Chapter 591 – Her Grace


To minimize costs for the duchy and the travel expenses of the nobility, in consideration of the war effort, we held my investiture the day after the funeral. We had long since passed the proper interval after Mother’s death, after all.

Frankly, I could write a long description of it, or I can just say that a Shinto wedding ceremony would be pretty close. Except that it focused upon just me, instead of a bride and groom. The ceremony, the banquet, the meetings with the noble guests, and all the rest were all more-or-less the same.

The biggest difference was my investiture dress, frankly. They dressed me as a Dorian priestess. Not a shrine maiden, mind you. A priestess. In other words, a full white robe, a goofy white hat, and no red hakama or skirt.

Why? It seems that becoming Duchess of Pendor makes me the official head of the Dorian temple, for everywhere east of Alador, which recognizes their own king instead. Fortunately, I don’t need to know or do anything as the head priest, except say prayers at the temple on a few designated days through the year. Thus, the only actual words that I uttered during the ceremony were, in fact, my first prayer in that capacity, which was, in effect, also my oath of office.

In short, I rose on Restday, the fifteenth of the Month of Ripening of the 3261st Year of the Imperial Calendar, as Lady Tiana, First Daughter of the Duchy of Pendor, but I rested as Her Grace, Tiana, Duchess of Pendor.

Only allowed on

I wasn’t sleepy that night, so I left the other two in bed and slipped out after Midnight to have the night attendant dress me and serve me some tea in my study. This new job had me doing a lot of reading lately. I was still there when I heard Rod departing for his morning exercises and Genette entered to fetch me. While she and the chambermaids were dressing me, Mireia’s Lady’s Maid Aira and the chambermaids from her crew were hustling their nauseous charge to the bathroom.

Should I really feel guilty about the fact that I don’t get morning sickness? I suffered terribly, both as Sirth and as Lhan, so I do remember what it was like. But this body isn’t capable of it. It’s not my fault, alright?

We were in my new quarters, the suite formerly belonging to Mother. My old suite was now Mireia’s. Naturally, her maids knew the score, and came to my bedroom to fetch their mistress in the morning. I should probably make sure she and Rod spend some nights in her suite and his, so their maids don’t feel neglected. Or rather, I guess I have to show up in those places from time to time as well…

Married life is a little weird when everyone has their own suites, but that’s how it works in my world.

The roles of everyone around me remained unchanged for the time being, except that the job as Mother’s Lady’s Maid came to an end with her funeral, so Terese became my ‘social secretary’. It was a role that nobody ever did for me before and that Mother had barely allowed Benedetta to cover for her as a side job. Apparently they expected assisting me on that front to be a full-time job, even though Mother had mostly handled it herself. I’m not sure how to feel about that.

Naturally, she didn’t become my Lady’s Maid. Genette kept that job, despite certain noble objections about a ‘low-born’ woman handling the role. I shut their objections down by asking exactly what mistake my mother made.

When Mother chose her, these noble families didn’t want me anywhere near their daughters, much less the duchy. Mother appointed a ‘low-born’ wolf-kin to that position with no objection from them at all.

Yes, since that time, they grew to love the duchess who turned their crumbling nation into an economic powerhouse. When she was looking for a Lady’s Maid, they were only beginning to recognize Mother’s accomplishments and, even though the duchess had adopted me, I was still Egon’s daughter rather than Deharè’s in their eyes. Apparently my image remained poor until I became a royal knight and news of my deeds, in Lang Doria, in the Tabad, at the Battle of Cara Ita, and finally with my battle with Shindzha over Narses, began morphing my public identity from “Egon’s Daughter” to “Deharè’s Daughter”.

But it was too late. They lost their chance to get their daughter into that position. From now on, they would have to address my wolfkin river rat Lady’s Maid as ‘Lady Genette’. Having realized they would have to accept it, the council voted her a lifetime baronetcy, a title of equal rank to a royal knight, during the week before the funeral, citing her loyal service to me during my imprisonment in Copen as their justification. I suppose it stuck in their craw a bit less that way.

So Lady Terese came in as I took my breakfast, to read me my morning schedule.

Or rather, that would be the normal plan. First day on the job, she already deviated from standard procedure.

“A number of people  are awaiting your presence in your office, Your Grace. His Royal Highness informed me I should not turn them away.”

I blinked at her, trying to process that. VIPs? I knew of none incoming… but of course I knew quite a number of people who were not the normal mortal kind, and not restricted to normal mortal transportation.

“Right now?”

“Please do not go yet,” Terese stated with a stiff face. “Your Grace should finish her breakfast and tea, then meet them at your convenience.”

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I suppressed a smile. If Rod felt Terese should defer to them, they needed respect, but Terese still wanted them to know who’s boss.

“Very well,” I said, and finished my soup, three sides and rice at a normal pace. The food before me was consumed only for appearance sake, since the [Blood Effigy] doesn’t require any, but I ate it to keep my staff happy. That included keeping Terese happy, and she wanted me to eat at a proper pace, so I did.

She, Genette and Syl followed me to my office in due time, where a certain Pendor House Knight greeted me at the door. 

“Your Grace, your guests are waiting inside.”

“Thank you, Sir Hedrit” I told him as he led me through the door, announcing me to the room.

I nearly stopped short when I saw the group inside, and most importantly, the member nearest the center. Of course, the moment I saw her, the successful concealment of her thoughts on the subject no longer worked, and I knew why she was there.

Bowing while making the fist-in-palm salute, right hand covering left, she stated, “Fan Li greets Her Grace. Please pardon this small one’s uninvited arrival.”

My mouth twisted into a wry smile. “It’s an open question whether ‘uninvited’ is a valid criticism in your case, Scholar.”

