B4 — 27. Break The Mold

Author Note:  I beat Covid and am back, Baby!  Wow, some awesome stuff ahead for our Lunar Hare, and I can’t wait for everyone to continue on with the story!  ^_^7


1. Scarlet

2. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hare!)

Recap:  Uh … Yeah, Yseress turned out to be a powerful half-human devil that had an actual ruler of Hell inside of her, hitching a visual ride to ease her bordom.  Now … things have gotten real!  Izanami has made a deal with Rachel, and she now has the ability to access the powers of Hell through her tie to Yseress, Rachel’s new slave … Izanami really didn’t give a second thought to throwing her servant under the rug.

Moongmor was compelled by the Hell Lord to fetch his master, Eostre, a goddess herself that somewhat unwillingly fashioned the bond between the fallen Japanese Goddess of Creation and Rachel.  Uh-oh … How is our girl going to use this new power and information because this is a big game changer!

We’ve got some frightening things ahead!

I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Jacob hipes, Error25, Aria Red, DogeDoge, Austin Reff, Qustom, Zestar, TheGeneralPlaysGames, Fraxx, Roni Free, and my other Patrons!

Scarlet hissed, leaning up against the side of a concrete wall of a building half a mile away from Armand; lips tight, she clutched at her side with closed eyes, trying to pull frantic mind in any other direction than the cracks in her rib.

It was like someone digging a screwdriver through her teeth and twisting into her gums; dull, pulsating spurs triggered without even her taking a single breath.  Unable to bear it any longer, puffs of air forced their way through her lungs; each expulsion she made released a bit of stress, but the spasms passing into her heart wouldn’t cease.

Relica’s arms were held tightly under her bust, examining Scarlet’s reactions with calculating focus while Fiona and Benedict hovered nearby.

“I can’t believe how big he was,” Fiona growled, green wings radiating red dust as she glared at Relica.  “I couldn’t do anything to him!  You weren’t any help at all!”

Benedict ran his hands through his hair; he’d been hovering beside Fiona in an utter panic since seeing the creature that was four times larger than a whale.  “You’re sure Edelira and Isabel are down there?”

“Likely,” Relica mumbled, “but our concern is Scarlet.”

“What?”  Benedict was utterly lost.  “How bad … She was moving around a lot…”

Reica stepped forward to kneel beside her.  “Shut up … How bad is it getting … Are Xazzos’s flames still burning through your bones?”

Great … Out of everyone that called me out, it was Relica … This sucks…

The Pixy groaned.  “I’m so … useless!  We need Maria to heal you, right?  So, shouldn’t we go get her real fast?”

You’re useless?  I jump in every time to help Rachel and mess up, then she has to clean up my blunder.  I’m the worst…

“What?”  Fiona asked, fists tightening into fists; her rage was deepening with every passing minute Warpath was active, and she’d needed to consume more sugar to keep her energy up from the draining State.  “I’ll go kill him, and that solves that!  You stay…”

“No, no, no…”  Scarlet growled, trying to sound more angry than hurt.  “You don’t know exactly where it is—and I can’t see past whatever magic they’re using; it could be a trap, and we’d be—we’d be trapped by Armand and whatever’s inside.”

Her crimson irises drifted to her naked side that had long since healed of the damage Xazzos caused.  His blue flames disintegrated a part of her black shirt; luckily, only the very top portion of her belt and white shorts took damage.

“Besides, we all saw how fast he was; I barely got us out of there alive, and he still chased us all over the place.”

Fiona scratched her forehead.  “I just—I need to kill a few more bugs and upgrade my Ice Spear!  I’ll be stronger then!”

Benedict held up his hands in protest.  “Fiona, he took everything you threw at him without blinking—even in the eye!”

Fiona was heated.  “I haven’t tried his nose yet—I’ll shove something up his…”

“Unfortunately,” Relica signed, “A few bugs aren’t going to help you at all.”  Scarlet never expected to receive concern from the woman as she knelt beside her.  “Your little friend is right.  Scarlet, don’t try to act tough—I know Xazzos.”

