

Volume One is finished with this transition. It was installment 126 on the web, and the end of Chapter 18 in the print format that I am preparing.

I hope readers are enjoying this story, as years of world building went into it (as might be becoming apparent at this point). This story has a long history, going back decades. But, I’ll admit, it may have made it a little tough to read. In fact, for those who are enduring this in three-per-week installments, I almost want to apologize. I have realized that a multi-threaded, multi-POV work like this may not be the best to read in such piecemeal form. I suspect it would be far easier to read in print or in long installments, so I deeply appreciate the readers who have stuck with it in this format.

As you may have guessed by now, this is a long-form work, currently planned for seven volumes in total. Since I am rewriting it as I post, there is a potential for this to change. The original (which was online once upon a time under the title “Seryahdin”) was at the end of its third volume at the time I withdrew it and decided to rethink the way I was presenting it.

The original had a different POV in each volume. The people seen here on Chald were in volume one, and the second volume went back to Earth and followed the people left behind. Then it went to Trin and the first group. It wasn’t working, so I decided to intertwine the two.

The result is, the beginning of the original volume 2 is now spread throughout volume 1 as little glimpses of Earth showing up every eight or nine installments. Now that I rearranged it this way, I’ve realized the Earth installments may have looked extraneous. In the next volume, the Earth thread will become much more prominent, especially in the first half, and readers will start seeing why Earth was kept in the picture.

Overall, I like this intertwined format better, but it threw a lot of extra characters at the reader. The next volume will add more, but I promise, not as many more as the first volume introduced.

As this is becoming a very detailed work, I have decided to close the volume with four appendices, holding information to help with the overload of background detail. They will post on the next scheduled release date.

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Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

Again, thank you for reading this far, and I hope you all stay with me for the continuing story!

- my thoughts:

I am currently posting three chapters per week on a M-W-F basis.


Appendices - 3/20/20

Volume Two - 3/23/20

Check out my other novel: Substitute Hero

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