Chapter 137 – Room Service


To tell the truth, I was accustomed to prostitutes who took control. Neither of these two were doing so. I had been warned in advance by the inn that the girls they were sending had never fed a vampire before. The species just isn’t common in Relador.

I decided I might as well get things started, so I simply stepped up and took their hands.

“Come along, ladies,” I said and led them both into the bedroom. The bed was big enough to fit all three of us, fortunately. I let go and went to the window. 

The brunette’s eyes twinkled a little bit. “I guess this part’s the same.”

As I pulled the drapes closed, I responded. “As I said, you’ll want to sleep. The bedroom’s the natural choice for that, isn’t it?”

They both laughed nervously. I was a little surprised at how they were acting. They had seemed worldly and confident when they arrived, but were nervous now. I guess the fact that this was a new experience for them made a difference. The usual male customer was the usual male customer. The female customer was the occasional change of pace. But the vampire customer, in a country that was apparently not welcoming to vampires, was something they didn’t have any preparation for.

At least, that’s what I hoped their attitude was about. Their nervousness could well be fear. So, to help, I cast a very mild bit of Vampire Charm on them as I gently suggested, “Why don’t you two choose who will go first?”

The redhead and the brunette looked at each other. Finally, Mila answered, “I guess I will, then.”

I had expected Caris, the more extroverted one, so that was a minor surprise.

If she wasn’t going to be the seductress I was used to dealing with, then the job fell to me. Taking on the aggressor role that I wasn’t used to, I stepped closer to her. I took her face in my hands and leaned in for a kiss. With another light dose of Charm, I told her, “A vampire appreciates your charms as much as any other customer, my lovely girl. I would love to see more of you?”

Her eyes now had the tinge of drunkenness that I had come to expect as an effect of the Charm, but she had no trouble untying and unbuttoning her clothing.

With Becca, I had allowed my Robert side out a bit, and it had worked out okay. Tiana’s embarrassed, timid approach had been fine for the child she still was, but she, and I, were becoming accustomed to it now. It was beginning to feel okay to enjoy this. If anything, the old passive approach, just going with the flow, had led to my mistake with Melione.

So I watched and appreciated as Mila made a simple show of her undraping. This request, she knew quite well how to answer. She didn’t quite make it a striptease dance, but she removed each piece with expert skill at revealing her body in the sexiest way.

I appreciated her performance until she dropped the final piece at her side, then stepped in to give her another kiss, while letting my hand play a little with perfect-sized handfuls. Then I turned my back to her as I brushed my hair to the front to get it out of the way. Looking over my shoulder, I said, “Undo my dress?”

She unbuttoned the bit across the top that held the dress together above the window for my wings, and swept it off my shoulders, then she undid the buttons down the small of my back. My dress fell, and I was down to my last bit of clothing, which I decided was far enough. I turned to face her, pulling her into an embrace and more kisses, then guided her down to sit together on the bed.

I had never really slacked off on the Vampire Charm with her, although I never pushed it up either. But, it had been going for long enough that she was fully under the influence. My fangs were still not growing, though, so I went back to kissing her.

“But you’re all alone over here,” I heard Lady Serera saying to Caris as Mila’s arms wrapped around me. “Shall I keep you company while you wait?”

Caris giggled, and the giggle became muffled, covered by a pair of lips.

As I put more of the kissing techniques that Ceria taught me into practice, I kept listening to the other couple entertain each other. The bed was easily big enough for two couples as long as they were sufficiently friendly with each other, and those two quickly claimed the other half.

Serera was definitely the dominant one. Caris did try to point out that I was her customer rather than Serera, but the fairy captain shut the protest down with a firm ‘that’s not a problem’ and didn’t allow her any room to object.

Since I was still not ready, I prepared to move down to Mila’s bosom, but she caught me by surprise by doing so to me, instead! This was a step I had stopped Ceria and Becca from doing previously. I had only allowed their hands to play there. Mila’s lips had sealed around their goal before I even realized what she was about to do.

Upon feeling this sensation I had never felt before, I sucked in a breath at the electric shock that ran through me, and my fangs grew instantly. I could now feed, but instead I let her press me down to the pillow and remain at my bosom as she got her knees onto the bed. It felt far too good to interrupt. I found myself wondering why the hell I had ever stopped the others.

With her head on the pillow next to mine, Serara was fondly watching Caris doing the same thing to her. She played with the girl’s brunette hair and smiling like a mother watching her baby nurse. But then I noticed Caris’s hand as she bent over the fairy captain’s body. It was already moving rhythmically below.

Robert had seen plenty of girl-on-girl sex in Internet videos, but I was mesmerized as I watched it live, only inches way from my eyes, growing ever more aroused from both it and Mila’s suckling. I was so engrossed I almost didn’t notice Mila’s hand moving down to my panties.