<Should we go through the motions of explaining the issue to me?> I wondered.

Fan Li replied, <Not everyone in this group understands our nature, so it would be best.>

I’m reasonably certain Fan Li is the only one who could conceal her conversations and thoughts from the rest of us, and I’ve reached the point that she can probably only conceal them from me for the very short term. She had only cooked this plan up the previous day. She only conceals things to not distract me from more pressing issues, so I’ve learned to not mind it. The previous day was, after all, a considerably more pressing issue.

The rest of the room included a woman I did not know, and three that surprised me. Fan Li’s thoughts revealed she didn’t know why they were present, either. The remaining people were Lady Serera, Princess Amana, Bruna, Ryuu, Uncle Arken, Graham and Brigitte. Which left the Hero’s Party oddly short two people. Everyone was standing around the conference table. I hadn’t left them standing all this time, though. Serera had let them know to stand up for me before the door opened.

“Please be seated,” I told them, and went to my chair at the head of the table.

I looked toward one of the surprising visitors and asked, “You appear to be an officer in my army, Senior. May I ask what alias you are using?”

The Hekatoncheir Kottos bowed her head. “Technically, it isn’t an alias, Your Grace. My mother in this body gave it to me. I am Lieutenant Madrin.”

“Welcome, Lieutenant,” I told her with a nod.

In Greek Mythology, the Hekatoncheires had a hundred hands and fifty heads (or a hundred eyes). In Huadean reality, they are Immortals who manage to dwell in the Mortal Realm by spreading themselves out over well over fifty mortal bodies. Each has little more spiritual strength than an especially powerful mortal, like an elderly elve, but they can collectively muster an Immortal’s strength in a pinch. Unlike the other gods, they are normally present only to observe and report, although the ancient stories have them sometimes acting.

Looking at her companion, I noted, “Given the nature of this collection of people, this isn’t a Government Affairs matter, Miss Lawin. May I ask why my Government Affairs aide is present?”

The Hekatoncheir Gyges (acting in her Miss Lawin identity) gave a sheepish smile and admitted, “I came here to vouch for the lieutenant, Your Grace. I clearly did something unnecessary. But I am also here to give today’s report, once we are finished. Shall I wait outside?”

Fan Li had already concluded she could hear everything, so I told her, “No, feel free to stay. Your opinion may come in handy.”

I turned my eyes back to Fan Li, seated on my left.

“Technically, this is a request from the Fairy King, Your Grace, so this small one defers to his royal knight as the most suitable spokesperson,” she stated, gesturing toward Lady Serera. “But you will already realize that he is making it at the request of our mutual acquaintance.”

Gaia, in other words. I nodded again, and turned to the royal fairy knight on my right.

“Hohohohoho,” she chuckled softly. “I seem to have the floor. Very well, Your Grace. I’m ready to present.”

She retrieved a rolled paper literally from nowhere, although my [Fairy Sight] informed me it was actually an illusion generated by a hidden magic artifact strapped to her wrist. With a flip of said wrist, she sent the image onto the table top, where it expanded and unrolled into a large map.

As I now had access to Fan Li’s memories on the topic, I was unsurprised to see the north central frontier, featuring Oseri in the north center.

I gazed at it for a moment, then asked, “How many people in the room know the significance of Oseri?”

Serera answered, “I’ve explained to everyone here, Your Grace. It seems Mr. Kowa knew it already, so his companions were familiar.”

I pursed my lips, looking at him. “His three companions. You seem short a few, Mr. Kowa.”

He twisted his mouth, then nodded. “I’ve… received requests concerning Chiara and Melione.”

“Your manners, Ryuu,” Uncle Arken muttered to him.

He shot him a puzzled look, and I humphed. “Uncle Arken, I already know he has no manners. Mr. Kowa, he wants you to call me ‘Your Grace’. I won’t hold my breath. What about Chiara and Melione?”

He looked at Serera, who hohoho’ed and explained, “His Majesty the Fairy King insists that Melione no longer expose herself to demonic attack. He said you should carefully consider why, and refused to elaborate.”

He didn’t need to. I had already considered hiding her in Sky Ocean. Her purification is too vital to my safety. Although, with my real body already hiding there, I wasn’t sure how valid a concern it was. Although, by now, Astaroth has figured it out and might be targeting her…

No, I realized. If Oberon was saying it, then he had information that Astaroth was targeting her.

“And Chiara?”

Serera answered, “His Majesty Gerald wants her to return to his sister’s side. She ought to have a royal knight with her.”

I suppressed my retort about Chiara’s history guarding the princess. Amelia had clearly forgiven her, after all, given more recent events.

Glancing at Ryuu, I asked, “No objections?”

He shook his head. “I prefer it, frankly. I’m not comfortable with Amy being all alone in Tëan Tír.”

She’s not even vaguely alone, Ryuu, I wanted to say, but didn’t. His understanding would be that she was still holed up in her suite in the Fairy King’s Castle. I suppose I’ll need to tell him where she really is, eventually.

I turned to the last of the three surprising guests and the stranger. “Miss Shrine Maiden, someone needs to introduce us. But before we take care of that…”

I turned to the last surprising guest and finished, “I really do need someone to explain your presence, Fele Feraen.”

- my thoughts:

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An old friend(?) returns.

This is, as the reader probably suspects, transition into a new arc. Not much else to say about it. The scene gets rolling properly in the next chapter.

Between shifting off Google Drive for my backup (because it is messing with my writing software and I'm not changing writing software) and dealing with my life issues of late, I've fallen a bit behind on writing. I'm aiming to have a chapter on Saturday, but I won't make any firm promises.

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