Chapter 572 – Tunnel


After they opened the silver dome, I stayed behind as Serera descended for a better view. I didn’t have a specific reason not to descend with her, so maybe Sen’s hesitation to view her mother’s desiccated body held me back.

I had only just resolved to descend as well when every sense of my [Blood Effigy] body screamed warnings. My knee-jerk response to the surprise was to drop Stage One form and return to the immaterial default state.

That was no good, of course. Most of my senses disappear in that form. Without a body, I am left only with [Spirit Sense] and the ability to use vampire skills.

Remaining in [Vampire Cloak], I dashed away from the summit, unwilling to find out what would happen to the [Blood Effigy] if the ominous outpouring of demonic mana showering down on Ceria’s [Wind Wall] defense touched it. Above me, a bizarre spatial distortion in a horrifying overcast of more demonic mana spread from horizon to horizon as a host of demonic forces on flying mounts appeared from nowhere.

I couldn’t say I even knew what ‘spatial distortion’ meant before that moment. It was Sen’s thoughts that taught me about it, through her comprehension of what the effigy’s [Spirit Sense] was telling her.

And it was also her thoughts that taught me the term ‘black hole’ that she wanted to call the horrifying orb that appeared in that cloud, apparently projecting it.

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<It isn’t a black hole. That’s just me being dumb. If it was one, Huade would already be done for. I just couldn’t help think of that word when I felt it.>

<Where is Shindzha?> I worried. Everyone else was inside Ceria’s defenses, except for those that were well away from this place, down the mountain slope or in the fairy flanking party. I could sense the fairy part of that group advancing. Diur and Pasrue had been on the ground somewhere in the distance. Hopefully they were taking cover. But the hellspawn had no cover, the last time I saw her.

<The Nanas are with her,> came Rhea’s voice. <You go there too.>

Sen suddenly took over the effigy. <I’ll drive for now.>

I felt like protesting as we flew down the mountain slope, as I wanted to stay and help. Then a blaze of Healing mana erupted up on the summit, blowing away the demonic mana that had poured down on the expedition and the portion of the clouds directly overhead.

We flew into the mouth of a small tunnel drilled into the rock as that blaze faded.

<The entrance is too obvious!> I fretted.

<Only to our senses,> Sen reassured me. <A pixie illusion is hiding it to most eyes.>

Inside, the [Vampire Cloak] disappeared and my Stage One form came back, as well as my control of the effigy. As the tiny, pixie version of myself, we joined the Nanas and Shindzha.

“Mistress?” she asked, worried. “What is happening outside? Why did they bring me here?”

“There’s a major demonic attack underway,” I told her in my tiny pixie voice. “You should wait it out here.”

“But… all your comrades are out there, Mistress,” she worried. “I want to help protect them!”

<That’s why Rhea wanted us to come here,> Sen said. <Shindzha would have gone out there, driven by Servant instinct to protect you.>

<So we’re going to stay here?> I wondered, growing worried for those up above.

Rhea’s voice appeared again. <Just for the initial onslaught, until I understand what is going on. There’s something very odd about this attack.>

Sen answered, <It’s a spatial distortion. That shouldn’t be possible for the inhabitants of this world.>

<In some very limited circumstances, it is indeed possible,> Rhea disagreed. <Any Immortal with sufficient skill who forced themselves into this world could do it. Right now, only one such is in that position.>

<Astaroth,> I supplied.

The conference in my head fell silent as I wondered what to tell the worried hellspawn. I went back to Stage Two, my normal body, and took her hand.

“Don’t worry,” I told her. “Our friends up above aren’t helpless.”

Despite saying that, I knew down inside that I didn’t actually possess the confidence that I was trying to project. I was not certain just how much of a fighting force eight fairies and that many top-level adventurers represented, although it would be powerful, but the size of the demonic horde I had seen incoming had to be a challenge even for them.

But I had no intention to remain hunkered down here while my friends up above were in danger. I followed Rhea’s request to come here, but I did not plan to remain here.

<It’s only for a short while,> Rhea assured me. <I am gathering information even now.>

Shindzha spoke up at the same time, with her brows bunched. “Mistress, I think I should leave.”


“I feel something,” she said, putting her hand on her breastbone. “Something is pulling me.”

<Rhea?> I asked, becoming fearful as I saw an odd fluctuation in the hellspawn’s aura. Little waves of demonic mana seemed to be pulsing under her palm.

<Mm-hm,> the goddess confirmed. <Right on time.>

“What do you mean, right on time?” I snapped, forgetting to keep it inside my head. Did they know this was going to happen?

Shindzha stared at me in confusion, as Dragonfly Nana landed on her shoulder and patted her head.

<Put your hand where she has hers,> I heard Fan Li direct. <It can be over hers.>

I did it, but I demanded, <What have you people cooked up?>

<A counter-measure,> Fan Li stated as I felt her concentrate our [Spirit Sense] within Shindzha’s chest. <This one has studied the ‘demon core’ implanted within this child ever since we discovered it. It’s almost certain that our enemy will make use of it if he can. Tell her she must stay fight her urge and stay with you.>

<Take over and tell her yourself!> I retorted, now irreconcilably frustrated with the big sisters in general and Rhea and Fan Li specifically. I went immaterial and pushed control over to her.


While bemused to be suddenly in the mortal realm once more, this small one quickly recovered and manifested her Stage Two form, then continued the work on Shindzha’s middle dantian that Lhan had interrupted.

