Chapter 0015 – Birth of Rorycane

Outside the hound stable door, Jerome narrowed his eyes at the piercing shriek that stopped the nobles with him in their tracks. One was the little demon child, Glugloom Chesterfield. Her parents were fools, keeping a defective human like her alive. Only relatives and family were exempt from the devil’s curse she carried. The Lord and Lady Chesterfield, Glugloom’s parents, accompanied her, along with Lady Mayumi, who seemed to have taken an interest in the Howler and her (soon-to-be-redacted) keeper. In Lord Marciel’s absence, Jerome had to listen to them because he didn’t have any orders not to. Still, they were fools to forget the undeniable truth of Verquuva – Lord Marciel always finds out what you did, and he will not forgive you for it.

“Out of the way,” Jerome ordered. Little Glugloom barely had the time to jump aside before he shoved the doors open. “What the hell is going on in here?”

The hound breeder froze in place. Whatever he had expected, it wasn’t the middle of a howler’s childbirth. He was an expert in howlers, wolves, and hounds, so the sight confused him. Yes, Fierawr seemed quite advanced in her pregnancy, but a healthy litter of pups should stretch her belly even further. Maybe that was a side-effect of a human father…? But that didn’t make any sense, either. Rare though it was, this boy wasn’t the first to impregnate one of the beastly bitches, and they had always carried litters of around nine pups. Was this an early birth? Were they genetically incompatible? Jerome smiled at the thought. If the litter came out as puny, sickly, weak, or misshapen… Yes, breaking the bitch would come easy, then!

Little Glugloom needed a moment to process what she saw. Albino had had the mind to cover Fierawr’s special bits with her mantle. The Howler’s expression alone stunned the innocent girl. Her parents were shocked but not surprised. Jerome had announced that Fierawr was close, and they hadn’t wanted to see the beast in the first place. Their daughter was already obsessed with these commoners, which could only spell trouble. Lady Mayumi, on the other hand, was fascinated. Howlers looked like humans with some additional features, though their behavior typically diverged drastically. With this one, however, she saw a maiden in love, earnestly supported by her lover. How many men could claim to sit with their significant others during pregnancy, holding hands and whispering sweet assurances in their ears? This pair could not be broken up! It would be a crime to do so!

Lady Glugloom, judging the coast clear from the frozen hound breeder, ran up to Albino and Fierawr. “Is she alright?”

“As alright as she can be. This is what giving birth is like, little Lady. Pain is the preamble to joy and happiness.” Albino turned to her parents. “My Lord. My Lady. Maybe you should take your daughter-“

“I will not leave!” She stomped her foot and latched into Fierawr’s free claw. In her pain, the Howler squeezed Glugloom’s hand as hard as she could. The child gritted her teeth and didn’t voice a single complaint. (She did avert her eyes from the brutality of childbirth, though.) “Would you sing her a song? She seems to be in pain.”

“…I guess I could.” At the girl’s behest, Albino sang in a slow rhythm to which Fierawr pushed and relaxed. When their daughter’s head appeared at the exit, Albino ceased his previous song for a simple melody with simple lyrics. “Fierawr is my good girl, good girl. Fierawr is my good girl, good girl…”

The human language Fierawr was most familiar with was, quite obviously, the local dialect of Verq Bavas. Albino sang to Fierawr in this local dialect, causing Jerome to snicker and Glugloom Chesterfield’s parents to frown. Only Mayumi and little Glugloom didn’t judge Albino and his Howler negatively for their backwater dialect.

Fierawr latched onto his words, hearing the praise and faith he had in her. She redoubled her efforts, pushing the head of her daughter out. Albino let go of her claw, cleansed his hand of all dirt, sweat, and grime, and then carefully pulled his daughter free.

She was hefty for a baby, looking at least a few weeks more developed than a human newborn. She mainly lacked fat, though that wasn’t unusual for Howler children. She was blind and deaf, grasping weakly for her father. The baby knew where Albino was because their energies resonated, though a link or something similar seemed missing. It would take a few weeks for her eyes to open.

Albino’s daughter had the brown hair of her mother but with one major streak of silvery white hair over her forehead, a color that the tips of her ears shared. She had a brown tail and blunt claws on both hands and feet. They would grow out as she got older.

“Hey there, my sweet daughter,” Albino said in a deep hum, sending the sound as booming waves into his daughter’s brain. She made a drawn-out ‘aah’ sound, hearing him even while deaf.

Even the nobles understood that this situation before them was highly unusual. Howlers were occasionally born from wolves or hounds, and they, in turn, gave birth to wolves and hounds. Lord Marciel’s records showed that no Howler had ever given birth to another Howler… until today. Glugloom Chesterfield’s parents shared a meaningful look. Lady Dorothea of house Mayumi muttered something about love transcending all limits and barriers, and the little Lady Glugloom could only watch the proceedings, slack-jawed and confused.

