Chapter 3: Started again as a newbie

“This feeling… it feels like something is missing within me.” Ivo took a breath as he touched his chest.

He could clearly feel the sound of his heartbeat. It felt quite faint and he couldn’t explain it. There was no significant change in his body or anything different.

But this missing feeling… It was strange.

“I never got this skill even if I tried my hardest. But if it’s according to the legend I read, its effect should be to erase fear, right?”

Maybe so. Maybe this is why I felt something was missing from within me.

Ivo opened the information panel and read the description of this skill.

[Heart of fearlessness


Fear has been erased from within you.]

The explanation was very brief and there was no other addition. This was truly by the legend of the owner and creator of the heart of Fearlessness. Although it had been reduced to a legend that was either true or not, the existence of this heart did exist.

Because he met the person who had inherited this heart while playing Destiny.

And I have to say, it wasn’t a pleasant memory. I had to use all the items and abilities I had to fight a battle of attrition and escape from that heir.

One annoying thing about fighting him, no matter what he did, that guy broke through all the magic and skills I had at that time, that guy would face it without any pressure or fear. He wasn’t nervous or worried and managed to make me retreat and lose all the equipment I had.

It left a deep mark.

“There are many other things I could have taken, but the Heart of Fearlessness might be the best choice.”

Now, maybe I should decide what I should do.

Ivo slowly calmed himself down. No, calming down might not be the right word, because ever since he got this heart, his mind seemed to have become very calm.

“First, I am now in Ernest City. In this city, the only route to survival is at White Snow Academy.” Ivo looked at the White Snow Academy registration flyer that he took from the wall.

“If I remember correctly, White Snow Academy does not charge any fees for those who are accepted there, provides the best learning facilities, various technologies are being developed, and even has amazing teachers.”

“Oh, and the girls who enter there are also very beautiful.”

I remembered correctly, right?

It’s been quite a while since I started here. Most players would refuse to start from here. There’s only one reason why almost no one wants to start from here.

Since starting from Ernest City, the only way to advance and develop is to join White Snow Academy. Practically, I who started from here will not be able to develop and survive for too long because the conflicts here are beyond what players can handle.

Even with all the experience I have, the biggest problem is that this body is so weak that all the abilities and knowledge I have are not very helpful.

Entering White Snow Academy would be very helpful. No, I must enter White Snow Academy. This is the only way because they have the power to keep their students safe.

More importantly, my identity as a White Snow Academy student would prevent most of the problems. Although entering the White Snow Academy meant that players would participate in various problems there, it was better than dying a few months after arriving in Ernest City.

“Getting in there is no problem. The most important thing is to survive the entrance exam.”

With that… I need weapons, money, and equipment that can ensure that I can survive.


Ivo looked at his shabby clothes and his pockets that only contained air.

“I forgot the most important thing. I don’t have any money.”


“And I’m hungry too.”

Sigh… Rather than starting with something troublesome, I might as well start with the basics first.

The academy registration is still open for one week. There is still plenty of time to prepare.

“Alright, money and food. Let’s solve that problem first.”

And I know where to get those things.


In the Destiny Game, the main problem for players who are just starting out is money.

When starting, players will only be given a simple outfit. That’s it.

There is no money or beginner weapons. There is no tutorial explaining the game’s mechanics, and there is not even an ID card. It’s as if players who play the Destiny game suddenly appear in this world without any background.

Players in the first week of the game’s launch went wild and launched a massive protest because of the absurdity of this game. On the internet, the game’s rating immediately plummeted and really hit rock bottom.

Who would design a game with something absurd without at least explaining the basics first? Even the Soul game series which is known for its difficulty is nothing compared to this game.

At least the Souls game still has a tutorial and weapons for players to use. But this game doesn’t even have that.

The only good rating on this game is its absolutely stunning visuals.

Back to the original problem.


How do you get it?

Well, the community in this game has made a lot of progress and various guides for new players. The guide is very complete and spread in various unique ways. Whether it’s from doing small jobs or getting money in a fairly inhumane way.

They made it and posted the news on the Destiny game website. People even called them the tutorial phase of the Destiny game. Reading it is a must.

Even Ivo also read it and compared it with his own method.

“It can be said that they are very creative. Especially when players decide to learn crafting skills and make some real-world items to sell in the game.”

Although the idea was quite good, it was not the best way. Players only did it for fun and to try out various new things. For new players, there were two ways to earn money easily.

Killing or looting.

The first method was not popular because there were many annoying problems. Therefore, people focused on the second method. And this was what he was going to do.

Ivo stood at the edge of an entrance to an underground canal. The canal was so dark without any light. Coupled with the darkness of the night, the darkness in that place was so thick and gave off an unsettling feeling.

“Fortunately the place I woke up wasn’t too far from here.”

Ivo entered the canal and walked without hesitation. The darkness around him didn’t bother him at all. He walked while feeling the wall on the left without turning on any lights.

“It shouldn’t be too far from the entrance. As long as there’s no light shining at the entrance, I should be able to get there.”

For 10 minutes, he walked while touching the wall in the darkness. This would have been easier if he had the mana sense talent, but it was impossible in his current condition.

“Found it.”

Ivo felt his hand pass through the wall. From the direction of his left hand, a warm and cold feeling could be felt. When he stepped towards the wall, his body seemed to enter as if the wall was not made of solid material. It felt like stepping through the mud.

Behind the wall, Ivo saw a familiar room. A small laboratory filled with various tubes and furnaces. A faint light illuminated this place, not too bright but enough to see the entire place.

“It should be here… Ah, found it.”

Ivo took out a pouch containing several gold coins and tied it in his pocket.

“With this, my purpose in coming here is complete.”

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