The Sorceress rolled her eyes while pulling back her hair.  “I helped Asher through the process of summoning him, after all—not an easy task, I assure you.  So, I know some of his energy is still seeking to eat through your bones to get to your heart.”

“I’m fine!”  Scarlet barked, tightening her jaw while brushing away Relica’s extending hand to press against her side.  “I’m healing, so just back off!”

“I’m not trying to…”

“Figure out a way we can get past that wolf or shut up!”  Scarlet snapped, drawing on her pain to be more assertive.  “Rachel’s right, we just need to get Maria back … You’re the one with all the plans; help instead of complaining!”

Relica nibbled on the inside of her lip, eyes narrowing a bit.  “Scarlet, Xazzos should frighten you; that was a playful flick of his wrist, but that energy is something out of another dimension.  You are powerful, but not on his level … yet.  Let me treat you so we can move forward; Fiona and Benedict can do,” she paused, waving a hand in their direction, “whatever they want to distract Armand.”

Fiona didn’t look happy that she agreed with Relica but wouldn’t deny it, given Warpath’s influence.  “Benedict, you should stay here and watch her … She’s tricky!”

Air shot through Scarlet’s nose at the suggestion.  Not like he can do anything if she does; he’s all about illusions, Scarlet thought with exasperation, but the Sorceress wasn’t wrong.

Overall, she was doing a lot better than the Legend’s Quest on the outside; however, on the other hand, she’d never cracked a bone before, nor had some foreign force embedded into her body that she couldn’t get rid of.

Finding no better answer in her pain distracted mind, Scarlet pounded the top of her head three times in frustration before vehemently scratching it; Fiona was going crazy with her skill, which wasn’t helping her concentration.  “Grrgmmm … Fine—fine, Fiona, just stay super high, and we’ll … we’ll join you or something a…”

The Fairy wouldn’t even let her finish, levitating the small bag of sugar she’d brought and darted to the nearby broken doorway.  “Yeah!  You heal up, and I’ll go take this stupid wolf down; I’ve got plans for his nose!”

Scarlet highly doubted it, given her rage-filled mind, but knew she’d be going crazy in Fiona’s place; Maria was in danger every second they wasted, and she was supposed to be the strong one to protect the Unicorn.

Relica calmly addressed her once Fiona left.  “Will you let me help you now?”

Scarlet hated it—from how Relica smoothed out her black business suit to her slim fingers adjusting her white shirt.  The Sorceress was the definition of a woman that couldn’t take a hint; no one liked her, but she thought she was the most popular girl on the planet—totally delusional.

“How?”  Benedict butted in.  “Can you heal her, too?”

“Hardly,” Relica huffed.  Purple flames ignited in her hands to create an obsidian dagger.  “I can draw strength away from the lingering embers for your regeneration to gain ground and smother them—it’s crude but my only option at the moment.”

Scarlet’s focus didn’t move from her naked blade.  “Right … Like I’d trust you with anything like that?  In what world would anyone allow you to use that … dirty, unsanitized thing on them?”

A frustrated hiss passed through Relica’s locked teeth.  “Scarlet, I’m trying to help you!  You cannot imagine what Wolfgang might be doing to those twins or your friend—in fact, it’s likely too late at this point.”

Benedict groaned.  “Why … How can we save them?  They’re tough on the outside, but … Edel and Izzy are…”

“I don’t care!” Relica yelled, voice cracking a bit and causing him to flinch.  “How long can you last, Scarlet?  Tell me!  Quit being stubborn; I need you alive as much as you want to be alive.  Besides, what would I tell your mother when I return?”

An emotional blaze and chill simultaneously rippled through Scarlet’s frame at the mention of her mother.  She hated it, despised the very thought, yet she knew the Sorceress was right in at least one area.

“Fine,” she seethed, unable to look away from the wicked knife that had been used to perform countless horrifying rituals and acts.  “Get it over with so I can help Fiona.”

Relica’s free hand illuminated a deep purple before pressing against her side.  “Finally!”  

The woman’s hands were shockingly warm, and a disgruntled twist lifted her nose.  “Dammit, Scarlet … It’s more than a third way through your rib; you know your bones act as an invisible barrier to protect your heart, right?”

