Chapter 22

WARNING: Ahead in the few coming chapters are scenes which are sensitive like death of a loved one. If you are sensitive to such scenes, please skip. You have been warned!!!!


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I walked out of the doctor’s office and went back home. But later that evening, I got a call from him.

“Mr. Jeon, it won’t be easy you know.” He told me.

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“I know, and even I said that it’s going to be our very last option. I too, don’t want that moment to happen.” I told him and sighed.

“Alright then, can you go over and complete the formalities then?” He asked me and I agreed to go a few days later.


Today was Jungkook’s concert. And I had a very bad stomach so I decided to go a little later. I got a few missed calls from Yugyeom and Jungkook. I called Yugyeom later and asked him to tell Jungkook I would be there in few and that I got stuck in the traffic.

I was on the highway and I was waiting fort the traffic light to go green. As soon as the light went green, I started my car and took a right turn. What I wasn’t expecting was for someone to break the traffic rules. Worst was, I would have to pay for it.

I saw a huge truck running towards me. And I had no chance of saving myself. I went through all the possibilities in my mind. I would get crushed underneath any car if I jumped out. I would still get crushed along with my car if I took any turn. And I would still get crushed by the one which was coming right at me. 

Time stood still and I closed my eyes very tight hoping for everything to be fine when I open them back. But I heard my phone ringing. It was Dad. I answered it, but couldn’t speak. Words didn’t dare leave my mouth. But after a lot of courage, I spoke up.

“Appa, I.. I love you and I love mom too.” I said and started sobbing.

“Boy, what is wrong with you? Are you alright?” He asked me.

“Appa, tell Jungkook that I love him so much. Tell him not to hate me. It was always a last option for whatever might happen from now on. I didn’t think that the time will come soon. Tell him I will always be with him and yes, if possible, let him go to Korea. Let him sign up with HYBE.” I told him sobbing.

“But Jeongukk” Dad said and then I saw was the truck hitting my car with great force.

My rolled over and as it did, my whole life, Jungkook, Mom, Appa, Jimin, Jin hyung and my love, Taehyung flashed before my eyes. My head hit on something hard as I flew out of the car with the impact. Seconds later, I felt warm liquid flowing through my head. Blood. I hit my head. Things became blurry. I saw some figures running towards me and trying to talk to me.

“I..I.. am… so…rry.” And I was pulled into absolute darkness after that….

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