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Chapter 616 – Sisters, continued

§  The mood remained awkward as the two ancient fairies observed me for several breaths, unknown inhuman calculations passing through their minds as they weighed my answer. These two were nothing like Dilorè and Amana, who are relatively familiar in their thought processes. Rather libertine and unbound by most human scruples, but familiar in the shape of their reasoning. Dilorè ...

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- my thoughts:

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I'm beginning to wonder if I have some kind of mild version of long covid or something. My fatigue keeps dragging on and on, even with things at work improving. But I'm finally writing again, and I will do my best to keep it up.

I would like a better title for this than 'sisters, continued' but I frankly just couldn't come up with one.

The scene does not continue after this, but we deal with another matter first, before we wrap up the reunion.

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