A part of Glugloom wanted to confirm the breathtaking singer, who had hugged her, didn’t mind her hideous appearance. Even among commoners, unfriendly rumors surrounded her. She tried not to let it get to her, but how could she? It was surreal. He held a beast in his arms with a happy smile, not minding the slimy mess that clung to the baby. Could it be that he really saw this child as a girl? As his child? If he loved a beast… Even Glugloom’s parents didn’t look at her like that.

And then there was Jerome. He understood the significance of what was unfolding before their eyes more than any other mortal in this room. If it was possible to breed howlers from howlers, all their problems could be solved. Perhaps it was something in the bitch’s genes, or maybe she was just that compatible with the girl. His image of the boy had flipped completely. This required further testing, but Jerome knew he had to catch both the bitch and the boy now.

Albino was happy. Lady Glugloom was hopeful. Her parents were confused. Jerome was scheming. Lady Dorothea was giddy. And Fierawr? Fierawr was… anxious. Frightened. Depressed. A Quionne had said. Howlers equated large litters with vitality. The pressure in Fierawr’s belly was gone. She constricted her muscles and tried to push another pup out, but none came. One. Just a single pup. Tears streamed from her eyes. Howlers were loyal, but their standing depended on many factors, including vitality. Naturally, the higher positions earned more time with their mate… she didn’t want this. She had failed Albino! How had it come to this? Why was she defective? Fierawr had always known how different she looked from her parents and siblings, but they hadn’t minded! They had treated her normal… Had it been a lie? Was it all a ruse, a deception, a nasty plot against her?

It was Albino who broke her out of this downward spiral. His hands brushed over her ears, drawing a startled yelp from her lips. “You seem to be misunderstanding something, my good girl Fierawr,” he whispered in wind-speak, tickling her in all the right places. A shiver ran down her spine, and hope rose to Fierawr’s teary eyes. “You are not the mate of a hound or wolf, but mine. I exist for eternity, so there will be plenty of time to birth a large pack. Our descendants will one day fill the horizon to infinity and beyond… So do not compare yourself to those who will exist for a few decades. Will you conquer this world with me?”

To Fierawr’s slow blink, he handed over their child and kissed her cheek. She watched the baby, finding so much of herself and her mate in their pup. She had done this. Albino had done this. They had done this. Together… and there would be many more. That he had promised. The baby made a surprised sound in response to the pulse of her mother’s dormant core. The baby felt the missing link being restored, and an indescribable heat spread through every cell in her body.

Fierawr didn’t know what eternity was. She knew she would not trade her place beside Albino for anything else. A spark exploded above her ears, startling everyone present. Another followed near her hip, where her most significant injury lay, followed by another from her hands. The sparks gave loud bangs to everyone but the trio of Albino, Fierawr, and their baby. The heat these sparks gave off also felt uncomfortably hot to everyone but them. After a few seconds, Fierawr connected her lips with Albino’s, and she erupted in Albion flames. Two small fires on the tips of her ears, a molten inferno with a flame licking out of her nastiest scar, and one at the tips of each of her fingers. The fires manifested differently for everyone. Quionne had them along her skin marks, and this was Fierawr’s personal fire.

Their daughter hiccuped, a small but visible flame leaving her mouth. Her tail swished, one moment made of fur, the next made of dancing flames. The babe laughed, spitting fire with every sound.

“Magnificent,” Jerome said. He was in awe. Not only did the hound breeder witness the birth of a howler from a howler, but Jerome also discovered a Howler blessed with natural elementalism (which was somewhat different from life fire, but it was similar enough to be confused). He had to have them! Mother and daughter both. “What magnificent specimen these two are! Lord Marciel will be pleased!”

“Only if they fail the test,” Lady Mayumi interjected, eyeing the hound breeder with a raised brow. “From what we have seen, they are more than deserving of each other.”

Jerome had the sudden urge to have Dorothea Mayumi executed. “No matter. None have passed before. Verquuva prospers because we keep order in matters like this! Now hand me the pup, boy! Who else could take care of a magnificent pup like yours?”

The hound breeder confidently approached the pair, his hand outstretched in an expectant gesture. He shrank back when Fierawr growled, the fires burning higher. “Rawr!”

“What a vicious beast he is! She is not fit to be a mother, so let me take care of the pup for her-“

“Since when is it necessary to separate a mother who defends her child from the pup?” Lady Mayumi interjected, shielding Fierawr.

Glugloom’s parents used that opportunity to flee the scene. Their daughter refused to vacate the stables with them, but she was safe from the breeder’s attitude. Harming a demon’s child would curse him with misfortune in this life and all that followed.

Jerome ground his teeth. “Fine. The bitch mother can come with the child, but the boy-“

“I understand that male hounds may hog the female’s attention to the pups’ detriment, but this girl’s father is human! What benefit is there in separating the two of them… unless you had other reasons to split them up?”

Albino began to agree with Quionne’s earlier assessment. Not with the ‘being old’ thing, but seducing this woman might be worth it. She was great. The noble of the year!

The hound breeder balled his fist. Why did this woman have to be so stubborn? He clicked his tongue, backing off.