“I said just get it over with!  I’m stupid—so stupid!  Why am I even doing this?”

“It’s not so simple,” Relica growled, putting her blade against the side of her skin.  “Your blood isn’t going to jump out and try to kill this shadow of me, correct?”

Scarlet begrudgingly turned off her automatic protection; it had been overwhelmed and forced on pure defense when it came to the muscular demon.  “I turned it off … How do you even know about that…”  Her thumbnail dug into her index finger when her mother’s smiling face came to mind.  “Nevermind.”

Benedict watched in apprehensive panic as Relica slowly eased the weapon into her skin; there was no pain, but there was a sensation to make her aware of the intrusion, and she instantly felt the strength of the embers eating through her bone lag as the point neared the crack.

“It will take four minutes by my calculation, unless … We’ll see.”

Scarlet didn’t respond, doing her best to remain strong and not cry; she didn’t want Relica’s help—it was like accepting help from her mother, in a way, yet she’d bear it if it meant saving what pieces of her life she’d been able to stabilize with Maria, Rachel, and Fiona’s help.

How did this happen?  Why is Relica helping us?!  It doesn’t make any sense!  None!

She hadn’t needed to level up any skills that often over the past three weeks, which was growing to be a source of confidence for her; she was strong, and Rachel relied on her, but Relica kept putting doubt in her chest.

She couldn’t deny it, though, from the moment Xazzos’s ax touched her skin; the creature felt like annihilation incarnate.  If it wasn’t for the manipulations Twilight did to her seed and the unique set of abilities she’d given her, the creature would have split her in half without effort.

It was instinctual; he was playing with them, looking for a bit of fun in the boredom that was his life in this isolated barrier.  He hadn’t come across a single challenge, but she had to trust Rachel because she was the linchpin in grounding her reality.  How could she ever doubt Rachel?

Over the past few minutes, Scarlet tried to compensate for her weakness; after all, she had a ton of points—or so she’d thought.  The Heart of Blood II Passive, which gave her regeneration, appeared challenging to level up since out of reflex, she’d accidentally poured everything she could into it after her rib cracked.  And yet, it only leveled from one to three; however, Regeneration IV increased to Regeneration VII through her efforts.

“Is it getting better?”  Relica asked, serious gaze unnerving Scarlet a little.

She doesn’t care about me … It’s all about whatever Twilight is to her or my mom.

“A little, I…”  Scarlet trailed off when a chill rippled through her bones.

Twilight’s sleepy, entertained hum erupted through her heart as the entity sensed something unusual.  “How bold … I love it,” she yawned, shifting beneath the fathomless ocean she slept under.

Huh?  What’s … bold?

She didn’t respond, but a pressure gripped Scarlet’s gut, feeling a tug that plucked at the edge of her mind; it was as if a crack split the fabric of reality nearby that widened a little.

“… Scarlet … Scarlet?”


She blinked, glancing at Relica’s concerned frown.  “I’ve been trying to get your attention for a full minute … What happened?”

“A minute?”  Looking down, she saw the blade was out of her skin; the force eating through her inner defenses was fizzling out.  “Is … it done?”

Relica reached out to press her hand against her forehead, causing a tingle to pass through the point of contact.  “Nothing I can sense … Hmm.”  Rising to her feet, Relica didn’t look happy.  “Is it done?  It dwindled sooner than I predicted, which means something else was involved … I suppose She had something to do with it?”

Ignoring her, Scarlet retreated back into her mind; not even a few seconds had passed for her, as far as she was aware, and Twilight had nothing to do with her rapid recovery.  Her increased Skill was the cause; Relica was likely operating on old data because she could trace what The Reaper had centered on.

Twilight sensed something happening nearby that … amused her.

“You’re okay now?”  Benedict asked, floating nearby.  “Do you hear all those crashes?”

Rumbles vibrated the concrete from something massive thrashing across the city, which was likely Fiona engaging Armond.  Her eyes filtered through buildings in a different direction, though, following the unusual tug Twilight had been focused on.

Hope brightened Scarlet’s heart again; Rachel rode behind Grace on the cowgirl’s horse, yet some demonic woman floated next to them with enormous blood-like wings.