“Mistress?” the hellspawn asked in confusion. Her senses told her that she was still facing her Mistress, but naturally she was baffled to suddenly encounter a form she had not met before.

“You are to remain here for a bit longer, child,” this one counseled the demon-afflicted girl. “Your former master is likely trying to use you against your allies. It is certainly not the original purpose for this demonic core he gave you, but he knows you are here and he is using everything he has to hand.”

Shindzha’s eyes went wide and her yellow-green complexion paled almost to blue, but she remained still until the task was complete. The fluctuations of demonic mana around her demon core ceased, which she clearly sensed, as she relaxed when it happened.

“You have a choice, O Servant,” this one stated after lowering the hand that had covered hers. “The blood device that this one has implanted within your dantian now surrounds your demon core. With it, you have various options. Naturally, your first option is to act as the core is driving you to act, live up to your original nature, and attack the mortals and fairies fighting above us, in service to your original master.”

“Never, Mistress!” she protested.

This one nodded patiently and continued. “Your second option is to remain hidden here. Now that the blood device surrounds your demon core, your location is no longer apparent to your former master. When the battle is ended, you can live out your days in the wilds of the Highlands, or eventually seek out your mistress for further orders. We would not fault you for remaining in the wilds. It’s hard to imagine a place for you in mortal society.”

She nodded dutifully, but answered, “I wish to be of service, Mistress.”

That was the anticipated response. With a nod, this scholar finished. “The final option is to follow Lhan outside once the goddess gives us clearance, and do your best not to get attacked by your allies while you fight our enemies.”

“That is what I choose,” she answered without hesitation.

“Very well,” this small one approved. “Then while you are fighting, you should attempt to use demonic magic.”

“I cannot, Mistress,” she answered, her horned head rapidly shaking.

“The blood device… it should have a name. Technically, it’s a modified blood core, but the only blood magic it can perform until you develop its abilities is the power to steal the demonic core from its owner and grant its control to you. A [Blood Shackle] and a [Blood Harness] already exist, so let’s name it [Blood Yoke]. It yokes the demonic core, placing its reins in your hand. The core absorbs natural mana on its own and corrupts it into demonic mana, but the [Blood Yoke] grants you control over that mana.”

“Do I truly have a demonic core, Mistress?” she wondered.

“It can be said now that you do. It wasn’t yours, before this moment. It was a parasite that your old lord implanted. This one puzzled long over its purpose and came to a simple conclusion. By sheer coincidence, Lady Tiana prevented your master from using it as intended, possibly only shortly before the time to do so, when she charmed and fed upon you. Possibly, he was within moments of causing you to detonate it when she interrupted his control over you.”


“To be blunt, you had been sent on a suicide mission, and that core was your bomb,” this scholar clarified. “At some point, you became an unusually strong hellspawn, did you not? Hellspawn are normally no stronger than common hags.”

“I… ” she looked down. “My lord said that the True God strengthened me for a special mission. Once I showed I could control the nue, he sent me after Mistress.”

“As expected, you had only recently gained such powers,” this small one nodded. “It was not Astaroth, but the demonic core which strengthened you. And your lord’s purpose was to upgrade your power enough to take Lady Tiana on in single combat. You were probably a hastily-made replacement for Trisiagga. I’m sure you were meant to defeat Lady Tiana, capture Princess Amelia and return, but if you couldn’t, you would have obeyed an implanted command to detonate the core.”

This scholar smiled at the shaken child and set a hand gently on her head. “Be happy. He has foolishly given you the ability to use your demonic powers despite the Servant bond. Be judicious with how you use them, as your ability to recover demonic mana likely is slower than before, but do not hesitate when the moment is right.”

“Yes Mistress,” she breathed, her eyes still uncertain, but a bit brighter.

“Do not get too used to using it, though. You should know that it is our plan to rid you of demonic mana, including that core, in the long run. The goddess has explained that you should eventually be able to become a mortal just like your mother.”

Her eyes widened. “Like Mama?”

With a nod, this sage patted the child’s head once more.

<It’s time for you to return, Miss Lhan,> this small one told a certain problem child firmly.

Only allowed on

<I heard that,> she answered just before she found herself back in control.


After my own Stage Two form manifested once more, I gave Shindzha a wry smirk, then asked, <Rhea?>

<Very well,> she agreed to my unspoken request. <Take her and head out. Stay away from the summit. Go protect Terese and the horses.>

“We’re going out,” I told the hellspawn, standing up. “Hold back on any demonic attacks for now. Do you know any mobility magic?”

“Mobility?” she asked as she rose as well.

“The ability to travel in secret, or travel faster, or move between shadows. I know you have a mild stealth spell, but I don’t think that will work here.”

Understanding lit in her eyes. She answered, “I also have means to move rapidly, Mistress.”

“Alright. If we have to run separately, we’ll find out whether you can keep up with me. Otherwise, I’ll be the one to adjust. Although, at first, it will be just you running.”

- my thoughts:

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'Sen's hesitation to view her mother's desiccated body' might be confusing to those who forget that 'Sen' means Spirit Core Tiana in possession of all her memories.

Not sure if I am going to resolve this battle in the next two chapters as my plan states. I just realized I'm up against my planned end-of-volume. It may take three.

But whether it is two or three, this was the last 'pause' chapter, having only a short bit of action. The rest of the volume is basically a continuous battle.

The Nanas are almost invisible in this chapter, and that didn't feel natural, but they were busy hiding the tunnel. I will make their presence better known next chapter.

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