Little Glugloom tugged on Albino’s sleeve. “May I…? I mean… Would it be possible to hold… the girl?”

“I promise this is the last time, but please, Lady Chesterfield, allow me to warn you. If you continue associating with a commoner, your reputation among the nobility will suffer.”

Jerome, his arms crossed, snorted at Albino’s words. He spoke just loudly enough to be heard. “Oh, I highly doubt that, you beast f*****.” The girl could not be lower in standing than she already was.

Albino sighed. “Dear hound breeder. Either follow the women’s example and go full-gossip mode behind our backs, or insult us to our faces like the grown man I thought you were… As of yet, you fail to provide a single proof for my assumption.”

Jerome moved to strike Albino, but Lady Mayumi blocked his advance. She was a large woman known for her battle prowess. If not for her strength, she would have been married off long ago, but now she was the head of her house with the might to match. The scrawny hound breeder didn’t stand a chance.

Albino directed a grateful nod to the woman and handed his daughter (with Fierawr’s approval) to Glugloom Chesterfield.

Swearing revenge, Jerome clicked his tongue and vacated the room with angry stomps, already planning tomorrow’s events.

Lady Mayumi shook her head. “I always thought the hounds get some time off after childbirth.”

“The hounds in his care do,” Albino said. He smiled as Glugloom tickled his daughter’s cheek, causing the baby to twitch in surprise and gawk at a spot to the left of the noble girl’s head.

“Why is she blind?” the noble girl asked.

“They are just born that way,” Albino explained, ruffling his daughter’s shock. “Give it two weeks, and she can see. Speaking of giving, she needs to be fed.”

“O-oh. Understood.”

Fierawr took her daughter and fed her milk. Poor Glugloom blushed at the sight and hid her eyes behind her hands, though Albino caught her peeking. He laughed, kissed Fierawr, and blew a teasing breath against the tip of her ears.

She laughed. “Rawr!”

“Sorry, not sorry. What should we name our child?”

Dorothea Mayumi clapped, getting excited. “I have a suggestion! How about Cutiepie-?”

“Rejected,” Albino said.

“Th-then… Bella!”


“Come on, Fierawr. We practiced this. Do you mean yes or no?”

Fierawr shook her head. “Rawr!”

Albino sighed and scratched Fierawr behind the ears. She closed her eyes and basked in this feeling, melting into his hand. “Better but rejected, my Lady.”

“Grr!” Lady Mayumi began pacing the room. She scratched her chin and fired off name after name, though none impressed the fresh parents. “What would you name her, then?”

Fierawr rubbed her cheek against Albino’s, her face still dreamy. “Aeeno,” she said, licking his face.

Glugloom and Dorothea did a double take, not believing their ears. Besides the word ‘rawr,’ they hadn’t heard her say a thing.

“You have a name in mind, my lovely, good girl?”

Fierawr’s tail began to wag, and she nodded so vigorously that her daughter lost grip of her milk dispenser. “Rawrkeen!”

“Rawrquionne? That sounds like a combination of what Brenda wanted to call you and Quionne’s name. Is it an homage?”

Fierawr nodded, proud of her idea. The outsiders could only stare wide-eyed, their eyes threatening to fall from their sockets. Hounds and howlers were clever… but to this extent? Or was it that nobody had tried or expected this level of intelligence?

“The homage is cute, but… may I suggest a change?”

Fierawr gave a slow nod, looking worried. She wanted to be a good girl. Had she failed?

“Do not look so worried. You are the goodest girl to ever be a good girl, alright? So how about… You like ‘rawr,’ but how about we change that to ‘roar?’ It’s similar enough. As for Quionne… You pronounce her Keen, so why not use that as a base? Roarykeen… Rorykeen… Roarykane… Rorykane… Rorycane? Rorycane! How about it?”

She loved it. Fierawr’s energy and Fierawr herself went wild. She licked his face all over, repeatedly calling his name. “Aeeno! Aeeno! Feerawr loof Aeeno! Aeeno, Aeeno, Aeeno!”

“I meant to ask before, but who or what is this Aeeno she keeps talking about?” Lady Mayumi asked.

“Oh, that.” Albino smiled. If it was these two… “She cannot talk well. It is Albino, and it is… my nickname. Yes. You can think of it like that. I would prefer if you could keep it a secret from Jerome.”

“If I do keep your secret, does that mean I can demand a favor?” little Glugloom asked immediately, her eyes sparkling.

Albino’s hand had wandered to her hair, ruffling through it before he could stop. She was too adorable. “Sure, little Lady. You seem intent on destroying your reputation, but good deeds will be rewarded.”

“A favor, you say?” Lady Mayumi smiled, finding even Glugloom’s demonic appearance acceptable, perhaps even charming, next to the boy and his beast. “Perhaps I should ask for one as well.”

Greetings and salutations! You have earned my eternal gratitude for reading this humble mortal’s story. If you enjoyed yourself, I will have done my job well. If not… well, there is always room for improvement.

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