The provocative figure wasn’t close to human from what little she could see below the surface of her skin.  If it wasn’t for the disgruntled expression the winged-creature wore, Scarlet would have been concerned for Rachel, but at least she survived Xazzos.

“… What should we do, Scarlet?”  Benedict seemed to repeat, trying to catch her attention.

Rachel was safe, and that meant she had a plan—she always had a plan.

Refocusing on the task at hand, Scarlet shakily got to her feet, checking her side.  “I’m healing really fast … Rachel beat that demon!”

“No way!”  Benedict cheered.  “That’s—she’s coming to meet up with us?  We’re going to look for them again?”

Scarlet grinned.  “Yeah, she’s heading straight for Armand.  We should go join her … Fiona’s keeping out of reach,” she muttered, flipping around to see the Fairy raining electricity down on the wolf like a Sith Lord to no effect.  Armand’s tail was swinging back and forth as if laughing at the tiny Fairy’s efforts.

Relica’s relieved sigh turned on a dime.  “What?  No, it’s … That’s not possible,” she flatly rejected, drawing Scarlet and Benedict’s gaze.  “Xazzos would have eaten Rachel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—no, it must be a trap.  We shouldn’t go.”

“No…”  Scarlet slowly returned, forehead furrowing.  “I … Uh, wait…”  Indignation rose in Scarlet’s breast.  “You thought Rachel would die—and you ran away?”

The Sorceress shifted her weight, glancing to the side with a short shrug.  “Of course, it was a noble sacrifice, for sure, but there was no world where she should have been able to escape that monster.  Look, if Rachel is alive, then something terrible has happened—maybe a demon is controlling her mind from inside her body; those types are hanging around underground.”

Benedict gave her a look that asked if Relica was really supposed to be on their side; his stress levels were through the roof, and Scarlet could relate.  His best friends were kidnapped by a literal N*** incarnate, and he couldn’t do anything but tag along and provide minimal support through illusions.

Scarlet grunted at the Sorceress, finding new grounds to hate the woman.  “Well, whatever; she did it.  Okay?  It’s her.  No one has blood like Rachel, but…”  Her eyebrows creased a little while looking into Rachel’s veins.  “It … is a lot more colorful than usual.  I think she somehow got a ton of moon energy.”

Relica’s knife vanished in purple flames before humming.  “I suppose … that’s a stroke of luck, or maybe Xazzos got bored—in any case, we should abandon Maria and those girls.  It’s fruitless, as you’ve seen,” she dispassionately argued.  “That Fairy will likely die soon, too, which will provide us cover to…”

Long past listening to the detestable Legendkin, Scarlet created a blood portal.  “Let’s meet up with them, Ben.  Rachel should have a plan.”

The Pixy practically oozed relief when she ignored Relica’s speech.  “Right!  I … Just tell me what to do,” he said, darting through the portal in desperation.

Scarlet felt terrible for him; turning to Relica, she shook her head.  “You should stay…”

However, Relica groaned and stepped into the gateway before Scarlet could tell her to stay behind; she’d had enough of the woman’s defeatist attitude and lack of humanity.

She’s such a bitch…  Scarlet seethed.

Teleporting a hundred meters in front of Jim’s path, Scarlet’s blood returned to her body; the damage to her bones was mending, showing the lingering energy itself was involved in the pain.

When Scarlet exited, she was confused to discover the demonic woman was nowhere to be seen.  Turning, she rubbed her arm, unable to find her anywhere else.

She was right there … I know I saw her, but … Was it whatever Twilight did to me?  Maybe we’re being watched from the shadows?

Stomach turning with unease, Scarlet kept on her guard.

It didn’t take long for Jim to meet with them, slowing to a stop once nearing, and Rachel jumped off, looking positively beaming with a smile that put confidence back in Scarlet’s breast.

“Rachel!”  she cried, running forward to hug her.

Chuckling a little, Rachel returned the embrace and looked past her.  “Hey!  Looks like you’re feeling better … Hmm, so Fiona’s trying to fight Armand again, and it looks like things aren’t looking good … We should hurry.”

“Umm … No?  She was doing okay, I think?”  Releasing her, Scarlet turned to zoom in through the devastated city.

