It was expected for the students within the Academy to be in their rooms at nightfall. They placed the curfew because of an individual who almost blew up the school grounds. They were working on their “secret project” at night in a laboratory. The incident was centuries ago, but even then, such rule was enforced throughout the rest of the Academy’s lifetime. Even with the strict standard placed upon them, nothing would stop the lively, young natures of many students. Some went out at night, meeting up with friends or even hosting parties with no supervision. The Academy Guards care less, as long as you tell them where you are going and what you are doing. In the words of the Academy Guard Captain himself, “that old stupid rule ain’t gonna stop the younglings. Let them be!”

  Alexa was one of those students who wandered out into the night. She was heading to her room after visiting her friends for a late night “sleepover.” She stretched out her arms, letting out a satisfied purr. Everyone in the school were given days off because of an upcoming holiday. Over her stay, she and her friends were discussing what to do during their free days. They suggested Greenville since it was only two or three hours away from them if they travel by their magical broomsticks, so it wouldn’t be a bad spot to hang out and eat there. All she could think about was the number of sugary tarts she was going to eat there!

  She was making her way through the mess hall until her ear suddenly flickered. There was someone hiding behind a pillar in front of her. “I know you’re there. Show yourself.”

  A familiar person came out from the shadows and, after realizing who it was, she let out an annoyed sigh. It was Bral, and he was waiting for her. He came close to her, folding his arms.


  “What are you doing here, Bral? Here with your goonies to pick on me again?”

  “That’s not the case. Just wondering what mischievous plans you’re up to.”

  “Is having fun with my friends mischievous for you? Just get out of the way.” Alexa tried to walk past him, only for her arm to be grabbed. “I have somewhere to be. Let me go.”

  “I heard you were talking to that white-haired kid about me. Something about spreading rumors and such. You can thank your friend for speaking out of place.”

  “Yukiko… You and your stupid big mouth.”

  “Answer my question. What was that rumor?”

  “Since I got nothing to hide, I’ll tell ya. It’s about you taking the Head of House role in your family. What, is that supposed to be a big deal?”

  Bral let Alexa loose and glanced at her with a frown. “Yes, it is. It is the Eadburts who control the industry of the kingdom of Damore, and it is under the grasp of the Head of House who does so. This was supposed to be confidential information, but… it appears everyone knows now.”

  “Who cares about that? You’re a freakin’ Eadburt for crying out loud.”

  “That’s not the problem. It would be hard to know who’s truly my friend. People with this information would go after the money and not… well, me.”

  Alexa gave him the look. “Uh, okay? I missed the part where that’s my problem.”

  She made her way, again, to her dorms, but Bral stopped her once again. Before she could let out a remark, he put his finger over her lips and gestured her to listen. Her ear flickered again as the wind howled, which was strange since it wasn’t that windy during the night. Alexa looked over his shoulder to see a shadow forming some meters behind him. Her eyes widened and, by that sign, Bral knew that something was there. He quickly pushed her back, sheathing his blade. The sword fell into the hands of a familiar person, yet unrecognizable person. No, this was not a person: it was more creature-like and devilish. It smiled as it tightened its grip on the weapon. Blood dripped from its hands when it opened its mouth to speak.

  “do you rEMember mE, dear oLd fRIEND?” it said.

  “No, and I don’t want to. Begone beast!”

  Bral used his free hand to punch the monster away. It took some steps back, letting go of the sword. The jaw on its face was dislocated, and it quickly fastened back into place.

  “HehE… YOU wERE AlWayS sO QuiCk to ThroW a PuNCh. IT’s HOW YOu’ve bEaTen hiM To a pUlp afteR cAlLiNG HIm dEaDweigHT, AFTER ALL.”

  It took a second for Bral to realize who was standing before him. “Merlin?”

  “MeRlin? no… hE iS DeAD. I HAve AsCENdeD To A form YoU cAn’t Beat. aND iT is HeRe, yOu WIll Be THE firsT to dIe.” Merlin? opened his arms. “His haTRED OVEr yoU BEARS No BoUnDS AND fOR THAT, It WILl bRing mE aNd HIm sAtIsFActIoN to SEe yOU cRAwLiNG oN tHe FlOoR, bEGgInG FOR mERcY!”

