back and forth as if preparing for something.

Qin Nan’s expression grew serious. Holding his black iron sword, he stood his ground.

This tiger, known as the Striped Tiger, was a third-grade beast, its strength comparable to that of a third-stage body tempering martial artist. A bite from it could easily be fatal.

Thus, Qin Nan had to remain vigilant.

The man and the tiger faced each other, with the Striped Tiger seemingly recognizing Qin Nan’s strength, merely pacing and growling without attacking first.

Qin Nan’s eyes flickered as he took a step forward with his left foot.

This movement immediately provoked the tiger’s killing intent. With a roar, the Striped Tiger leaped with tremendous force, its body soaring towards Qin Nan, its jaws wide open, fangs gleaming as it struck.

Qin Nan showed no sign of fear. In that instant, he moved, his right hand swinging the black iron sword, a thunderous clash erupting!

The blade, flashing like lightning, sliced through the air, and with a splintering sound, the Striped Tiger was cleaved in half mid-air.

The Thunderclap Sword Technique, with a single strike, had rendered the beast utterly defeated!

“This technique is indeed formidable, among the finest in intermediate martial skills,” Qin Nan observed without being daunted by the bloodshed, his heart brimming with exhilaration.

With the Thunderclap Sword Technique, Qin Nan now felt confident enough to challenge even a fourth-stage body tempering martial artist.

“However, the Thunderclap Sword Technique is only in its initial stage. I must continue refining it.” Qin Nan quickly regained his composure, not allowing any arrogance to surface, and ventured deeper into the forest like a lone wolf.

In the following two days, Qin Nan engaged in fierce battles, the most grueling being against a beast comparable to a fourth-stage body tempering demon ape. Although he triumphed, he sustained severe injuries.

Nonetheless, he made significant progress, and the Thunderclap Sword Technique became even more powerful.

Currently, Qin Nan moved cautiously through the forest, avoiding encounters with beasts.

Having been injured severely by the demon ape, although he had recovered somewhat, he was still not fully healed. Encountering another beast of that caliber would be exceedingly dangerous.

The immediate priority was to search for any spiritual herbs that could aid in his recovery.

As he searched, Qin Nan suddenly felt a surge of intense spiritual energy from ahead.

“Such dense spiritual energy must indicate the presence of a precious spiritual herb.”

Excited, Qin Nan moved swiftly towards the source of the spiritual energy. Soon, he came upon a white pool in the depths of the forest, emitting wisps of mist.

“This is…” Qin Nan’s expression shifted. “A Spiritual Qi Pool?”

A Spiritual Qi Pool is a natural formation where spiritual energy gathers, and the three-meter-wide pool before him was equivalent to fifty body tempering pills.

“To think I would find a Spiritual Qi Pool! This should be more than enough to heal my injuries.” Qin Nan’s spirits soared, but before he could step forward, two voices echoed from the trees behind him.

“Brother, is there really a Spiritual Qi Pool ahead?”

“Why would I lie? I saw this on an ancient map. What do you think?”

“Great! With this pool, our cultivation will definitely reach new heights. When the time comes, I’ll make sure to give that Qin Nan a good thrashing!”

“A thrashing? That’s too lenient. Give me the chance, and I’ll make him worse than a useless piece of trash!”

As the voices spoke with bitter intensity, two figures emerged from the forest. Upon seeing the Spiritual Qi Pool, their faces lit up with joy. However, their expressions turned to shock when they saw Qin Nan nearby.

Qin Nan was also taken aback, and his expression turned odd.

The two individuals were none other than Qin Yu and Qin Xiao.

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