Filtering out the smoke and dust being blown into a whirlwind, and almost all of the demonic bugs had retreated to the airfield, she saw what Rachel was referencing.  Fiona was darting around the air with hundreds of flying shadow wolves that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

“Wha … They weren’t there like a minute ago!”  Scarlet gasped.  “Rachel, we—we can’t hurt him at all, did you…”

“Uh-huh!  I heard!  I heard!”  Rachel shook her head with a weak chuckle.  “It’s fine!”

Stepping back a little, Scarlet gripped her left arm.  “Really?”

“Really!”  Rachel doubled down.  “It’s really fine; we’ve got a plan!”

Grace grunted, draping herself over Jim’s neck.  “You’ve got a plan…”

Relica glared at Rachel, keeping her distance; her vision gradually moved to Grace.  “How did you escape Xazzos?”

“Eh,” Grace wiped away the sweat on her forehead and readjusted her hat while straightening.  “Ya wouldn’t believe it if I told ya.”

“Try me,” she challenged, catching Rachel’s eye.

Grace shot Rachel a lifted eyebrow and received a gesture to go ahead.  “Alright … Well, Rachel just up and tossed him against the big wall, and he exploded … Heh, it got pretty messy—disgusting organs flying everywhere, and all.”

“The wall?”  Relica’s vision lifted to the sky, lips parting with understanding.  “The … Oh … Now, that certainly would be stronger than Xazzos … I suppose,” she mumbled, and her focus drifted back to Rachel.  “There’s … something different about you, though.”

Grace forced a laugh, fidgeting in her saddle.  “You don’t say?  I mean, heh, have ya seen her hair?  It’s a lot more colorful … Ya know?  That’s somethin’”

Scarlet was confused; Rachel acted like everything was perfectly under control, but Grace’s emotions were all over the place.  Gisele soon caught up, landing behind Grace, and from what she could see of the Bunny Gang, they were in battle mode.

What’s going on … Why is Relica now making sense?  Is a demon possessing her … Supernatural’s a thing, and we’re talking about demons … What’s up with her aura, too?

Something unusual mixed with the feelings Scarlet got from her new sister, an uneasiness that lingered around her that didn’t match.

Rachel puffed out some air while patting her on the shoulder and walking around to meet with Relica.  “Sorry, Scarlet, but we need to be quick; Fiona doesn’t have much time.”

Relica took a few steps back, fingers tightening against her forearms.  “There’s something … What else happened because that’s not the direction of the airfield?”

Bypassing her question, Rachel stopped to give the woman space, and a low growl passed through her throat before scratching her left ear.  “Relica … I actually … I need your help; something only you can do … I doubt anyone in the U.S. has the abilities needed for it, and it’s the only way I see to get past this whole Hell arc we’ve found ourselves in.”

The Sorceress’s uneasiness lifted a tad as a small grin lifted the corner of her lips.  “Oh?  You have my interest; I did not expect you to butter me up, but it also makes me suspicious.  I’m flattered, of course,” she giggled, “but what … did you have in mind?”

Grace’s fingers tightened around Jim’s reins; there was disquiet in her emotional state, and Scarlet got ready to restrain Rachel if it came to it.  If there was something controlling her, she’d figure out a way to free her, but she couldn’t tell with how Rachel acted sometimes.

“Are you okay, Rachel?”  Scarlet tentatively asked.

Rachel dismissively waved her hand back.  “A little tired after that fight.  Nia’s fast asleep, but I had some time to rest while riding Jim … Anyway, Relica, you have a knife that can disrupt magical forces, right?”

Relica’s dubious smile grew with her intrigue.  “Oh … Were you listening to my conversation with Scarlet and deduced that?  Naughty Hare, heh, and I thought you’d be too focused on Xazzos to bother checking up on Scarlet and me.  Maybe we are growing more accustomed to one another.  Isn’t that nice?”

A low note reverberated in Rachel’s throat.  “Mmgmm … One step at a time, but … I will say, you are more helpful than I first thought.”

What is going on?  Relica’s helpful?

