Chapter 75: Ambush Part 2

Terrar was shocked at what he found when he logged in. He was looking into the report of the rogue bear he heard from the tavern, and since the incident with the dragon4dragonspecies had died down, he was largely unnoticed by the other players and npcs. His original intent was to eavesdrop at Jork Fortress for a night as a traveler, but the bear peaked his interest.

When he logged in, he had just started packing up when he heard some sort of fight occuring nearby.


After walking towards the noise, he saw a single knight challenging the bear. There appeared to be nothing special about their armor or gear, so he assumed that the fight would quickly go in the bear’s favor. This was the first wrong assumption that he made about the knight as he quickly dodged the attack with a bandit skill. He then sent his blade into the pit of the bear, stunning Terrar as he heard a loud screech of metal. Since he hadn’t aggroed it, his sneak skill kicked in, so he watched the knight employ hit and run tactics against the bear. The method he was using wouldn’t work if one side of both of his arms was unable to attack, which means it was obvious what direction to dodge to. The knight continued to dodge, strike, roll, and block on occasion to wear the bear down. The knights magic finally ran out though when the bear had only about twenty percent hp left. The knight’s sword could no longer deal any elemental strikes, causing it to finally snap from the stress. Terrar saw a great sword partially buried in the debris of the battle, so he assumed that the knight would go for it. The bear will be waiting for that chance as well, even with the broken sword lodged in it’s eye. To both Terrar and the bears surprise, the knight used the predictable attack to get behind it before climbing on it’s back. The bear was both enraged and confused as it lost a limb and started to roll away, but it didn’t feel like the knight had been crushed by its weight. It then looked up, only to find that the knight swung his shield right towards its face.


To Terrar’s surprise though, he was hit with a non target non damage aoe attack that broke his stealth that the knight didn’t even notice. Terrar was not sure who this individual was, but if he reported about defeating such a foe, that would mean that such a beast could use whatever move it wanted to; then the reward would be larger than he could get from just leaking some information about numbers to low ranking soldiers. He then reactivated his stealth skill and silently moved towards his target as he drew an assassin’s blade. With an assassination, it does a flat amount of max hp % on top of the normal damage.

That means when the body fell to the side, he safely assumed that he was dead.


[Notice! You have struck down a high priority target of the empire. Bring the proof of your kill back to your superiors to claim your reward.]


Terrar blinked in surprise. High priority targets were difficult S rank or above level quests.


He then quickly searched through the fallen mans inventory and took whatever money, valuables, and potions he had. He left anything bulky or cumbersome though. He wanted to claim the epic rank armor as well, but it was all soul bound.

He then sneered after seeing the set gear slip through his fingers as he turned toward the sword.

“A Noble’s great sword.” (Terrar)

Seeing it caused him to smile because he figured that it would do for proof. If he wasn’t in such a hurry, he would have noticed the drake fang that hung around the young man’s neck, or the bear.

Both of these facts escaped him though as he rushed back to the empire to claim his bounty.

- my thoughts:
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The Light
3 years ago


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