  Without hesitation, Bral instantly closed the gap between them and stabbed Merlin? at the chest. He looked behind at Alexa, giving her the look to get out of there. Merlin? cackled in glee, grabbing him by the throat and slammed him to the floor. After pummeling Bral several times into the ground, he threw him toward the Academy Gardens. Alexa stared with fear in her eyes and as the monster locked eyes with her, it snorted and pursued his target. Bral struggled to get up and Merlin? came before him. He took out the sword from his body, instantly healing from the wounds, and tossed it to him.

  “oH, hOW ThE tAbLES tUrNed. AGAinSt ABSoLUTE Power, YoU ARE nOThing, JUSt LiKe ThAT PaTHeTIC Boy whO ResIdEs IN ME.”

  “Shut up.” Bral brushed the blood off from his lips and held his weapon. “I’ve been holding back against you cause’ you were weak. Now, you’ll know what’s like when I’m serious!”

  “comE theN! A PAin aNd sLOw dEATH YOu sHaLL rEcEivE, brAl eadburT!”

  With blinding speed, the two clashed. Bral swung his sword with intense ferocity and Merlin? blocked the attacks with his hardened, blood-stained claws. Skin ripped and tear from the Merlin?’s body, but he regenerated from all the attacks, laughing with no care in the world. Despite Bral’s best efforts, he could not injure his foe because of the impressive regenerative power it possessed. Merlin? grabbed the sword, shattering it into several pieces, before jabbing his sharpened claw into Bral’s gut. Their eyes locked, and the demon expressed a diabolical smile.

  “admIT It, BRAL. You’rE WEaK, just LIKE THE ResT of TheM. MaYBE i’lL GIve you a QUIcK aND EAsy dEatH IF you DO.”

  “Gah… It’s… Not me who’s… weak. It’s you.”

  “ME, weAK? ARE YOu TRYinG tO irRiTATE Me?”

  “Hey, deadweight…! Grr, wake the f*** up! I thought… you wanted to be strong. And… here you are, showing weakness.” Bral held on Merlin?’s arm, spitting blood out of his mouth as he spoke with passion. “You let… this thing take over? That’s not… your strength, you dumbass! Wake up!”

  “whaT REmaINs of merlIn IS FoREver gonE. YOU CaNNot sAVe hIM!” Merlin? dug his claws deeper into his body. “wrIthe iN AgOnY AnD pAiN. I WanT TO HEaR It: yOUr VOice in pURe dEspAIr!”

  Orbs of magical energy came soaring to Merlin?’s back, exploding on impact. The demon turned to see Alexa with her staff in hand. She channeled her magic again and beams of mana energy chased their target. Merlin? took out his claws from Bral’s body, using his hand to block the attacks. He was unfazed and glanced at the girl with confusion.

  “i SeNse nO haTRed aGAinST you, yet You WOuld qUARReL aGainSt mE?”

  “As much as I want Bral and his goonies get all the treatment they deserve, this ain’t the way! Merlin, if-if t-that’s you, stop this! I knew you for like a day or so, but you are better than this!”

  “aRE yoU dEAF, gIrl? i sAid HE’S gONe. whAT, Are yOu eXpECTING SOMe SAVIOR To cOME BY ANd SaVE tHe dAY? HA!” Merlin? came at Alexa, landing a clean blow to her stomach. She rolled across the ground and laid on the ground, unresponsive. “WeaK. If YOu iNSISt on dyinG firsT, i rESpEct your dEcisiOn To giVE your lifE AwaY.”

  Bral reached out for Alexa, calling her name before Merlin? threw his final blow. He closed his eyes for a brief second and within a split second, a familiar person has appeared to take Merlin?’s punch head on. It was the white-haired kid from before, but something was different about him. White flames engulfed his very body and its very presence gave him the sense that everything will be all right.

  “YoU’RE aREN! I CAn fEeL It… Yes, THE HAtrEd Of sENioR’S DeaTH fLoWs THROUgH ME! YOu tOO, shaLl dIe!”