Scarlet looked at Grace, who gave an unconvincing shrug, and Benedict floated up to her to ask if there was any new information about the twins.  Rachel’s strange behavior continued, though, and after looking beyond them, her fang dug into her lip.

Fiona was having trouble dealing with the horde of wolves while Armand sat on the ground and watched with amusement.  Rachel has a plan … She has to, right … but with Relica?

“I’m tickled, Rachel!”  Relica chortled, holding up her hand; purple flames discharged to reveal the obsidian blade.  “I thought we could get alone at some point, but this is a pleasant surprise in scheduling!  What do you need disrupting?”

Rachel folded her arms and shifted her weight to stare at the wicked object; Relica was flipping it around her fingers in an expert manner while continuing to study the Hare.  “Oh … so, this is it, huh … You can disrupt a demonic ritual with it, I assume?”

Relica paused, fingers tightening around the handle and eyebrows coming together.  “I … can, but that is an odd question … something like Asher’s little—well, his huge thing is far too large for even my expertise … For now, at least,” she laughed, pointing the blade in the direction of the airfield.  “Give me a few days, and I could think of something, but we don’t have…”

Warning bells exploded in Scarlet’s mind as Relica closed her eyes for a moment to smile, and a red mist seeped out of her body to collect behind the Sorceress.  The same voluptuous, horned demoness she saw earlier formed in the blink of an eye.

Scarlet couldn’t move; it was happening faster than she could react.

Runes exploded across Relica’s skin, and violet whips lurched out to enclose the demon, yet in the time it took Scarlet to open her mouth, the woman’s barbed tail lashed out and dug through Relica’s spine, and every defense on the Sorceress’s body died in a torrent of overwhelming force that paralyzed Scarlet in place.

“I-Impossible,” Relica breathed, shadowy from flickering as Rachel calmly watched.  “I … I can’t return—you … I knew it … Dammit!  When did…”

Rachel’s calm voice cut the Sorceress off, and in a flash of movement, reached out to take the knife from Relica’s grip.  “I’m not being controlled, Relica, and yes, Scarlet, Benedict, this is all a part of the plan.”

“Wolfgang?”  Relica asked in disbelief.  “You made a deal … with Wolfgang?  No, but this power is stopping me…”

“Demonic abilities,” Rachel replied, walking around to stand before the disgruntled demoness.  “You can release Scarlet, Yseress.”

The vice imprisoning her was released, and Grace muttered a curse under her breath.

“R-Rachel,” Scarlet gasped, flexing her fingers, but she couldn’t do anything but watch in stunned disbelief as the Hare pulled back the woman’s neck cover to reveal a complicated diagram tattoo that burned with red light.

What … happened?

* * *

Rachel took Relica’s knife and scanned for the specific anchoring point Izanami instructed to be cut, using Yseress as the intermediary.  It would only be temporary and would require further action to be taken, but that was fine; she had a plan for that.

She spoke while tracing the uncomfortable demoness’s neck with her fingernail; Yseress didn’t like that Izanami was so casually handing her over to her or the fact she’d be consumed in time, but Rachel wasn’t sold on following that outcome, considering it was what Izanami wanted.

They were in a partnership, and Yseress was the fusing point that was also Rachel’s collateral over the fallen deity.  Without Yseress, the agreement would be nullified; in essence, Rachel was now a demonic slave owner.

Yseress’s fingers tightened around her purse, eye twitching as Rachel circled around her wings to pull back her hair and study the nape of her neck.  A demon hated their contracts and binding rituals to be explored, seeing as it was literally the only anchor she had to this reality; if something went wrong, there were numberless horrific outcomes that could await her.

The revealed weakness was amusing to Rachel; demons seemed so scary, but the higher figures needed much preparation and work to not be dragged back to Hell.  Removing her throat guard was like being naked and vulnerable to the woman, but Wolfgang’s calling card was written into her anchor.

Finding satisfaction in catching the Sorceress off-guard, as well, seeing as Relica did the same to her and manipulated her emotions to make a fool out of herself, Rachel casually explained what was happening; it was also for Scarlet’s benefit.

“Did you know that your extensive research with Asher allowed Wolfgang to further modify your work and summon Yseress … He really is a brilliant man, considering what he was able to do, but there was a miscalculation on his part … You.”

