Chapter 83- Run Away!!!

KMega6KMegacharacter sat down at the wooden table and played with the two floating chunks of whatever was in his bowl. For the past hour, the elder of the NPCs told him his life story, while the other one looked annoyed and embarrassed. Just as KMega was about to snap and try to find ANYTHING to do other than this, he saw Astrid7Astridcharacter come into the dining hall.

Without hesitation, he got up and walked over to her with more excitement then he should have had. When he arrived in front of her, he gave her a big hug and whispered in her ear.

“You, me, bath, now!” (KMega)

Her face then went red as she blushed and happily hugged him.


KMega was dense. He may even be the densest guy in the star system, but he wasn’t stupid.

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“What do you mean you expected us to do something else?” (KMega)

Astrid leaned in and whispered only one word inside his ear, causing his face to turn a bright red. KMega wasn’t stupid. Before he started playing Sword kingdom, he had the adult features of the game turned off. Even then, he had noticed some strange things when he looked at women, but he never had the physical change before when he was with Astrid. Naturally, he went onto the net to learn about these physical changes when his frustration was at its limit.

What he found was a world full of ‘adult’ content. Videos, pictures, games, and so much more. His bubble had popped, so everything clicked when Astrid said that word to KMega.


Astrid’s advances, his strange desires, and the reactions of those around them.

KMega thought about it and decided that he wanted to have the ‘word’ with Astrid and gave her a hug before whispering something else in her ear.

“If you really want to.” (KMega)

She quickly returned his embrace, her wings surrounding the two of them. She was about to push him over and take him in the coed bath, but she stopped with only a passionate kiss.

“Do you love me KMega?” (Astrid)

KMega gave her a gentle smile before responding.

“Of course I do Astrid. Don’t you love me as well?” (KMega)

She was taken aback by both his response and the question after. The system told her to say that he was becoming mentally unstable since he was falling in love with an AI. She, however, was thrilled by this. She then kissed him, which is the moment she defied the system for the first time.


Weise had long disabled Astrids system notifications since she was an anomaly that had evolved past her programming. He had given up on ‘fixing’ her and only prayed that she didn’t screw it up. There was also a real reason for this as well. Five years ago, he had a wife who ran a robotics manufacturing lab and was working on creating the next generation of robotics. Her latest design was what Astrid was using, plus some modifications due to her own preferences. Weise worked on the AI for it, which is before he had an exclusive contract with the Green corporation. One of the conditions of his contract was that if he created an AI for the mechanoid model that his wife designed, he would retain the rights to it. Against a large multi-world corporation, however, he knew that this was a hollow dream. At most, he was buying her time before his employers desire to use Astrid for their own gains.

Weise then remembered his wife’s dying words as she laid on her deathbed.

“Continue on with our dream.” (???)

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