  Aren gazed at Merlin? with his right, golden eye. “And I thought you’ve forgiven me. Guess I have to do much more to earn your forgiveness!”

  Merlin? and Aren fought. This fight was completely one-sided, being in Aren’s favor. The demon swiped, slashed, and clawed, but its attacks were completed, avoided or parried. Frustrated by the difference in strength, a burst of red energy radiated out from its body with a chilling roar. An overpowering pressure came through Bral, as if its intensity would crush him. Aren, however, was undaunted by this and assumed his stance. Merlin? became faster and stronger than before, but even then, it wasn’t enough. It backed off, expressing its anger in a frantic rage.

  “whY, wHY CAn’T i KIll you! whAT aRe yOU?!”

  Aren grunted. “What am I? Just some savior coming by to save the day. Now then, this went long enough.”

  He raised his hand and a considerable number of swords manifested around the demon. Each was tagged with different talismans, which begin to glow in a bright, yellow light. Aren put his first three fingers up close to his face. The swords plucked themselves out of the ground, stabbing Merlin? all over his body. A runic circle formed around its victim and Aren stepped forward, placing his hand on Merlin?’s forehead.

  “YOu tHiNK sEAlINg mE wIll sOLvE YouR pRoBlEMS?! i WilL BE rELeAsed aGAIn, AnD tAkE ReveNge!”

  “I ain’t sealing you. What I’m about to do is for your sakes, not mine or anyone else’s. I hope you and the boy will find peace amongst each other. Farewell, for now.”

  The swords grew brighter, and the demon let out one last cry. The form Merlin had taken has dissipated into yellow particles and he fell to Aren’s arms, sleeping quietly. The only thing that was left of the demon was his left arm, which glowed in a sinister red aura. Aren gently placed him on the ground and tended to the others. Alexa was still unconscious despite his best efforts, but at least the three were still alive. Bral blinked several times, in awe of what he had witnessed. Aren wore his eyepatch back on and was on his knees, wheezing.

  “Ah, f***, had to do it again. Great. That thing didn’t take too much of my power, so…”

  Bral trembled as he spoke. “How… You are that strong all along? And… the white flame. I heard stories about it from my mother. Are you…?”

  “Not another word from you, young man,” Aren said, catching his breath. “I already have enough s*** to deal with, so please let me take it one at a time, yeah?”

  “Young… man? But you’re the same age as—”

  Aren came close to Bral, grabbing him by the collar of his tattered shirt. “Not. A. Word.”

  Bral nodded eagerly, not saying anything else. They waited until the Academy Guards arrived. Stein was with them, and he quickly instructed the soldiers to carry them to the infirmary. He came to Aren, noticing a flicker of a white flame disappear from his shoulders.

  “Did you… did what I think you did?”

  Aren was silent.

  “That’s a yes, isn’t it? Does Bral know?”

  “Yup… Where were you guys? Where’s that clown lord?”

  “The Academy was never attacked before, so everyone’s sleeping in their beds as usual. Since the explosion, hysteria and s*** were everywhere, so it was up to the staff and Dickus to protect the distressed younglings.” Stein took a hit from his pipe, exhaling slowly. “Single-file line, my ass. Kids were storming up those halls the moment the fires broke out. By the by, I assume it was you who deterred the attackers from bringing anymore harm to those three?”

  “I made them chase their tails, but no. In this case, well, Merlin turned.”

  “Turned? What do you mean?”

  “Better to see it for yourself. Otherwise…”

  “No rest for the weary, I suppose. There’s a lot of mess to clean up.”

  As the fire spread in the distance, some buildings came crashing down. Aren shrugged and he, along with many of the guardsmen and staff available, helped with the rescue and aiding efforts. As he was doing so, a peculiar person carrying a bloodied and injured Layette away. He wanted to go to check if she was all right, but Stein dragged him away as the healers were being overwhelmed by the casualties. He looked back to the person one more time, but only flames and smoke were there for him to see.         

— New chapter is coming soon —

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