Relica’s body began to tremble, trying to escape without luck.  “How … can she stop me from using … any magic?”

“Good question … Yseress?”  Rachel asked, finding the area and making sure she was surgically careful to split the various layers of complex ritualistic spells interwoven into an artistic masterpiece.

Scarlet slowly closed the distance to circle the three of them; naturally, her blood came out, and Rachel couldn’t blame her.  It took two godly figures to help her understand what needed to be done, and it would bring her closer to her goal; there was something much higher she could reach for—a power to protect everyone she loved and experience the thrill of a challenge.

The woman’s voice was solemn, clearly uncomfortable.  “I am disrupting your spiritual tie to your body; spiritual projection may grant you certain feats, especially while molding a temporary physical form around it, but you leave yourself practically wide open for attack.”

“In short,” Rachel replied, “Everything you’ve learned while being with us will not return to your mind—or whatever their word for it is,” she said.  “All you’ll know is that this version of you died, and that is it … I just needed your weapon to give me leeway.”

Yseress stiffened as her soon-to-be new owner placed the magical knife against her neck, forcing her black locks to the side, and a few low moans shook her throat as Rachel carefully traced the lines.  “Mmgm … C-Careful”

Scarlet, Benedict, Grace, and even Gisele seemed utterly baffled while watching the event continue; it was almost over.

Unexpectedly, Relica began to chuckle.  “I … can’t say I saw this coming from you, Rachel … I respect your ruthlessness.  Next time, I won’t be caught so off-guard; I’ll take precautions.  I look forward to working with you again.”

“Of course you would,” Rachel mumbled.  “I suspect we’ll meet again in Havana, but for now, I need to kill Armand … there,” she cheered, stopping at the red hexagram with intricate writing too small for the human eye to see.

Yseress’s shoulders fell with a low groan before rubbing her neck and folding up the cloth again.  “I … feel so much better!”  she giggled, working her left shoulder.  “I’m surprised you managed it, mortal … I’m free of Wolfgang … for a time.”

She crossed her arms and turned to look at Rachel.  “I follow my true master … even to my own destruction,” she mumbled, happiness dying with the light in her eyes.

Rachel rubbed her left ear as it twitched; she’d be lying if this wasn’t a risk in itself, but her grandfather’s ability should help to calm whatever dysfunction the Hell Moon caused, and if not, this was a perfect opportunity to test it out.

Scarlet’s jaw dropped open as Relica folded inward, collapsing into a small ball before twisting and being ripped apart for Yeseress to float up to her lips and pop it into her mouth.

“Not my finest meal,” she sighed.  “Hopefully, it won’t be my last.”

Turning to Scarlet, Rachel didn’t hesitate to even ponder on Relica’s frustrating failure to retrieve what she came to get.  “Now that Yseress’s link to Wolfgang is undone, he’ll know she will come after him; to be truly free, she needs to eat his soul, which means, I need you to get him with everyone else; he’ll have protection.”

Scarlet straightened, left fist held tightly against her breast.  “You … really are Rachel, right?”

“I am,” Rachel laughed, feeling better than she had in a long time.  Darting forward to hug her, she pulled away and pointed back to where Fiona had been.  “I’ve been keeping track of things, and Fiona pulled out some good new spells, but she’s running low on sugar.  We need to hurry; If you don’t get to Wolfgang, then I could be put under his control.”

Scarlet sucked in her lower lip.  “T-That’s a lot t-to take in!  Umm … Okay … and you’re going to…”

Rachel nodded.  “Kill Armand and give Fiona the chance to head below and get Maria.  We’re splitting up, and I don’t want any of you around while I figure out this new power I’ve got.  Okay?”

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Scarlet nodded.  “Okay!  Get Armand—no, Wolfgang!  Wolfgang!  Get him, and—and bring him back!”

“I’ll guide ya to where we last saw him,” Grace mumbled, but she had a worried look in her blue eyes.  “Just … don’t be losin’ your way, Rachel … I just started to like you gals a lot, but … demons are a bit much … eh, heh, I’m trying to follow along—be patient.”

