Update on the Sequel

Ok, it’s been a long time since I said anything (except on discord), but I thought I might as well tell you guys a few things.

First off, I’ve signed with CrN and will be publishing the first novel soon, so look forward to that!

Second is that I’ve written a good chunk of book 2 already. My plans were to write that completely (I reckon this second novel will be over 40 chapters and hitting the 100k word mark) before posting daily. However, with the new legacy update on CrN, I’ve decided to put what I write into “locked chapters.” I’ve already put them the sequel’s chapter up and will continue to add them as I write them out.

No, rest assured, this isn’t a paywall. I still intend to share with the public the moment I finish the second novel. But by putting it into locked chapters, I give an opportunity for the impatient and willing to get access to the chapters without needing to wait for me to finish the whole thing. It’s also a nice way to support me if you enjoyed reading my novel similar to patreon (who also get the advanced chapters).

Once again, I  am grateful to my fans as you guys make who I am today. I hope to continue improving as an author and I hope you guys help me along the way too.

Yours truly,

George Bakerson

PS. If you want to contact me, I am George Bakerson on the CrN discord server or you can join my own (link: https://discord.gg/z8jk9uV ) I also respond to comments if you want other contact details like email or something or have any questions.


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4 years ago

I’m confused about the loli pop mental regression thing. Is it possible to keep them mentally regressed indefinitely by giving additional loli pops each day? Scarlet was kept like that for the whole weekend right?

Is it like 1 per day to keep the mind regressed without the duration stacking from extra pops and then 1 day of being small per pop consumed in a stacking fashion?
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