Almost, but not quite. I quickly intercepted her and pulled her back up, then carefully maneuvered the two of us to put her on the pillow with myself on top. I moved down to her hills to nuzzle and kiss for a bit before smiling up at her. “You’re here to feed me, remember?”

“You’re going to do it there?” she wondered with her eyes growing in astonishment. Naturally she would think that; she had seen my fangs by now. I nuzzled a little bit more while watching her reaction.

Then I realized that she wasn’t so much fascinated as fearful.

Cranking the Charm up, I promised, “It wouldn’t leave a mark. I promise.”

Even if it did, I would heal it.

But despite the charm, which I was carefully keeping light, she continued to look apprehensive, which I recognized made perfect sense. These were two of her most important trade goods, after all.

I relented and gently kissed my way back up to her lips. Once I was convinced that her apprehension had not decreased her arousal, I moved from there to her neck.

I opened my mouth wide and let my fangs sink into her pale skin, savoring the flavor of her blood and enjoying the sensation of her flesh on my lips. I suppose this was proof that Robert had taken over responsibility for the job of feeding. He was much better suited to it than Tiana anyway, I decided. But I didn’t neglect my other task.

As she began breathing deeply, feeling the pleasure that my feeding gave her, I took charge of the blood flowing into my throat, keeping it together as Grandmother had taught me, joining each new gulp to the rest, preventing it from spreading into my bloodstream. I didn’t need the new blood yet, so it would be a waste if I let that happen. I kept gathering it, but I didn’t forget to watch the remaining pneuma within Mila as I depleted it.

I didn’t want to try to take it to the farthest I could go, yet. I wasn’t experienced enough to be certain what that point was. I needed to simply learn to see it, to feel its effect on her as that fraction of her life force slipped down my throat. It was vital that I take just the small bit that would naturally grow back with a night of sleep. Too much and she would be fatigued tomorrow. More, and part of her would become part of me, permanently. She would literally become an extension of my body. As I had learned from Grandmother, that was the real mechanism behind blood bondage.

For now, my job was to just watch and learn as I took from her. And to stop far short of the danger point, since I wasn’t experienced enough to see it clearly. And fold the part of her that I was consuming into my new blood core, where it would expand this valuable new part of me.

I was doing this slower than usual, so I could watch carefully. That fact was having a profound effect on Mila. As I neared the amount I wanted to take, her hand, which had been fondling my hair, suddenly grabbed onto it, and she began violently trembling. I firmly gripped her head in return in order to make sure my fangs didn’t damage her, and waited as she rode her wave of pleasure.

Moving back to her lips once it subsided, I gave her another kiss– she grabbed my hair again and pushed her tongue in, so it wasn’t the sweet, simple kiss I intended– then I cradled her and told her, with a ‘tiny’ tap of mana, “[Sleep]”.

I was still projecting too much mana. She was out instantly. I lay on my side, holding her and watching the show that was Caris and Serera.

The girl had moved down Serera’s body, to add her mouth to what her hand was doing. In doing so, she left the fairy captain’s inhuman beauty on full display, writhing with the pleasure she was giving her.

Frankly, it would have been professional quality as an adult video, and it helped me to easily maintain my fangs. But, it also had a dangerous side effect. My turn with Caris was the closest I had come yet to acting on the sexual temptation rather than feeding. I managed to overcome it, in the end.

Just barely.

Lady Serera tried to continue the night with me once I was done feeding, but I persuaded her to give up in the end. She went to sleep hugging Caris to her bosom like a stuffed animal. But she had parting words worthy of a villain abandoning the field as she went to sleep…

“I’ll leave you alone for now, Your Highness, but I’ll be back. Your commitment is only for the length of that prince’s life, after all.”

So, being squeezed with three other women on a hotel bed,  I woke up to an angelic visit in a rather compromised situation.

- my thoughts:

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Plot-wise, this chapter is kind of a filler, and I nearly dropped it, but I ended up keeping it. Fan service? Well... yeah, I guess it is. Hope you enjoyed.

Check out my other novels: Sword Of The King and Tales of the ESDF


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4 years ago

Rod is such a cockblocker man!!! Am I a bad person being glad that he is a mortal bound to die so Tiana will finally know freedom then? It would really be a pain if he would pester her for eternity when she doesn’t even love him.

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4 years ago

I found it entertaining. I laughed mostly.

5 years ago

Fanservice it might be, but it’s also vampiric character development. ^_^

5 years ago

“With another light does of charm…” *dose* “I didn’t interrupted until…” *interrupt* “It wouldn’t leave a mark. I promise.” *won’t*

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5 years ago

How do i get free currency?

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5 years ago

I think occasional fan service is fine ;), especially chapters like this one since it served as a form of character development for tiana in more than one way.

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