“He-he-he,” Rachel stretched side to side.  “Thanks, Grace.  I’ll buy you as much beer or whiskey or whatever you want after this.  Deal?”

The cowgirl returned a strained grin.  “I can drink to that … heh, if I had a drink!  Alright, Scarlet, let’s get this going and get outta here!  I’ve got some liquor with my name on it, girl!”

Scarlet glanced at Gisele as she jumped up to hover in the air.  “All of … them, too?”

“No, not Gisele, Hayan, Coral, and Rose … They’ll be by my side, changing alongside me.”

“Oh … okay,” Scarlet whispered.  “Will we be able to … you know, see you if you think it’s safe?”

“Of course!”  Rachel grinned, waving her off.  “Alright, get going, and I’m going to go get this dance started; Armand’s going to have his first challenge.  Oh, and watch out for Xazzos; he’s still alive.”

“Damn devils…”  Grace moaned, head drooping.  “Why’d it have to be devils…”

Jim swung around, and Scarlet created a blood portal, following Grace’s directions, and they were soon gone.

Her pets jumped after her as Rachel backed away, staring at Yseress.  “I know you aren’t fond of this, but my leverage hinges on me keeping you alive.  I might just be your favorite master,” she joked, tapping the woman’s arm.

“I suppose,” Yseress whispered, but her mood hadn’t lightened.  “I suppose it’s time…”

Tucking under her trembling cherry-red bottom lip, the demoness closed her eyes and dispersed into a mist to enter her Core; it was strange, different from before.

Nia’s playful, energetic force inside her was upbeat and silly while this creature was smooth, cunning, and deceptive, yet with the master seal of Izanami transferring to imprint on Rachel’s own existence, there was no undoing this binding.  Yseress would serve her until the end of time.

Something more touched on the back of Rachel’s mind, as well; if Nia was now unbound from her previous limitations by connecting to her and the seed, would that also translate to Yseress if she managed to keep the demon alive, and how would that translate to the future?

She grinned down at her buns and Lunar Phoenix, feeling the weaving threads of the fallen Diety work her former servant in-between Nia and her to squeeze the Hell Energy out and flood her Core with it.

Rachel watched in fascination as black flames laced with crimson lightning began tracing around her body, and a calm, welcoming chill filled her breast as the woman’s energies seeped into her being and the seed absorbed them to recreate an end product Rachel desired that also fit with Yseress’s makeup.

Curses, Hell Fire, foreign, destructive universal energies, and an unnatural spur of intense strength that enhanced her body seeped through her other Lunar attributes, which soon spread to her three buns and Gisele, taking on more demonic, yet elegant figures that matched the devil they drew their power from.

She raised her arm to watch her skin tint a light purplish-red to match Yseress’s skin tone, and her tattoos surfaced across Rachel’s arms, shoulders, and above her chest; much of it was hidden by the bandages on her arms, and Rachel considered modifying the outfit with Nia later to fit the look when needed.

Her multi-colored hair became night-black with only a single, spiraling lock that showed her other three Lunar Pool colors; she was sure more would come as she continued to draw upon the demoness.

Rachel could feel the pain Yseress experienced from the process, yet it wasn’t all that concerning to her but a passing thought.  Her heart was growing colder the more power she called upon, and the abyss seemed endless.

The world moved as if she had Rapid Mental Acceleration active at all times; she thought it was funny, all she wanted to do was live without being controlled and do whatever she wanted, and unlike most demons, she didn’t serve anyone.

Izanami’s voice tickled her ears and tail as if pins and needles that left the desire for more.  “You’re not like these other changed humans anymore; revel in Hell’s gift.”

Without taking much interest in how her pets changed, knowing they’d follow her lead as the master, Rachel stretched out her neck, leaned forward, and dashed forward, faster than she’d ever moved—she was free.

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6 years ago

I thought low grade potions were 2 large silver? It doesn’t make sense for them to cost less than some clothing.

6 years ago

thank you guys for the chapter !!! lmao i hope the Captain Dick check will be ok XD

Gin Otamegane
6 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

6 years ago

Thanks for the chapter~!

6 years ago

Thanks for the new chapter!

6 years ago

Thank you very much 🙂

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