I. Catastrophic Entrance


A mellow feeling.

Forebodes a sinister ploy.

With scent of flowers.

I wake myself up immediately. Captivated by the fragrance of the wind, carrying the delicate scent of a few tightly clustered flowers on a stem. My attention is drawn to a single small white petal as it drifts away from the corolla. Following its path, my gaze settles on the stunning scenery before me. As I turn my head, I am greeted by a vast expanse of lush green grass, undulating in patterns like waves under the gentle breeze blowing from the rear. In the distance, I can see mountains and a dense forest on the east, serving as a boundary to the greensward, separated from a meandering river by the woods. Towards the lower end of the field, peculiar structures pique my curiosity.

No, it’s a town, it’s medieval. Hold on… is this…

_Nahh… _

This must be just an attraction place, quite odd to be almost looking like it’s nowhere to be found. However, I am contemplating why I am at this specific place in the first place and why is it always has to start far away from where I need to be. Well, I could just walk.

A wagon with two brown horses approaches the gate, a soldier outfitted in armor reminiscent of the Middle Ages converses with the driver. The scene appears vaguely familiar to me, I squint my eyes. The glimmering silver plates adorning the suit of armor reflect the bright sunlight. I raised and flatten my hand above my eyes to cover myself from the reflection. Suddenly, the driver begins pointing at my direction. I started to have an unsettled feeling. The wind blowing behind my back picks up speed, I lost my balance momentarily and have to take a step to regain my footing. I looked behind-



A- A Dragon!? Wha- what is this?! How!?

Gliding in the air and effortlessly flapping its massive wings that stretch through the woods, the creature creates powerful gusts of wind sweeping the surrounding fields. With its scaly red skin, two imposing horns on its head, and a wild mane of overgrown hair, the beast towers fifty feet above the ground. Its most striking feature, however, is its bright yellow eyes, which set it apart from other creatures with their vivid coloring. Despite its spectacular appearance, one may wonder whether such a creature could really exist in the flesh or if it is just a product of human imagination. It seems unlikely that such a colossal being could be created for the purpose of a tourist attraction.

I stood there watching, the immense dragon gradually opened its jaws, and I observed in horror as an inky black liquid oozed out. Panic broke out in the nearby town as the sound of an urgent bell echoed through the streets, and terrified cries rent the air. Despite the appearance of some soldiers at the entrance, it was clear that they were powerless against such a monstrous beast. As a result, civilians began to flee their homes in a desperate attempt to escape the danger.

The scene was horrific, the dragon spewed out a black substance that seemed like acid, causing the town’s people to scream in unbearable agony. Some unfortunate individuals were hit by the goo, which melted their skin and flesh, causing their bones to protrude from their bodies. The strong gust of wind generated by the dragon’s massive wings sent some wooden structures flying like pieces of paper, injuring people who fell under the debris. With a thunderous crash, the dragon landed on top of the buildings, tearing apart the tiled roof through which its sharp claws penetrated. Regrettably, there were children inside, whose safety was jeopardized by the dragon’s reckless actions. The acid spilled all over the place, destroying everything in its path, melting stone, wood, and glass, and leaving gaping holes. The damage was catastrophic, as one structure nearby suddenly exploded, causing a nearby house to catch on fire.

The bell from a while ago kept ringing until now, finally catching the attention of the dragon which gazed directly at it. The bell was being rung desperately by a man underneath it who was struggling to pull it as hard as he could, causing him to go up and down in the process. Despite the dragon’s imminent death threat, the bell ringer’s unwavering determination to distract the monster to buy time for the civilians to escape was evident. Witnessing this display of heroism firsthand was truly awe-inspiring.

The dragon drew closer to the bell, and each of its steps rumbled the ground ominously. Its slender yet muscular neck resembled that of a predatory snake, poised to strike at its prey. Its immense weight caused some parts of the rooftop to crumble and collapse beneath its impressive form. The once-clear skies above were now blanketed by a thick layer of smoke from the numerous burning buildings, with the fire quickly spreading throughout the town. Amidst the chaos and destruction, the dragon focused its attention on its target, its fierce gaze fixed on the bell. Without hesitation, the dragon opened its jaws once more, unleashing a torrent of flames that illuminated the apocalyptic surroundings.

A mother frantically dashes out of a gate while holding a young child. Suddenly, An unexpected explosion causes them to be flung to the ground, leaving the mother unconscious and the child bruised and frightened. The fire almost caught up to them. Despite the child’s effort to wake her up, the mother remains unresponsive, and the child is left alone and distraught.

“Mom! Please, Wake up, wake up!” she cries.

As I lay my eyes on the horrific scene in front of me, fear courses through my body. I find myself asking, “What could I do? What could I do?” By my own morals, I shouldn’t interfere with any of this. At this point, I firmly believe that what’s happening in front of me is not a staged performance or a tourist attraction, but a real, tangible event unfolding in a fantasy world, and I am in it.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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